Bulletin--International Business Discipline


College of Business
(See Business Administration in the Academic Programs section for information on degrees)

Undergraduate Courses

330 International Business and Multicultural Relations (3)

Prerequisite: ECON 101 or equivalent. The economic, political, and cultural environments of international business, and their effects upon general and functional management. Economic systems, trade and investment patterns, financial institutions, regional and international agreements and organizations, cultural considerations.

379 U.S.-Japan Business Relations (3)

An in-depth study of specific topics which relate the U.S.A. to Japan. These topics include managerial styles and the underlying social and cultural aspects. Also discussed are marketing and financial topics. Based on a limited series of lectures and independent research.

390 Cross-Cultural Analysis of the International Business Environment (3)

Differences surrounding managerial practices in selected societies. Provides American executives with essential guidelines to help relate business practices to foreign cultural values and to establish effective forms of interface with people abroad. Cannot be taken in addition to IBUS 681.

430 Small Business Export-Import Management (3)

Practical aspects of export and import management by small and medium size business. Organization, development of foreign sales, export and import procedure, functions and activities of service organizations.

517 Legal Environment of World Business (3)

Prerequisite: IBUS 330 or equivalent. Legal status of persons and property within a foreign country. International business transactions with or by governments or instrumentalities. The reach of legal systems: overlapping or conflicting interests, problems of nationalization, expropriation, annulment of contracts, or concessions in foreign countries.

522 International Maritime and Aerospace Transportation (3)

Prerequisite: IBUS 330 or 815. International movements of products and people; government controls on operations of carriers; issues facing international ocean, air, and space carriers. Paired with IBUS 822. Students who have completed IBUS 522 may not take IBUS 822 later for credit.

528 International Logistics (3)

Prerequisite: BICS 263. Managing the physical flow of export/import materials, including coordination of documentation and payment. Paired with IBUS 828. Students who have completed IBUS 528 may not take IBUS 828 later for credit.

567 Internship in International Business (3)

Prerequisites: IBUS 330, consent of instructor. and business position. Coordinated training combining experience in a business field with academic analysis. Principles, theory, and practice applied to real situations. Individual study and conferences with instructor. Major report required. May be repeated for a total of six units with consent of instructor and department chair.

590 International Environmental Analysis (3)

Prerequisite: IBUS 330. Analysis of all factors affecting the conduct of contemporary business transactions in a number of specific global environments.

591 Doing Business in Latin America (3) [GE]

An in-depth study of doing business in Latin America. One specific environment is featured. Includes demographics, psychographics, cultural and social values, business and managerial methods and systems.

592 Doing Business in China (3)

An in-depth study of doing business in China. The specific environment is featured. Includes: demographics, psychographics, cultural and social values, business and managerial methods and systems.

593 Doing Business in Europe (3)

An in-depth study of doing business in Europe. One specific environment is featured. Includes: demographics, psychographics, cultural and social values, business and managerial methods and systems.

594 U.S.-Canadian Business and Economic Relations (3) [GE]

Study of business and economic relations between the United States and Canada, each other's best trading partners. Analysis of patterns of trade and investment, the effects of economic and cultural nationalism and differing business methods and problems between the two countries.

618 International Human Resource Management (3)

Prerequisites: A grade of C– or better in MGMT 405, 610. Managing the international aspects of human resources in the global enterprise. Understanding the legal requirements, cultural issues, and the management practices and systems critical to the success of international human resources management. Students may not take the course a second time under an alternate prefix. (Also offered as MGMT 618.)

655 Seminar in Emerging Issues in International Business (3)

Prerequisite: IBUS 330. Topic to be specified in the Class Schedule. Focuses on one or more developing issues facing contemporary managers in the international context.

659 Introduction to International Business Negotiating (3)

Prerequisite: MGMT 405 or consent of instructor. Intercultural negotiating skills become more essential as business becomes more global and participative. Students learn through exercises involving various protagonists, organizational contexts, and situations. Experiential learning is reinforced by discussions, readings, and research. (Also offered as BUS 659.)

