College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
(See Anthropology in the Academic Programs section for information on degrees)
Undergraduate Courses
100 Introduction to Biological Anthropology (3) [GE]
Human beings in relation to the animal kingdom, geological time, and human evolution; fossil humans; human heredity; anthropometry; criteria of race; racial theories and problems. [CAN ANTH 2]
110 Introduction to Archaeology (3) [GE]
Old and New World prehistory, including discovery and invention, domestication of plants and animals, science, technology, and other aspects of culture. [CAN ANTH 6]
120 Introductory Social and Cultural Anthropology (3) [GE]
Principles and concepts of sociocultural anthropology. Cross-cultural description and analysis of culture, society, and personality. People and environment. Social relations: kinship, religion, social control, racism. Social change and applied anthropology. [CAN ANTH 4]
220 Current Issues in Anthropology (3)
Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. Selected contemporary anthropological issues in areas of ecology, racism, human evolution, women studies, linguistic communication, archaeology. May be team-taught to bring together cross-cultural, evolutionary, and pre-historical data. May be repeated twice for credit when topics vary.
300 Foundations of Anthropology: History (4)
Prerequisites: ANTH 100, 110, and 120. Anthropology as a synthesis of knowledge concerning man as a cultural animal; rise of anthropology as a discipline; an historical treatment of the chief trends in anthropological thought through the mid-twentieth century.
310 Kinship and Social Structure (3)
Comparative study of the relationship between kinship, social, and territorial units of non-literate and pre-industrial peoples and the development of modern societal institutions.
315 Regional Ethnography (3)
Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. Ethnic and cultural backgrounds of peoples of selected cultural or geographic areas including ecology, social organization, cultural history, religion, the arts, and culture change. May be repeated twice for credit when topics vary.
317 Topics in Anthropology (1)
Prerequisite: ANTH 100, 110, or 120. Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. Intensive three session, one-unit, weekend workshop on a selected topic, incorporating lectures, discussion, and films and/or museum exhibits. CR/NC grading only.
318 Culture and Society in Central Asia and the Caucasus (4)
Prerequisites: one course in cultural anthropology and upper division standing. An introduction to the peoples of Central Asia and the Caucasus focusing on social structure, economy, religion, and political life and the construction of cultural, ethnic, and national identity in pre-, during, and post-Soviet periods.
319 Peoples and Culture of the Middle East (3) [GE]
Prerequisite: upper division standing. Through lectures, ethnographies, theoretical readings, films, and class discussions, introduces students to the peoples and cultures of the region broadly defined as the Middle East, and to the way in which anthropologists have studied them.
320 Racism: Cross-Cultural Analysis (3) [GE]
Cultural history of racism as related to colonialism and imperialism. History of anthropology in relation to and against racism. Modern racism as on-going intellectual, political movement. Anti-racism and educational-anthropological methods to defeat racism. (Also offered as CST 320.)
321 Endangered Cultures (3) [GE]
Analysis of incompatible interaction between policies and attitudes of industrial civilizations (massive exploitation of human and natural resources under their politico-military control), and on-going cultural degradation and extermination of primitive and tribal societies beginning 150 years ago.
327 Anthropology and Film (4)
Prerequisite: upper division standing. Presents social and cultural anthropology through films, ethnographies, and popular writings of anthropologists. Emphasis on major anthropological films and associated texts. Discussion of use of film/video as ways to document, interpret, and communicate cultural patterns and human social behavior. (Also offered as CINE 327.)
330 Human Osteology (4)
Prerequisite: ANTH 100. Imparts a thorough knowledge of the human skeleton, bone dynamics, and anthropometric and morphological analysis of modern and fossil skeletal materials. Laboratory sessions provide practical training in handling of the research on osteological and fossil materials. Classwork, two units; laboratory, two units.
331 Fossil Humans (4) [GE]
The fossil evidence for human evolution. Comparative primate anatomy and function; skeletal morphology of hominid fossils. Ecological and geological settings. Trends and processes in human evolution. Classwork, two units; laboratory, two units.
332 Human Variation Today (4) [GE]
History of race classification and concepts, review of basic population genetics, world survey of aboriginal and heterogenous modern population biology; bio-cultural input to adaptations in modern humans. Classwork, two units; laboratory, two units.
