Administrative Officers

Executive Offices
President Robert A. Corrigan
        Staff Assistant to the President Elogeanne O. M. Grossman
        Chief of Staff Patricia B. Bartscher
        Director, Special Projects Sheila McClear
 University Counsel Patricia B. Bartscher
Academic Affairs
University Provost, Academic Affairs Sue V. Rosser
        Executive Assistant to the Provost/Vice President Stephanie Schwartz
 Associate Vice President, Academic Affairs Enrique Riveros-Schäfer
 Associate Vice President, Academic Planning and Educational Effectiveness Linda Buckley
 Associate Vice President, Academic Resources John Kim
        Director, Academic Technology Maggie Beers
Associate Vice President, Division of International Education Yenbo Wu
        Director, International Programs Hildy Heath
 Associate Vice President, Research and Sponsored Programs Jaylan Turkkan
 Dean, Faculty Affairs and Professional Development Wanda Lee
        Associate Dean for Faculty Development Pamela Vaughn
 Dean, Division of Graduate Studies Ann Hallum
 Dean, Division of Undergraduate Studies Gail Evans
        Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies, Advising, and Learning Services Helen Goldsmith
        Director, Undergraduate Advising Center Brett Smith
 Director, Institute for Civic and Community Engagement Gerald Eisman
 Director, College of Extended Learning Jim Bryan
Academic Deans
 Dean, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences Joel Kassiola
 Dean, College of Business Nancy Hayes
 Dean, College of Creative Arts Kurt Daw
 Dean, College of Education Jacob E. Perea
 Dean, College of Ethnic Studies Kenneth Monteiro
 Dean, College of Health and Human Services Don Taylor
 Dean, College of Humanities Paul Sherwin
 Dean, College of Science and Engineering Sheldon Axler
 University Librarian Deborah Masters
Student Affairs
Vice President, Student Affairs and Dean of Students J. E. (Penny) Saffold
        Executive Assistant to the Vice President and
        Special Assistant to the Dean
Evelyn Hooker
        Judicial Affairs Officer Donna R. Cunningham
        AIDS Coordinating Committee Michael Ritter
        Director, Athletics Michael Simpson
        Director, Educational Opportunity Program Ginger Yamamoto
        Director/Chief, Public Safety Kirk Gaston
        Medical Director, Student Health Service Dr. Alastair K. Smith
        Director, University Disability Programs and Resource Center Eugene R. Chelberg
        Managing Director, Disability Programs and Resource Center Nicole Bohn
  Associate Vice President, Student Affairs Eugene R. Chelberg
        Director, Career Center Jack Brewer
        Interim Director, Counseling and Psychological Services Derethia DuVal
        Coordinator, CEASE Program Michael Ritter
        Director, Student Programs/Leadership Development Joey D. Greenwell
  Associate Vice President, Enrollment Management Jo Volkert
        Director, Student Financial Aid Barbara Hubler
        Director, Student Systems Robert Maples
        Director, Student Outreach Services Frieda Lee
        Director, Testing Center Gerald F. Carrig
        Director, Undergraduate Admissions Valerie Perry
        University Registrar Suzanne Dmytrenko
        Executive Director, Housing and Residential Services Jan Andreasen
University Advancement
Vice President, University Advancement Lee Blitch
        Executive Assistant to the Vice President Debbie Chaw
 Associate Vice President, University Advancement Donna Blakemore
        Director, Alumni Relations Doug Hupke
        Director, Government Relations Lisbet Sunshine
        Director, University Communications Ellen Griffin
Administration and Finance
Executive Vice President & CFO, Administration & Finance Leroy M. Morishita
        Executive Assistant to the Vice President & CFO Christopher W. Bomar
        Executive Assistant to the Vice President & CFO Barbara Cleveland
        Interim Internal Auditor Mark Osborne
        Budget Officer, Budget Administration & Operations Franz Lozano
 Senior Vice President, Physical Planning and Development Marilyn S. Lanier
        Associate Vice President, Capital Planning, Design and Construction Simon Y. Lam
        Associate Vice President, Facilities & Service Enterprises Robert E. Hutson
        Director, Campus Space Administration Zelinda Zingaro
 Associate Vice President, Division of Information Technology Jonathan R. Rood
 Interim Associate Vice President for Fiscal Affairs and Controller Agnes Wong-Nickerson
 Associate Vice President, Human Resources, Safety and Risk Management Lori Gentles
        Executive Director, Risk Management Michael Martin
Auxiliary Units
Executive Director, Associated Students Peter Koo
CEO & General Manager, San Francisco State University Bookstore Rob Strong
Managing Director, Cesar Chavez Student Center Guy Dalpe
Interim Chief of Operations, University Corporation, San Francisco State Agnes Wong-Nickerson
President, San Francisco State University Foundation Lee Blitch