Bulletin--Human Sexuality Stds. Discipline


College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
(See Human Sexuality Studies in the Academic Programs section for information on the minor)

Undergraduate Courses

300 Introduction to Human Sexuality Minor (1)

Description of the Human Sexuality Studies minor and faculty: identification of approaches to the study of human sexuality and relevant careers.

301 Introduction to Bisexual, Lesbian, and Gay Studies (3)

Prerequisite: ENG 214. Introduces students to bisexual, lesbian, and gay studies as a field of knowledge. Among the major topics to be explored are: research methods; and cultural, social, political, and personal aspects of studying bisexual, lesbian, and gay issues. Introduces students to the bisexual, lesbian, and gay studies minor.

320 Sex and Relationships (3) [GE]

For course description, see PSY 320.

326 Work and Leadership Issues of Bisexuals, Lesbians, and Gays (3)

Prerequisite: ENG 114. The public lives of bisexual, lesbian, and gay people are addressed within the world of work. Students apply this approach to leadership. (Also offered as COUN 326.)

350 Selected Issues in Human Sexuality (1 or 3)

Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. Examination and analysis of selected topics in human sexuality. Course concentrates on one of any number of important issues within the field of human sexuality. May be repeated for credit when topic varies.

369 Philosophical Issues in Sexuality (3) [GE]

For course description, see PHIL 369.

400 Variations in Human Sexuality (3) [GE]

Variations in human sexuality including sexual identity, relationships, behavior, and fantasy; identification of personal and social problems associated with varied sexual lifestyles. (Also offered as PSY 450.)

401 Discussion of Sexual Variations (1) [GE]

Prerequisite: concurrent or prior enrollment in HMSX 400 or PSY 450. Expanded discussion of issues raised in lectures, speaker presentations, and films in HMSX 400/PSY 450. May include new materials and issues appropriate to small group discussions and the exploration of personal, social, and political issues. (Also offered as PSY 454.)

403 Homosexuality in Film (3) [GE]

Prerequisite: ENG 214 or equivalent. For course description, see CINE 403.

404 Lesbian and Gay Theatre and Drama (3)

Prerequisites: upper division standing. The history of gay men and lesbians and their dramatic literature. Includes various styles of performance, from farce to realism, and camp/drag to the current "queer" theatre. (Also offered as TH A 404.)

421 Homophobia and Coming Out (3)

Prerequisite: ENG 214 or equivalent. For course description, see SS 421.

436 The Development of Femaleness and Maleness (4)

For course description, see PSY 436.

456 Psychology of Human Sexual Behavior (3) [GE]

For course description, see PSY 456.

457 AIDS: Anthropological Perspectives (3)

Prerequisite: one Anthropology course or one course from Human Sexuality cluster or consent of instructor. For course description, see ANTH 457.

469 Sex and Morality (3) [GE]

Provides students with a sound grasp of ethical theory and its applications to sexual conduct, research, and therapy. Students learn the fundamental of moral augmentation and sharpen their abilities to deal intelligently with complicated, morality-laden issues associated with sexuality.

500 Values Clarification in Sexuality (3) [GE]

For course description, see H ED 500.

550 Field Service in Human Sexuality Studies (1-3)

Prerequisites: nine units of HMSX courses or consent of instructor. Supervised field service performed in on-campus research, instructional, or service units or off-campus agencies involved in human sexuality medical, social, and psychological services. May be repeated for credit.

569 Sex and the Law (3) [GE]

For course description, see PHIL 455.

600 Research on Sexual Identity (3) [GE]

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Special problems in research on sexual identity, particularly gender, sex-roles and sexual orientation. Theories, sampling problems, confidentiality, sensitivity in data collection, and analysis of data. (Also offered as PSY 650.)

633 Gay Love in Literature (3)

For course description, see ENG 633.

650 Seminar in Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Community Service (2)

Prerequisite: ENG 214. Corequisite: HMSX 651. Exploration of the historical and contemporary roles and functions of service organizations in gay/lesbian/bisexual communities. Emphases are given to those religious, health communications, political, and recreational agencies that are non-profit and service oriented. May be repeated once for a total of four units for credit.

651 Fieldwork in Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Community Service (3 or 6)

Prerequisite: ENG 214. Corequisite: HMSX 650. Intern or supervised volunteer in religious, health, communications, political, recreation agencies in gay/lesbian/bisexual communities. Emphases given to non-profit, service oriented organizations, although others are considered. CR/NC grading only. May be repeated for a total of six units for credit.

680 Colloquium in Human Sexuality (2)

Prerequisite: completion of the Human Sexuality minor core or consent of the instructor. Recent advances in Human Sexuality from an interdisciplinary perspective presented by faculty, advanced students and scholars outside the program. A forum for sharing ideas, exploring original concepts and debating issues in human sexuality.

Course Disciplines Listing, Bulletin 1994-96 Table of Contents, SFSU Home Page

last modified July 19, 1995