333 Primate Behavior (3)
Social behavior of prosimians, monkeys, and apes. Reproduction, play, communication, aggression, ranging, and territoriality. Interrelationships between ecology and social organization. Emphasis on field studies of free-living primates.
343 Women and Work (3) [GE]
For course description, see S S 343. (Also offered as LABR 343.)
350 The North American Indian (3)
Prehistory, physical anthropology, and ethnology of the Indians of North America. Characterization of aboriginal culture areas with reference to ecology, contributions, and culture contact.
352 Peoples and Cultures of California (3) [GE]
Prerequisites: ENG 214 and junior standing or consent of instructor. An interdisciplinary survey of the peoples and cultures of California, past and present. Ethnicity, race, gender, and class as factors defining the nature of California life and cultural expression. (Also offered as AMST 352.)
356 Archaeology of California (3) [GE]
Overview coverage of the prehistoric heritage of California's native-American cultures studied in the comparative light of ethnohistoric and ethnographic data. Major emphasis is given to the archaeological focus on culture-history, economy, settlement pattern, ecology, political organization, and processual adaptation.
360 The South American Indian (3)
Prehistory, physical anthropology, linguistics and ethnology of those aboriginal and post-Contact cultures of South America and contiguous parts of Central America defined as marginal, tropical forest and circum-Caribbean, with emphasis on ecological, demographic and acculturational problems and developing nationalism.
391 Traditional Asia (3) [GE]
An overview of pre-1500 traditional Asian cultures, encompassing the origins and evolution of philosophical, aesthetic, linguistic, political, social, and technological patterns in China, Japan, Korea, and South and Southeast Asia. (Also offered as HIST/IR 391.)
446 Peasants in Contemporary Perspective (3)
Prerequisite: ENG 214 or equivalent. Critical examination of ecological, moral economy, political economy, and world systems approaches to study of peasants. Topics covered include characteristics of the socio-economic organization of peasant households and villages, patron-client relationships, agrarian reform, cashcropping, differentiation, migration, and peasant political reaction.
457 AIDS: Anthropological Perspectives (3)
Prerequisite: one anthropology course or one course from Human Sexuality cluster or consent of instructor. Introduction to the anthropological study of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, focusing on the cultural dimensions of the response to the virus in diverse communities. Course requirements include volunteer/field work and research. (Also offered as HMSX 457.)
470 Archaeology of Mexico (3) [GE]
Pre-Cortesian cultures and civilizations in Meso-America; origins of agriculture, cities, politics, and economic institutions; emphasis upon the Olmecs, Teotihuacanos, Toltecs, Maya, and Aztecs.
471 The Ancient Maya (3) [GE]
A general account of the civilization of the Maya Indians of Mexico and Guatemala. Emphasis is on recent findings in Maya archaeology and on interpretations of Maya history, politics, art, economy, and writing. Lectures illustrated with slides, films, and guest speakers (Mayan archaeologists).
475 Ancient South America (3)
The rise of civilization in western South America; prehistory and achievements of the Indians of Peru and the Inca empire; relations with Indians of Bolivia, Colombia, and the Chibcha civilization.
480 Ancient Civilizations of the Near East (3)
Prehistory and development of culture in the Near East; the neolithic and urban revolutions; empires and conquests.
481 Asian Prehistory (3)
An anthropological/archaeological examination of the development of human culture in eastern Asia (China, Mongolia, Manchuria, Korea, Japan, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam). Presents the archaeological data and interpretation of the Asian Paleolithic, Neolithic, and the foundation of Asian cultures as civilizations.
485 Archaeology of Women (3)
In conventional archaeology, the female half of human societies has been consistently ignored. Puts the forgotten sex back into the past, showing how an engendered archaeology modifies many of our views of human origins and prehistory.
491 Archaeological Methods (4)
Prerequisite: ANTH 110. Introduction to archaeological theory and methods; consideration of field reconnaissance, research design, excavation and laboratory methods; archaeological chronology, typology, cartography, photography, and other skills; quantitative methods and archaeological interpretation. Classwork, two units; laboratory, two units.
492 Archaeological Excavation and Data Analysis (6)
Prerequisite: ANTH 491 or consent of instructor. Advanced theory and methods of archaeological research; field experience (15 days) in sampling strategy, excavation, cartography, photography, and site survey; laboratory analysis of artifacts, human remains, and prehistoric economic material; historical and procedural interpretation of data; archaeological report preparation. Classwork, two units; laboratory, one unit; field work, three units. May be repeated twice for credit.
