College of Business

College Administrative Offices  Office  Telephone 
Dean of the College Nancy Hayes BUS 321 338-2670
Associate Dean Caran Colvin BUS 321 338-1276
Director of Graduate Programs John Dopp DTC 552E 817-4355
Director of Executive MBA Aaron Anderson DTC 552F 817-4321
Student Services Center John Van Savage BUS 112 405-3531
College Directory 
Department  Chair/Director  Office  Telephone 
Accounting Jiunn Huang SCI 300 338-1107
Decision Sciences Robert Saltzman BUS 310 338-2138
Finance Alan Jung SCI 300 338-1107
Hospitality and Tourism Management Janet Sim BUS 306 338-6087
Information Systems Robert Nickerson BUS 310 338-2138
International Business Joel Nicholson SCI 300 338-1107
Management Tom Staley BUS 310 338-2138
Marketing Kathy O'Donnell SCI 300 338-1107
Center/Institute  Coordinator  Office  Telephone 
CampusITSolutions Sam Gill BUS 301 338-1311
Center for Electronic Business Robert Nickerson BUS 206D 338-7477
Ohrenschall Center for Entrepreneurship Connie Marie Gaglio DTC 590 817-4354

College of Business

All degree programs in the College of Business are accredited by AACSB International (Association for the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business). The College of Business offers the following undergraduate degrees:

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with the following concentrations:

Accounting 05021
Corporate Finance 05041
Decision Sciences 05071
Electronic Commerce Systems 05013
Entrepreneurial/Small Business Management 05996
Financial Services 05043
Information Systems 07021
International Business 05131
Management 05061
Marketing 05091

Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management

The College of Business offers the following minor programs:

Business Administration
Decision Sciences
Entrepreneurial/Small Business Management
Hospitality Management
Information Systems
International Business

The College of Business offers the following certificate programs:

Certificate in Hospitality Management
Certificate in Information Technology Auditing
Certificate in International Business
Certificate in the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing
Certificate in the Study of Public Accountancy

The College of Business offers the following graduate degrees:

Executive Master of Business Administration 05011
Master of Business Administration 05011
Master of Science in Business Administration 05011

The various graduate programs offered by the College of Business are accredited by the AACSB (Association for the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business).

Department Structure

The College of Business is made up of eight departments, supervised by chairpersons. The departments are: Accounting, Decision Sciences, Finance, Hospitality Management, Information Systems, International Business, Management, and Marketing.

College Mission

The mission of the College of Business is to provide high quality business education to a diverse learning community through innovative teaching, research, and service, predicated on a vision of a 21st century in which the college plays an essential role in establishing and maintaining San Francisco as an epicenter of global business, innovation, and leadership.

The College of Business offers undergraduate, graduate, and executive business education, providing a broad and exciting array of courses of study and concentrations.

The student body is diverse, reflecting not only the San Francisco area, but also the large number of international students who choose San Francisco State University’s College of Business. In 2004, the College awarded more undergraduate business degrees to Asian Americans than any other institution in the United States. As the feminist Gloria Steinem once said: “Go to San Francisco State. It’s the only campus that looks like the world.”

The College of Business at San Francisco State is among the less than 25% of business schools in the US and 15 % of international schools that are fully accredited by AACSB International, The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

The core values guiding the College of Business decision-making and behavior are:

Facilitating Access
Building on a tradition of offering broad access to diverse students—both traditional students and working adults—the College of Business will offer classes morning, afternoon and evening, on weekdays and on weekends, on campus and off at affordable prices.

Intellectual Capital
The College of Business strives to reinforce basic skills and substantive business knowledge that can be adapted and applied throughout our students' careers. We do so in a setting that promotes inquiry, respects differences, tolerates dissention and encourages lifelong learning.

Engaged Learning Partnership
As a learning community involving faculty, staff, students, administrators, and business professionals, the College of Business will work as a team in pursuit of learning, shared discovery, and intellectual inquiry.

Knowledge Creation & Dissemination
The College of Business faculty is committed to the study, understanding, advancement, and diffusion of knowledge through research that improves global business practice. While the California State University focuses on applied research, the College of Business encourages all forms of quality research.

Ethical and Professional Management
The College of Business strives to manage our enterprise in an exemplary manner, respecting the principles of shared governance, effective leadership, and faculty/staff service.

San Francisco Mindset
The College of Business celebrates the fact that our school reflects our community and the greater San Francisco community is among the most cosmopolitan, diverse, and tolerant in the world. Such a munificent environment offers opportunities for the College of Business to focus on emerging technologies, global markets, and service industries.

Culture of Collaboration
In accordance with San Francisco State University values, the College of Business embraces innovation as it relates to delivering learning opportunities, providing core service and support, and engaging the community through collaborative interactions.

Commitment to Excellence
As part of the continuous improvement process, we build in processes to obtain feedback from all constituencies including faculty, staff, students, alumni, employers, other universities, and business professionals.