Bulletin--Counseling Discipline


College of Health and Human Services
(See Counseling in the Academic Programs section for information on degrees)

Undergraduate Courses

100 Education and Life Planning (3)

Implications of educational experience for life planning. Identification of skills, values, and knowledge. Consideration of a variety of anticipated life roles. Defining and implementing personally meaningful educational and career plans.

325 Selected Problems in Counseling (1-3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. Emerging areas of concern to counselors. May be repeated for a total of six units when different problems are considered.

326 Work and Leadership Issues of Bisexual, Lesbian, and Gays (3)

Prerequisite: ENG 114. For course description, see HMSX 326.

332 Women's Center Training (3)

Prerequisites: upper division standing and consent of instructor. Training program for Women's Center volunteers. Students are encouraged to develop meaningful roles in the planning and implementation of the Center's programs and services.

450 AIDS and People of Color in the U.S. (3) [GE]

Prerequisites: BIOL 327 and H ED 370. The political, psychological, social, and economical impact of AIDS/HIV infection on persons from diverse cultural backgrounds within the United States, with an emphasis on prevention and educational strategies. (Also offered as BLS 460.)

605 Interviewing Skills Practicum (3)

Peer counseling training course—includes peer counseling methods and techniques, practice and supervised field placements. There are weekly written assignments and a term paper.

606 Interviewing Skills (3)

Must be taken concurrently with COUN 605. For non-counseling majors. Focus on clinical process of helping individual students learn attending, responding, interpretation, decision-making and program development, implementation, and evaluation skills. May be repeated for a maximum of six units.

614 Interpersonal Issues in Sexuality (3) [GE]

Prerequisites: upper division standing and consent of instructor. The focus of this experience is to help students explore interpersonal issues regarding their sexuality in a supportive atmosphere. The goal of the group is individual development and greater self understanding.

620 Decision Making (3)

How individuals make choices in their lives. Covers identity, the meaning of work, leisure, and relationships; how decisions are made through self-assessment, evaluation by others, labor market conditions, and past experiences. Ethnic and cultural differences in the decision making process.

625 Selected Problems in Counseling (1-3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. Emerging areas of concern to counselors. May be repeated for a total of six units when different problems are considered.

630 Legal Center Training I (3)

Prerequisite: upper division standing and consent of instructor. Designed to equip volunteers with basic interviewing and attending skills and legal information to function appropriately in the Legal Center. Students are expected to maintain 3-4 hours per week in the center in addition to class meetings.

631 Legal Center Training II (3)

Prerequisite: COUN 630, consent of instructor, and upper division standing. Provides volunteers with additional practice in basic interviewing and attending skills and additional legal information for staffing the Legal Center. Students staff the Center a minimum of four hours per week, attend office meetings, take quizzes and exams, and carry out projects.

632 Student Leadership Development (3)

Prerequisite: election or appointment to student government, club, or organization leadership position, or consent of instructor. Theory and practice of leadership, covering organizational structure of the university, group decision making, sources of information, planning, budgeting, and communication skills.

690 Field of Counseling (3)

Prerequisites: senior or graduate standing and consent of instructor. Overview of the counseling profession including role and functions in career, college, marriage, family and child, mental health, rehabilitation, and school settings; historical perspective; professional identification; ethical considerations; self-awareness.

693 Employment and Disability (3)

Prerequisites: upper division standing and ENG 114. An experiential job readiness course for persons with disabilities offering job preparedness skill development, job placement follow-up services, and job negotiating skills training; and topics focusing on disability empowerment, management and self-advocacy. Includes fieldwork experience component. Intended primarily for persons with disabilities and clients of the California Department of Rehabilitation. May be repeated for a maximum of six units.

699 Special Study (1-3)

An intensive study of a particular problem in counseling under direction of a member of the department. Enrollment by petition approved by the instructor, adviser, and department chair. Open to regularly enrolled students only.

Graduate Courses

700 Theories of Counseling (3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Selected theories of counseling and personality. Overview of counseling process and practice relating to major approaches. Introduction to therapeutic practices, with illustration of relevant techniques and cases.

701 Professional Seminar I (3)

Must be taken first semester student is enrolled in the program. Entry seminar for counseling majors. Focus on issues related to specializations, licensing, credentialling, professional organizations, counselor roles and functions, ethics, and self-awareness.

702 Developmental Foundations for Counselors (3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Theories of human development and learning; adaptive behavior to normal development and congenital and traumatic disability; dynamics of family, home, and societal influences; and their implications for counseling.