497 Writing for Museums, Galleries, and Other Cultural Institutions (3)
Prerequisites: ENG 214 or equivalent and passing score on diagnostic writing test administered during first week of class. For course description, see CLAR 497.
501 Latin America: The National Period (3)
For course description, see HIST 501. (Also offered as LARA/S S 501.)
550 Culture and Personality (3)
The anthropological approach to the study of personality. Theories of cultural influence in the development and structure of personality. Methods of culture and personality study with illustrative materials from various societies.
551 Psychological Anthropology (3)
Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. Comparative cross-cultural approaches to the study of relations between individuals and culture. Biocultural processes, linguistic and symbolic components of cognitive systems, socialization, identity processes, definition and treatment of deviance, and folk theories of psychology. May be repeated once for credit as topic varies.
555 Urban Anthropology (4) [GE]
Prerequisites: one course in social and cultural anthroplogy and upper division standing or URBS 400. Examines the impact of urban environments upon human behavior cross-culturally. Students study: ethnographic field work techniques, the history and theoretical roots of urban anthroplogy, and case studies from around the world. (Also offered as URBS 555.)
557 Ethnography of the Inner City (4)
Prerequisites: one course in cultural anthropology and upper division standing or URBS 400. Must be taken concurrently with ANTH 555 or consent of instructor. Students are trained in participant-observation fieldwork techniques and undertake research projects in inner city communities in the Bay Area. (Also offered as URBS 557.)
569 Cross-Cultural Aspects of Sex and Gender (3) [GE]
Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Comparative study of sex, sexuality and gender, with emphasis on the control of sexuality, cultural components of gender role and gender identity, and symbolic aspects of sex and gender. Anthropological contributions to theory in sex research.
580 Anthropology and the Arts (4) [GE]
Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. The arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas are studied in their expressive, stylistic, technological, and structural-functional dimensions. Course offerings specify graphic, plastic, verbal, and music arts. May be repeated twice for credit when topics vary.
581 Anthropology and Folklore (3) [GE]
The nature and form of folklore, its cultural setting, transmissions and dynamics. Psychological, ethnic, and philosophical considerations of folklore and its relationship to drama, art, and music. Methods of collecting folk tales are developed through class participation.
585 Multinational Corporations and World Cultures (4) [GE]
Prerequisites: ANTH 120; ENG 214 or equivalent. The effects of multinational corporate activities on the cultures, as distinct from (though related to) the economies, of non-western societies. Ethnographic and ecological studies by anthropologists in a variety of world cultures. Theoretical and ethical implications of social scientific work on giant companies are discussed. (Also listed as CST 585.)
590 Anthropology of Women (3) [GE]
Critical reassessment of ethnographic, physical, anthropological, and pre-historical materials on women. Theories on origins of the family, social structuring of sexuality, and changing sex and gender in modern societies. (Also offered as CST/WOMS 590.)
591 Topics in Applied Anthropology (4)
Prerequisite ANTH 120. Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. Applications of anthropological theory and method to problems of public policy, development, and culture change. Conceptual and ethical issues in "action anthropology," and policy-oriented research. The anthropologist as a member of an interdisciplinary team. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
595 Visual Anthropology (6)
Prerequisite: consent of instructor. History, methods, and criteria for using film/video in recording, interpreting, and communication of facts and insights about human cultures and social behavior. Study of major ethnographic films and ethnographies and practical use of film/video in fieldwork. Classwork, three units; fieldwork, three units. May be repeated with permission of instructor and department chair.
608 Primate and Human Population (3) [GE]
The application of population concepts to primate (monkeys and apes) and human (mainly hunter-gatherer) populations. Growth-rates, age-structures, sex-ratios and their effects on social organization.
620 Class and Ethnicity: Anthropological Perspectives (4)
Prerequisite: one course in cultural anthropology or consent of instructor. Anthropological approaches to understanding how class interacts with ethnicity. Analyzes cultural and ideological processes in the context of structured inequality. Includes case studies from indigenous Latin America and the U.S.
630 Medical Anthropology (3)
Prerequisite: consent of instructor. The interplay of culture, genetics, population, and environment; cross-cultural medical education; folk and urban medical systems as moral, social, and cognitive systems.
