Bulletin--International Relations Discipline


College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
(See International Relations in the Academic Programs section for information on degrees)

Undergraduate Courses

104 International Relations: An Introduction (3) [GE]

Description and analysis of forces and events on-going in the world. Contemporary problems; development, nationalism, revolution, war and peace, and imperialism as they relate to overall patterns in international affairs. (Also offered as S S 104.)

204 Current International Events (3)

Analysis of international significant events as reported in the media. Students learn theories, concepts, and background useful for preparing papers and discussions on evolving international events and processes. Primary source material is a prescribed newspaper. (Also offered as GEOG/S S 204.)

Because International Relations courses numbered 300 and above include significant writing requirements, students should complete ENG 214 or an approved equivalent before enrolling in them. Students enrolled in upper division International Relations courses should have upper division status (completion of 60 units) or permission of the instructor.

300 Fundamentals of International Relations: The World System (3) [GE]

Exploration of issues and processes in relation to the people of the world. Focus on causes of war and paths to peace; problems of wealth and poverty, global pollution and conflicts over value systems and ideologies; alternative world futures.

301 Fundamentals of International Relations: Data Analysis (3)

Prerequisite: completion of G.E. quantitative reasoning requirement. The collection, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and presentation of data relevant to the field of international relations. Traditional and quantitative techniques of research are applied. Designed for majors and minors.

302 Introduction to International Political Economy (3)

Prerequisite: IR 301. Students become familiar with various theories of international political economy (IPE) and examine how they explain past and present international relations. In the process students become familiar with the actors, institutions, and issues important to IPE. (Also offered as PLSI 302.)

304 International Careers (4)

Prerequisite: two IR courses completed or concurrent. Intensive investigation of twelve major career areas for international relations students. Individualized values clarification, skills assessment, and learning style inventory. Individualized career development plans are produced.

305 Problems and Controversies in International Relations (3-4)

Prerequisite: junior standing. Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. Current problems and controversies in international relations. Topics selected on basis of student interest and availability of qualified instructors. May be repeated once.

306 U.S.-Central American Relations (4)

Examination of the background and current crisis in Central America with a special focus on the political, social, and economic relations of the countries of Central America to the United States.

310 U.S. Foreign Policy (4) [GE]

The foreign policy process in American government. Analysis of the institutions in American society which determine our foreign policy.

315 Introduction to Global Peace Studies (3) [GE]

For course description, see GPS 300.

320 Foreign Relations of Selected Nation States (4)

Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. Comparison of the foreign policies of various geographically and/or ideologically grouped nations-states. May be repeated when topic varies.

321 African Foreign Policy (4) [GE]

Prerequisite: ENG 214. A comparison of the foreign policies of various African nation-states; in particular, a consideration of those policies as expressions of national frameworks, ideological perspectives, etc.

322 Latin American Relations (4) [GE]

Prerequisite: ENG 214. Examination of the international relations and foreign policy-making systems of Latin American nations and an analysis of selected foreign policy problems facing Latin American decision-makers with oral and written reports.

323 Middle East: Periphery (4) [GE]

Prerequisite: ENG 214. Concerned with the foreign relations of peripheral Middle East states. Specific foci include the positions of these states on such as the Palestinian question, Israeli occupation of the West Bank, the use of terror to effect international policy, etc.

324 Middle East: Heartland (4) [GE]

Prerequisite: ENG 214. A survey and analysis of the international relations (diplomatic, economic, cultural, political, and military) of selected Arab nations which lie at the geographical and political heart of the Middle East.

325 Chinese Foreign Policy (4) [GE]

Prerequisite: ENG 214. A study of the sources of Chinese conduct in world affairs. A comparative analytic framework is tested in this case study.

326 South and Southeast Asia Foreign Relations (4) [GE]

The foreign policy interaction of states in the South and Southeast Asian regions. Historical origins and development of states in these regions, as well as the evolution of their foreign policies, are examined in the context of SAARC and ASEAN.

327 Western European Foreign Policy (4)

Prerequisite: upper division standing. Investigation of the nature and development of policies and instruments that make up the foreign relations of Western European nations, with an emphasis on the U.K., France, West Germany, and Italy.

328 Russian-East European Relations (4)

A study of the development and subsequent dynamics of what used to be called the Soviet Bloc. Analysis of current relations in light of events in the post-World War II period, as in discussing the Soviet role in Poland's policies toward Solidarity.

330 World Law (4)

The natural and positive schools of law; the role of law in the world community; the substantive areas of international laws on recognition, nationality, territory, jurisdiction and conflict resolution; forces influencing the future role and development of world law.

334 International Organizations: New World Order (4)

Analysis of the nature, role, history, and future of international organizations in the social, economic, and political development of world community. Examination of present patterns and problems of international political behavior as seen through and influenced by international organizations.

340 Revolutionary Ideologies in World Politics (4) [GE]

An examination and comparison of several major political ideologies and their impact on the structure of world politics. Marxism-communism, liberal capitalism, fascism and derivative ideologies are covered intensively. The correlation between theoretical ideology and political practice is stressed.