703 Psychological Foundations for Counselors (3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Theories of mental health and mental illness, classification of behavior disorders, diagnosis and prognosis, psychological impairment, psychological issues related to physical disability, and implications for counseling and therapeutic interventions.

704 Psychosocial Aspects of Disability (3)

Prerequisites: COUN 703 and consent of instructor. Psychosocial reactions to physical disability. Includes disability experience, loss, mourning, social-environmental impacts on disability, self-concept, interpersonal relations, culture, and coping. Issues related to mentally ill also discussed.

705 Practicum and Internship (2-3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Must be taken concurrently with COUN 701 and 706. Initial practicum and intern experience for counseling students.

706 Interviewing Process (3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Must be taken concurrently with COUN 701 and 705. Development of clinical interviewing skills. Analysis of individual growth in clinical processes.

715 Assessment in Counseling (3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Instruction and practice in the clinical process of testing. Focus on individual counselor's ability to clinically analyze and interpret assessment instruments, including diagnostic tests for various counseling specializations. When appropriate, rehabilitation evaluation is included.

720 Career Counseling (1-3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Dynamics of vocational choice and occupational adjustments; social learning and developmental tasks, educational and vocational information; counseling process in occupational planning.

721 Computer Applications in Counseling (3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. The use of computers in counseling and guidance for such functions as advising, course registration/reservation, articulation between high schools and colleges and between community colleges, test scoring and interpretation, career guidance, and computer assisted instruction.

727 Advanced Career Counseling (3)

Prerequisites: COUN 720 or COUN 778 and consent of instructor. Seminar for career counseling specialists which emphasizes techniques in conducting personal career research and informational interviews, and skills and knowledge necessary to establishing a viable career placement center.

735 Advanced Practicum and Internship (2-3)

Prerequisites: COUN 705 and consent of instructor. Must be taken concurrently with COUN 736. Supervised internship for twelve hours a week in appropriate clinical facilities.

736 Advanced Counseling Process (3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Must be taken concurrently with COUN 735. Clinical analysis of counseling cases. Examination of individual counselor growth in assessment, management, and disposition of clients.

738 Alcohol and Substance Abuse (1)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Review of dynamics, behaviors, and treatment interventions related to alcohol and substance abuse. Focus on legal and clinical aspects.

739 Alcohol Counseling (1)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Review of the dynamics, behavior, and initial treatment interventions with clients and families where alcoholism is present. Focus on legal and clinical aspects.

740 Sexual Abuse (1)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. A review of the dynamics, behavior, and typical treatment interventions related to child and adult sexual abuse. Focus on legal and clinical aspects.

745 Rehabilitation in Industry (3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Seminar in theory and practice of rehabilitation counseling in industry. Includes: history, legal aspects, reporting requirements, unique counseling techniques, expert witness testimony. Emphasis on California Workers' Compensation Mandatory Rehabilitation; Federal Longshoremen and Harborworkers legislation.

748 Rehabilitation Engineering Technology (3)

Prerequisites: consent of instructor. Utilization and application of existing technologies to solving client rehabilitation problems in the areas of communication, mobility, daily living, and work. A case studies approach is taken.

749 Rehabilitation Engineering Technology II (3)

Prerequisite: COUN 748. An in-depth, user-oriented review of available technology in selected areas of rehabilitation, with techniques for evaluating user feedback, doing field testing and follow-up, and establishing criteria for future designs.

751 Mental Health Assessment of Deaf, Deafened, and Hard of Hearing Persons (2)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Seminar on the processes of mental health assessment of deaf and hard of hearing persons. Issues include: etiology, audiology, psychological testing, neuropsychological assessment, mental status exam, hearing status of therapist, mental illness, self concept. Case histories are used.

752 Psychosocial Issues for Deaf, Deafened, and Hard of Hearing Persons (2)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Seminar on psychosocial issues in deafness related to psychosocial aspects of disability. Includes age at onset, development, families, educational choices, multihandicapping conditions, hard of hearing, deafened, immigrants, use of interpreters, social-environmental impacts, coping, interpersonal relations.

753 Psychological Assessment and Testing of Deaf, Deafened, and Hard of Hearing Persons (2)

Prerequisites: COUN 715, 751, 752. Focuses on psychological testing and assessment of deaf and hard of hearing persons frequently seen by rehabilitation counselors for the deaf. Effective referral and understanding and utilization of assessment reports are stressed.

