Bulletin--Journalism Discipline


College of Humanities
(See Journalism in the Academic Programs section for information on the degree)

Undergraduate Courses

200 Journalism and Mass Media (3) [GE]

Enrollment priority given to declared Journalism majors. The history, social role, function, and organization of the print and broadcast media. Special emphasis on newspapers and magazines. [CAN JOUR 4]

221 Newswriting (3)

Prerequisite: minimum grade of B in college-level English composition course; passing score on department writing examination given in class; typing skill–25 wpm. Development of news judgment and clear writing skills. Minimum grade of C+ in course is necessary to continue on to JOUR 300. [CAN JOUR 2]

235 Photojournalism I (3)

Enrollment priority given to declared Journalism majors. Teaches basic camera and darkroom techniques. Presumes no previous knowledge about photography. Emphasis is on photojournalistic style and content. Most assignments involve taking pictures of people, telling stories, and conveying information. Extra fee required.

300 Reporting (3)

Prerequisite: JOUR 221 with grade of C+ or better; transfer students who completed equivalent of JOUR 221 elsewhere must pass with minimum C+ newswriting examination given by department; priority to majors. Emphasis on advanced concepts of news gathering, interviewing, writing. Students cover Bay Area communities. Minimum grade of C+ required to continue to advanced courses.

301 History of Journalism (3)

Enrollment priority given to declared Journalism majors with upper division standing. Evolution of journalism and media since print revolution to present. Development of newspapers, magazines, books, and broadcast media is outlined and analyzed. Emphasis on First Amendment and how journalism is shaped by technical, legal, political constraints and tradition.

305 Mass Communication Law (3)

Enrollment priority given to declared Journalism majors with upper division standing. The laws regarding media responsibility, placing the legal problems of media work in a practical context; libel, contempt, constitutional guarantees, access to public records, the invasion of privacy, criticism, and copyright.

320 Depth Reporting (3)

Prerequisite: JOUR 300 with grade of C+ or better. Emphasis on the problems and methodology of investigative journalism. Concentration on techniques of documentation, the scope ranging from theory to practical application. Grade of C+ or better required to continue to JOUR 480/485.

321 Feature Writing (3)

Prerequisite: JOUR 300 with grade of C+ or better. Theory and practice of writing newspaper/magazine stories. Definition of a feature, searching for topics, interviewing techniques, deadline writing, freelancing. Grade of C+ or better required to continue to JOUR 480/485.

330 Editing (3)

Prerequisite: JOUR 300 with grade of C+ or better; enrollment priority given to declared Journalism majors. Theory and practice of editing. Fundamental copy editing, rewrite, and layout techniques, including headline writing and the restructuring and trimming of stories and articles. Formulation of story ideas and assignments. Page design concepts.

335 Photojournalism II (3)

Prerequisite: JOUR 235 with grade of C+ or better. Priority to juniors and seniors. Explores the components of photojournalism; portrait, sports, feature, news, and picture story combined to produce a photojournalistic portfolio. Student must provide cameras, supplies. Extra fee required.

409 Directed Study in Journalism (1-3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor or department. Individual projects: research, investigations, depth reporting, writing, graphics, surveys, audience studies. May be repeated with consent of department.

420 Reporting Public Affairs (3)

Prerequisite: JOUR 300 with grade of C+ or better. Coverage of government at all levels, interconnections between the branches in development of policy. Short-term and depth projects. Grade of C+ or better necessary to continue to JOUR 480/485.

435 Photojournalism III (3)

Prerequisite: JOUR 335 with a grade of C+ or better. Priority to juniors and seniors. Advanced course on picture story concepts and development, documentaries, marketing. Overview of photojournalism legal and ethical concerns. Student must provide cameras, supplies. Extra fee required.

450 Publication Design and Graphics (3)

Prerequisite: ENG 114. Introduces editorial design and production for newspapers and magazines. Emphasis on design as support for message. Vocabulary, concepts, and skills of editorial designer and photo editor are analyzed. Assignments are executed on electronic equipment.

480 Newspaper Laboratory I (3)

Prerequisites: for writers–JOUR 300 and one of these: JOUR 320, 321, 419, 420, 595 with grade of C+ or better; for photographers–JOUR 221, 235, and 335 with grade of C+ or better. Priority given to majors. Laboratory in writing, editing, and producing newspapers. Weekly assignments; enforced deadlines. Reporter/photographer coordination. May be taken twice for credit. Extra fee required. A minimum C+ grade is required to receive credit.

485 Magazine Laboratory I (3)

Prerequisites: for writers—JOUR 300 and 595 with grade of C+ or better; for photographers—JOUR 221, 235, and 335 with grade of C+ or better. Laboratory and practicum: planning, editing, and producing the magazine Prism. Students are involved in writing, designing, production. May be repeated once for credit. Extra fee required. A minimum C+ grade is required for majors, minors in laboratory courses.

500 Contemporary Magazines (3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor with priority to majors. Surveys the development and role of the contemporary magazine emphasizing the rise of specialized periodicals. Overview of new magazine start-ups, the dynamics of editorial strategy and planning. Introduction to magazine editing, design, and short article (item) writing.

535 Photojournalism IV (3)

Prerequisite: JOUR 435 with a grade of C+ or better. Students learn advanced photojournalism color and lighting techniques, including operation of portable and studio strobes. Students conceive and shoot photo illustrations and food and fashion pictures. Extra fee required.

595 Magazine Writing (3)

Prerequisite: JOUR 300 with grade of C+ or better or consent of instructor. Introduction to principles/techniques of magazine writing, developing, researching, and writing factual articles for publication. Discussion about varied markets and steps necessary to get published. Grade of C+ or better necessary to continue to JOUR 480/485.

600 Skills and Issues Seminar (1)

Prerequisite: JOUR 221. Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. Seminar includes varying topics in specialized journalism skills and issues in photography, writing, reporting, editing, design, management, and production. May be repeated when topic varies.

610 Ethnic Diversity and U.S. Journalism (1)

Prerequisite: ENG 114. Explores issues involving both the hiring and coverage of ethnic minority people in United States journalism. Current and historical information explores alternative and mainstream news media policies and practices.

666 Ethical Issues in Journalism (3) [GE]

Enrollment priority given to declared Journalism majors with upper division standing. A critical survey and evaluation of today's news media with emphasis on the ethics and responsibilities involved in the entire news process, from conception of story idea to publication or broadcast of completed story. Case studies are provided and professionals in the field are guest lecturers.

667 Seminar: Topics in Journalism (3)

Prerequisite: consent of department. Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. An intensified study of specialized journalism facets; e.g., reporting of news in science, ecology, business, consumerism, the arts, urban affairs, etc. May be repeated when topic varies.

699 Special Study in Journalism (1-3)

Intensive study and investigation of a selected problem in the literature of journalism and research under the supervision of an instructor. Open to majors and minors with senior or graduate standing, with consent of the department.

Course Disciplines Listing, Bulletin 1994-96 Table of Contents, SFSU Home Page

last modified June 16, 1995