342 Strategy and War (4) [GE]

War as an instrument of national policy. Causes of war and classical and modern strategies for winning it from Clausewitz to Herman Kahn. Strategic theory, games, deterrence, guerrilla warfare, counterinsurgency, weapons technology, and the political consequences of preparedness.

343 Arms Control and Peacekeeping (4) [GE]

For course description, see PLSI 343.

345 Revolution and Counter Revolution in the Modern World (4)

An analysis of contemporary revolutionary movements and wars; theoretical interpretations of collective violence.

346 Recent European History (3) [GE]

For course description, see HIST 346.

350 Fundamentals of International Relations: Foreign Policy Analysis (6)

Prerequisites: IR 300, 301, and 302. Political, economic, and socio-cultural influences on the decision-making behavior of individuals, groups, and nation-states in world affairs; data collection, interpretation, and prescription. Extra fee required.

360 Intelligence and Intelligence Agencies (4)

The role of modern intelligence agencies such as the CIA and the KGB as information sources for foreign policy making. Analysis of intelligence successes and failures and proposals for improving the intelligence process.

361 Covert Political Warfare (4)

Propaganda, sabotage, assassination, and other techniques of subversion employed by nation-states to achieve political goals. Front organizations; manipulation of media and elections; case studies of U.S., Soviet, British, Israeli, Korean, and other clandestine activities.

380 Great Ideas in International Relations (4)

Major approaches to understanding international phenomena traced to roots in past thought and social experience. Critique of concepts, assumptions, and methods involved in such approaches as western state system, natural law; "behavioral" orientations illuminate current development of field.

392 Asia in Transition (3) [GE]

Examination of Asian empires and their confrontation with the West, and the nationalist challenges to Western imperialism. (Also offered as HIST 392.)

393 Contemporary Asia (3) [GE]

For course description, see HIST 393. (Also offered as GEOG 574 and S S 393.)

400 The Nuclear World: Evolution of an Impasse (3) [GE]

Exploration and analysis of the development of the nuclear arms race and of the values and belief systems it has brought into play. Emphasis on the scientific, political, psychological, and rhetorical factors that have created our nuclear world. (Also offered as CHS 400.)

410 Diplomatic Symposium (4)

Officers of various foreign consulates in San Francisco analyze crucial world problems from their own nation's perspective. Methods of foreign policy reporting and analysis are examined. May be repeated once.

432 Model United Nations (4) [GE]

Major social, economic, political, and constitutional issues before the various organs of the United Nations with emphasis on their meaning for a selected member state. Participation in annual Model United Nations Conference under faculty supervision. May be repeated for a total of eight units.

445 Political Geography (4)

For course description, see GEOG 445.

446 The Multinational Corporation in World Affairs (4)

Impact of multinational corporation on the foreign policy of industrial and developing nations. Structure and power of multinationals. Discussion and student research on oil, copper (Chile), autos, ITT, GE, VW. Issues: multinational corporation and world government, imperialism, organized labor, world competition convergence.

520 Modernization and Third World Countries (3) [GE]

Prerequisite: upper division standing. For course description, see S S 520. (Also offered as PLSI 520.)

540 The Rich and the Poor Nations (4) [GE]

Institutional framework and processes of international development, finance, trade and foreign aid. Exercise of influence and cultural dominance by developed over less developed nations through diffusion, transferral and exchange. (Also offered as S S 540.)

544 Women in the World (4)

Analysis of women's roles in political, social, and economic development of selected nations and in international relations; effect of global movement for women's rights. Case studies of female leaders and their impact on world affairs. (Also offered as S S 544.)

560 Energy in Global Perspective (3)

For course description, see S S 560.

640 Field Study in International Relations (1-5)

Practical and academic experience in a non-classroom setting, requiring the utilization of research and communication skills in a topic relevant to the study of international relations. May be repeated for credit to the maximum of ten units.

650 Advocates in International Relations: Student Practicum (4)

Research in international relations theories, concepts, and learning alternatives; tutoring and guidance to less advanced students in the major as an assistant to an instructor. Open by petition only.

699 Special Study (1-4)

Prerequisites: permission of the major adviser, the supervising faculty member, and the department chair. Study is planned, developed, and completed under the direction of a member of the departmental faculty. Open only to students who have demonstrated ability to do independent work. Enrollment by petition.

Graduate Courses

700 Analysis of Foreign Policy (3)

Foreign policy analysis, research, and oral and written briefing techniques. Open only to conditionally classified students. May not be used for credit toward the master's degree.

720 Theory and Approaches in International Relations (3)

Seminar in the theories and approaches to the study of international relations. Required of all graduate students in first semester of graduate study.

721 Methods and Thesis Selection in International Relations (2)

Prerequisite: IR 720. Seminar designed to introduce international relations graduate students to the range of methods of analysis in the field and to require students to select their thesis topics. Required of all students in their second semester of study.