754 Hearing Loss for Rehabilitation Counselors (2)

Prerequisites: upper division standing and consent of instructor. Provides rehabilitation counselors with an assessment of audiological services available to hard of hearing and deaf adults. Applications to culturally deaf persons are addressed extensively. Provides information on guidelines for referral.

762 Seminar on Field of Rehabilitation Counseling (3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Rehabilitation as a field of professional service; its place in the social structure; growth and interrelationship of public and private rehabilitation agencies; legislative process as it translates identified community needs into new or expanded services.

766 Medical/Social Aspects of Rehabilitation Counseling (4)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Seminar in the psychological concomitants of disability. Motivational, attitudinal, and self-concepts relating to traumatic and congenital types of handicaps. Relationships of these concepts to rehabilitation counseling. Systems approach to understanding severe disability with emphasis on aspects of independent living.

776 Psychological Aspects of Rehabilitation Counseling (3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Seminar in the psychological concomitants of disability. Motivational, attitudinal, and self-concepts relating to traumatic and congenital types of handicaps. Relationship of these concepts to rehabilitation counseling. Must be repeated for six units of credit.

778 Occupational Information, Dynamics, and Placement in Rehabilitation Counseling (3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Use of occupational information in the vocational development and adjustment process. Problems and procedures in job placement of disabled persons.

780 Learning Clinic I (3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Interdisciplinary approach to the basic problems of learning in school. Emphasis on remedial processes for exceptional learners. Review of research in education, psychology, anthropology, and pediatrics on learning difficulties. Not to be taken concurrently with COUN 781.

781 Learning Clinic II (3)

Prerequisites: COUN 780 and consent of instructor. Instruction and individual practice in the clinical process of assessing functioning and application of relevant factors to learning adjustment. Interpretation and use of school administered aptitude and achievement tests. Planning of remedial/corrective programs based on diagnostic information.

786 Client Evaluation in Rehabilitation Counseling (3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Seminar on selection, use, and interpretation of tests and other assessment methods in the rehabilitation counseling process. Clinical analysis of test results.

792 Seminar for Counselors in Student Personnel Services (3)

Prerequisite: counseling major or consent of instructor. Seminar in the organization, management, and delivery of college student services: organizational theory, management strategies and styles, program development, management, and implementation, evaluation.

793 Organization and Administration of Student Services in Higher Education (3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Seminar in organization and management of college student services: organizational theory, development, structures; management strategies and styles, decision making, management by objectives, administrative models; staff development; evaluation; accountability, budget planning, management; program development, evaluation; legal issues.

Independent Living Skills Language Laboratory with Deaf Adults (1-3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. A comprehensive competency-based curriculum in the development of independent living skills with deaf adolescents and adults. Includes provision of direct services, field experience, laboratory work, some training in sign language. May be repeated up to twelve units.

794 Orientation to Deaf Adults (1)

795 Communication and Professional Interaction with Deaf Adults (2)

796 Assessment of Deaf Adults (3)

797 Planning for Deaf, Deafened, and Hard of Hearing Adults (2)

798 Implementing Instructional Counseling (3)

799 Evaluating the Progress of Deaf Adults (1)

811 Group Counseling Process (3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Must be taken concurrently with COUN 892. Instruction in group counseling dynamics, and clinical analysis of actual group counseling sessions conducted by students in the class. Focus on each student's professional growth as a group counselor.

814 Practicum on Interpersonal Development (2)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Small group practicum with professional peer group involving interaction among group members to investigate the relationship between personal attitudes and values and professional development.

820 Counseling the Older Adult (2)

Prerequisites: graduate standing and consent of instructor. Individual and group counseling; couples and family counseling with the older adult. Sexuality, lifestyle, and economics of older age are included, as they impact on the counseling process.

821 Mental Health Assessment with the Older Adult (2)

Prerequisites: graduate standing and consent of instructor. Recognition of organic and functional disorders. Issues of quantitative assessment regarding career, elder abuse, substance abuse, suicide, and coping strategies are included, as they impact on the counseling process. Psychosocial issues resulting from biological developments are presented.

825 Seminar on Selected Problems in Counseling (1-3)

Prerequisite: consent of adviser and instructor. Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. Emerging areas of concern to counselors. May be repeated for maximum credit of nine units when different problems are considered.

827 The Consultation Process (2)

Prerequisites: COUN 705, 715 or 781, and consent of instructor. Seminar exploring dynamics of the consultation process; implications for various specialists in developing effective working relationships with teachers and parents.