662 The Operation of the Multinational Enterprise (3)

Prerequisite: MGMT 405 and FIN 350. FIN 535 recommended. A case studies approach to business strategy, tactics, and decision-making in the multinational enterprise. Interactive effects of governmental and business policies.

681 Seminar in Comparative Management (3)

Prerequisite: MGMT 405. Analysis of managerial performance in different cultures. Comparison of relevant environmental constraints—sociological, legal-political and economic which bear significantly on managerial activities of local firms in given countries and the implications for international business operations.

Graduate Courses

815 Seminar in International Business (3)

Prerequisite: BUS 787 or equivalent. Factors and systems which affect the conduct of international business. Public and private policy, organization and attitudes toward organizations are analyzed. Institutional, legal, and political constraints are related to managerial responses.

818 Seminar in International Human Resource Management (3)

Prerequisites: foundation courses or consent of instructor. Examines both the challenges that multinational firms are faced with and the strategies they use to effectively manage their workforce in culturally- and geographically-diverse environments. Students may not take the course a second time under an alternate prefix. (Also offered as MGMT 818.)

822 International Maritime and Aerospace Transportation (3)

Prerequisite: IBUS 330 or IBUS 815. International movements of products and people; government controls on operations of carriers; issues facing international ocean, air, and space carriers. Graduate students are required to do a major research paper. Paired with IBUS 522. Students who have completed IBUS 522 may not take IBUS 822 for credit.

828 International Logistics (3)

Prerequisite: BA/BICS 814. Managing the physical flow of export/import materials, including coordination of documentation and payment. Includes individual research project. Paired with IBUS 528. Students who have completed IBUS 528 may not take IBUS 828 for credit.

830 Export/Import Management and Marketing (3)

Prerequisites: BUS 787, 788, or consent of instructor. In-depth analysis of all theoretical and practical aspects of export and import management and marketing by multinational, as well as small and medium-size businesses. Organization and development of export management and marketing strategies to achieve maximum results.

855 European Business Seminar (3)

Prerequisite: BUS 787 or consent of instructor. An in-depth analysis of the opportunities, challenges and approaches required for effective trade, investment, and business operations in the changing European environment. Demographics, cultural, social and legal environment, business and managerial systems.

856 The Japanese Managerial System and International Competition (3)

Prerequisite: BUS 788 or consent of instructor. In-depth analysis of Japanese business system within its historical, cultural, political, and economic framework. Business objectives, personnel practices, government-business relations, trade and investment policies, strengths, weaknesses, and applicability in other environments.

857 Seminar on Business in Greater China (3)

Prerequisite: BUS 788 or consent of instructor. In-depth analysis of opportunities, challenges, and approaches required for effective trade, investment, and business operations in the Peoples' Republic of China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Cultural, institutional, legal, and economic environment. Business and governmental systems.

859 International Business Negotiating (3)

Prerequisite: six units in SFSU graduate program. Intercultural negotiating skills become more essential as business becomes more global and participative. Students learn through exercises involving various protagonists, organizational contexts, and situations. Experiential learning is reinforced by seminar discussions, readings, and research. (Also offered as BUS 859.)

890 Seminar in International Strategic Management (3)

Prerequisites: four 800-level courses including two IBUS-related courses (IBUS prefixes, FIN 835, FIN 836, or MKTG 800). MBA's must include two of BICS 814, FIN 819, MGMT 842, MKTG 860. Analysis of global managerial policy and strategy formulation. Decision-making and communication integrating behavioral and quantitative approaches from the functional areas of business operations, within the uncertainties and constraints of multicultural behavioral, social, political, and economic conditions.

895 Research Project in International Business (3)

Prerequisites: two IBUS 800-level courses and two additional 800-level courses. Research methodology and supervised research into topics and problems in international business culminating in oral and written presentations. Open to International Business M.S. candidates only. Graduate Approved Program and Proposal for Culminating Experience Requirement forms must be approved by the Graduate Division before registration. CR/NC grading only.

Course Disciplines Listing, Bulletin 1994-96 Table of Contents, SFSU Home Page

last modified June 20, 1995