722 International Relations Colloquium (1)

A colloquium for the presentation of findings of the participants, for discussion of international issues with visiting experts and faculty, and for exploration of career matters.

730 The International System and Its Problems (3)

Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. Seminar on operation of international system of state and group behavior. Content varies with particular operational phenomena and/or geographic regions studied. May be repeated when topic varies for a maximum of nine units.

731 Clandestine Propaganda and Intelligence (3)

Prerequisites: graduate standing and IR 720. Seminar on the impact on the international system of the application of clandestine power through the mechanism of intelligence agencies. Special emphasis on covert action, propaganda, subversion, and intelligence.

732 Imperialism (3)

Prerequisites: graduate standing and IR 720. An in-depth look at major theories of imperialism—J. A. Hobson's, V. I. Lenin's, and J. Schumpeter's—as well as variations in the interpretation of those theories. Relationships between colonialism, neo-colonialism, and imperialism are also considered.

733 Japan in the International System (3)

Prerequisites: graduate standing and IR 720. Exploration of the major issues and theories that are offered to explain the rise of modern Japan and the political, economic, and security implications for its foreign policy behavior in today's international system.

734 Russian-American Relations (3)

Prerequisite: graduate standing and IR 720. Exploration, in seminar format, of the various aspects of the relationship between the superpowers. Special emphasis is placed on the problems of containment, strategic arms, and arms control.

735 Seminar in Global Environmental Policy (3)

Prerequisites: graduate standing and IR 720. Analysis of the international/global policy making process and responses to critical environmental problems confronting the world as well as the underlying causes such as population explosion and energy consumption. Examination of policy choices, negotiating strategies, and outcomes.

736 Third World Modernization (3)

Prerequisites: graduate standing and IR 720 or equivalent. An interdisciplinary analysis of the major dilemmas of the modernization situation in the third world; i.e., Asia, Africa, and Latin America, including market vs. planning, rural vs. urban, basic needs vs. the environment, self-sufficiency vs. foreign reliance, equal vs. unequal distribution, etc. (Also listed as SS 736.)

737 The West European Subsystem (3)

Prerequisites: graduate standing and IR 720. Investigation of the West European system of nation-states in order to determine the degree to which the process of international integration may be creating a regional supra-national entity. Individual research and seminar discussion.

740 Comparative Foreign Policies (3)

Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. Seminar on analysis and comparison of foreign policy formation and conduct of selected states. Course has a geographic area emphasis and may be repeated when topic varies for a maximum of nine units.

741 Africa (3)

Prerequisites: graduate standing and IR 720. Examines African development as a context and concern for contemporary foreign policy of selected African nation-states. Students are required to do individual research and contribute to the general discussion.

742 Seminar on American Foreign Policy (3)

Prerequisites: graduate standing and IR 720. Reading and research seminar dealing with varying approaches to U.S. diplomacy and culminating in a research paper on American policy toward some major problem, nation, or area.

743 The Politics of British and French Neocolonialism (3)

Prerequisite: graduate standing. How internal processes of France and Great Britain shape the role those nations play in maintaining or reducing the dependency of former colonies. Historical background, contemporary politics, third world responses. (Also offered as PLSI 743.)

744 Chinese Foreign Policy (3)

Prerequisites: graduate standing and IR 720. Comparative foreign policy analysis focusing on Chinese relationships with foreigners from the earliest times. Emphasis is on modern China, but comparisons are drawn with dynastic China.

745 Latin America (3)

Prerequisites: graduate standing and IR 720. The leitmotif of contemporary Latin American relations—the struggle for development. Within the context of specific case studies, examines how domestic and international forces affect national development efforts.

746 The Middle East (3)

Prerequisites: IR 323, 324, or consent of instructor; graduate standing and IR 720. Contemporary international relations among Arab countries, including Maghreb states, and between region and outside countries and blocs. Case studies of continuing penetration of area by imperialism, competing changing faces, and different characters of such forces.

850 Sponsored Research/Activity in International Relations (3)

Mid-career graduate students prepare research or relevant demonstration exercises for presentation to student/faculty colloquium. Faculty members supervise student research or preliminary activity, and "sponsor" (i.e., clear for quality) presentations to colloquium.

898 Master's Thesis (3)

Student conducts, under committee supervision, research and writing of thesis from topic within field of international relations. Defense of thesis by committee examination is required. Graduate Approved Program and Proposal for Culminating Experience Requirement forms must be approved by the Graduate Division before registration. CR/NC grading only.

899 Special Study (1-3)

Prerequisites: permission of the graduate major adviser, the supervising faculty member, and the department chair. Study is planned, developed, and completed under the direction of a member of the departmental faculty. Open only to graduate students who have demonstrated ability to do independent work. Enrollment by petition.

Course Disciplines Listing, Bulletin 1994-96 Table of Contents, SFSU Home Page

last modified July 17, 1995