651 Ethnographic Field Methods (6)
Prerequisite: ANTH 310 or consent of instructor. Applied study of anthropological data-gathering methods, participant observation, scheduled and open-ended interview, life history, survey, questionnaire, projective techniques, electronic aids. May be repeated once for credit. Classwork, two units; field work, four units.
652 Anthropological Statistics (3)
Prerequisite: ANTH 310 or consent of instructor. Applied study of the methods and techniques available to the anthropologist for analysis of data: categorization and classification; statistical inference and hypothesis testing; qualitative analysis. Classwork, two units; laboratory, one unit.
680 Seminar in Contemporary Anthropology (4)
Prerequisite: ANTH 300 or consent of instructor. Directed student investigation of specific theoretical problems in anthropology and exploration of current theory and method.
699 Special Study (1-3)
Prerequisite: consent of major adviser, department chair, and instructor. Supervised, individual study of a particular problem in anthropology. The student must state the problem, his method of data-gathering, and his method of data-analysis.
Graduate Courses
710 Proseminar in Anthropological Theory and Method (3)
Prerequisite: graduate standing in anthropology or consent of instructor. Directed application of anthropological theory, methods and research techniques, with emphasis on research design. Cannot be repeated for credit. Must be taken before or concurrently with other graduate seminars.
720 Topics in Graduate Anthropology (3)
Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. Designed for graduate exposure to trends, data, and methodology beyond the coverage of the four subdiscipline general graduate seminars. May be repeated for credit when topics vary. Classwork, two units; laboratory, one unit.
740 Seminar in Archaeological Problems (3)
Prerequisites: ANTH 491 and 710 or consent of instructor. Problems in archaeological theory and method, including synthetic techniques and culture-historical reconstruction. May be repeated once for credit.
760 Seminar in Physical Anthropology (3)
Prerequisites: ANTH 331 or 332 and 710 or consent of instructor. The general graduation seminar on various aspects of current research and trends in biological anthropology. Subject matter includes fossil evidence, modern human variation, comparative anatomy, and behavior and evolutionary theory. May be repeated once for credit.
770 Seminar in Problems in Cultural Anthropology (3)
Prerequisite: ANTH 710 or consent of instructor. Directed research in problems in cultural anthropology related to a specific cultural area, ethnic group, or specific topic. May be repeated once for credit.
771 Resistance and Domination: Anthropological Perspectives (4)
Prerequisite: one 700-level anthropology course or consent of instructor. Contemporary developments in ethnographic theory around the themes of resistance and domination. Readings from seven representative ethnographies spanning different theoretical approaches: feminism, political economy (Marxist), post modernism, and cultural production.
794 Museum Collections Management (3)
For course description, see MS 794. Laboratory.
795 Directed Experience in Museology (3)
Prerequisite: ANTH 794 or consent of instructor. Supervised, advanced practical experience in museum anthropology such as internship in community museums, exhibit design, field collection, catalogue publication, etc. May be repeated once for credit.
894 Creative Work Project (3)
Prerequisite: advancement to candidacy for the Master of Arts and approval of major adviser. An original creative work project in anthropology that could involve a community or academic service area, a museum catalogue, or an anthropological film. Graduate Approved Program and Proposal for Culminating Experience Requirement forms must be approved by the Graduate Division before registration.
896 Directed Reading in Anthropology (3)
Prerequisite: advancement to candidacy. Directed reading in general and special problems in anthropology, based on a standard bibliography. Readings and tutorial sessions. Open only to candidates for the master's degree in anthropology who are not presenting a thesis. Cannot be repeated for credit.
898 Master's Thesis (3)
Prerequisites: advancement to candidacy for the master's degree and consent of the chair of the thesis committee. Detailed research of a topic or problem in anthropology. Data may be derived from either field research or library resources. Research findings are presented in a written thesis acceptable to the student's committee. Graduate Approved Program and Proposal for Culminating Experience Requirement forms must be approved by the Graduate Division before registration.
899 Special Study (1-3)
Prerequisite: ANTH 710 and consent of student's graduate major adviser, department chair, and supervising faculty member. Individual research into a problem in anthropology. Student must state the problem, his method of data-gathering, and his method of data-analysis.