830 Organization of Pupil Personnel Services and Laws (3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Organizing, supervising, and administering pupil personnel programs in elementary and secondary schools and community colleges; legal and financial aspects. Laws affecting children and child welfare.

833 Social and Cultural Foundations in Counseling (3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Development of awareness and sensitivity to the needs and feelings of individuals of different sex, race, culture, life styles and physical abilities; study of the nature of prejudice; study of minority life styles and cultures; implications for counselors.

850 Second Specialization Internship (3-6)

Prerequisites: consent of instructor and master's degree in counseling or related area. Supervised field experiences in community agencies and schools. CR/NC grading only.

857 Law and Ethics for Counselors (3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Seminar covering legal and ethical responsibilities of counselors, including confidentiality, privilege, reporting; legal obligations regarding professional practice and liability; professional codes of ethics; laws relating to minors, marriage, and the family; legal procedures of separation, divorce, and mediation.

858 Couple and Family Counseling I (3)

Prerequisite: COUN 706 and consent of instructor. Overview of major theoretical approaches: analytic, behavioral, systems, intergenerational, and existential. Focus on theories and concepts. Reading, demonstrations, activities emphasize working with couples.

859 Counseling Aspects of Sexuality (2)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. The major sexual problems encountered in counseling; causes; counseling approaches; techniques and treatments. Traditional clinical implications including feminine orientations.

860 Couple and Family Counseling II (3)

Prerequisites: COUN 858 and consent of instructor. Applied psychotherapeutic techniques in working with families and relationships. Emphasis on direct experience working with families, through simulations, demonstrations, case material. Students concentrate on learning one or two approaches in depth.

861 Seminar on Child Treatment (3)

Prerequisites: COUN 705, 706, and consent of instructor. Seminar exploring concepts, processes, techniques of child and adolescent treatment. Emphasis on techniques of crisis intervention, supportive counseling, and psychotherapeutic treatment.

866 Health Requirements in Independent Living (3)

Prerequisite: COUN 766 or consent of instructor. Systems approach to understanding severe disability with emphasis on aspects of independent living, vocational limitations and opportunities, costs, medical terminology.

884 Deaf Mental Health Internship (2-6)

Prerequisites: COUN 751, 753; may be taken concurrently with COUN 753. Practicum in intake interviewing and writing client histories at the University of California Center on Deafness. Participation in a social-cognition treatment program for adolescents or adults, and in clinical case conferences and research seminars. Observation of psychological assessment and treatment.

885 Advanced Communication Skills (3)

Prerequisites: COUN 736 or equivalent and advanced graduate standing. Advanced seminar on processing and utilizing cognitive and emotional aspects of communication in interviewing, counseling, consultation, and supervision.

886 Assistive Technology Internship (4)

Prerequisites: COUN 748 (may be concurrent), upper division standing, and consent of instructor. Students have internship experiences in a variety of rehabilitation settings in which assistive technology is utilized to enhance the lives of persons with disabilities.

887 Advanced Theoretical Foundations in Counseling (3)

Prerequisites: COUN 700, 703, or equivalents, and advanced graduate standing. Advanced seminar on theories of inter- and intra-personal behavior and behavior change, applications to change processes for individuals and in organizations.

888 Research Design in Counseling (3)

Prerequisites: COUN 715 and ISED 797 or equivalents. Seminar in research in counseling. Hypothesis development and testing; research proposal development and the use of computers in univariate and multivariate statistical designs. Applications of research to the evaluation of individuals and institutions.

890 Supervision and Consultation in Counseling (3)

Prerequisites: COUN 885 and consent of instructor. Analysis of the role and impact of supervision and consultation in the counseling process. Content, practice, and function.

891 Case Studies and Internship Seminar (3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Must be taken concurrently with COUN 892. Case process analysis of problems in assessment, management, and disposition. Application of relevant methods and procedures to field of counseling specialization.

892 Internship (1-6)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Must be taken concurrently with COUN 891 or 811. Supervised counseling experience in schools or agencies; evaluation of counselor effectiveness; analysis of professional problems. May be repeated for a total of twelve units.

899 Special Study (1-3)

Prerequisite: consent of graduate adviser and supervising faculty member. Special study under the direction of a member of the department. Open only to graduate students of demonstrated ability to do independent work. Enrollment by petition.

Course Disciplines Listing, Bulletin 1994-96 Table of Contents, SFSU Home Page

last modified June 13, 1995