Bulletin--Meteorology Discipline
College of Science and Engineering
(See Geosciences in the Academic Programs section for information on the degree)
Undergraduate Courses
100 Introduction to Meteorology (3) [GE]
Fundamental causes and nature of weather and its elements, including winds, storms, precipitation and clouds. Basic knowledge integrated in explanations of Bay Area weather and climate, interrelationships between human activity and weather, simple weather maps and weather forecasting. Designed for the non-science major.
101 Introduction to Meteorology Laboratory (1) [GE]
Prerequisite: METR 100 (may be concurrent). Applications of meteorologic principles in explanation of weather phenomena. Weather observation, map and satellite photo interpretation, data plotting, instrument usage and weather briefing. Field problems emphasizing interaction between weather phenomena and human activity.
102 Introduction to Oceanography (3) [GE]
For course description, see GEOL 102.
103 Introduction to Oceanography Laboratory (1) [GE]
For course description, see GEOL 103.
200 Introduction to Physical, Dynamic, and Synoptic Meteorology (5)
Prerequisite: MATH 107 or equivalent and/or consent of instructor. Overview of the physical principles governing the state and motion of the atmosphere and the application of these principles to the analysis and forecasting of weather systems. Designed to partially fulfill the academic requirements for the Broadcasting Seal of the American Meteorological Society.
201 Basic Weather Chart Analysis (1)
Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Fundamental skills in analysis and interpretation of basic weather and oceanographic charts.
206 Introduction to Use of Computers in Meteorology (1)
Prerequisite: an introductory course in meteorology (may be taken concurrently). Use of computers in SFSU's Meteorology Program to access and display weather information for preparing public weather forecasts and other purposes. UNIX, DOS, and MacIntosh operating systems; simple file editing; electronic mail; transferring data and programs between computers; WXP weather-graphics software. Laboratory.
302 The Violent Atmosphere and Ocean (3) [GE]
The atmosphere and ocean as agents of catastrophic change. Fluctuations in atmospheric and oceanic circulations and their environmental impacts. Implications of human modification of the ocean-atmosphere system. Topics discussed include weather variability in the West as evidenced by recent floods, droughts, and severe weather and its relationship to sea-surface temperature patterns. Designed for non-science majors.
356 California Weather Events (3) [GE]
Investigation of the basic meteorology of normal and abnormal weather events in California.
401 Introductory Atmospheric Physics (4)
Prerequisite: METR 101, MATH 221 (may be taken concurrently), and PHYS 220 (may be taken concurrently), or consent of instructor. Statics and thermodynamics of the atmosphere. Structure and composition of the atmosphere; radiation physics and heat budget. Lab includes extensive work with thermodynamic diagrams, techniques of numerical and graphical analysis, and use of the microcomputer in solution of meteorological problems. Classwork, three units; laboratory and field work, one unit.
402 Introductory Atmospheric and Oceanic Dynamics (4)
Prerequisites: METR 401, MATH 222 (may be taken concurrently), or consent of instructor. Recommended: PHYS 240. Analysis of the basic dynamical equations that govern atmosperic motions, particularly on synoptic scales. Lab work emphasizes use of microcomputers to illustrate dynamical principles. Classwork, three units; laboratory, one unit.
403 Weather Forecasting and Analysis (4)
Prerequisites: METR 402, MATH 223 (may be taken concurrently), or consent of instructor. Recommended: METR 502 and PHYS 240 (also may be taken concurrently). Weather forecasting as an application of the principles of atmospheric physics and dynamics. Introduction to numerical models and prediction techniques. Lab work includes daily spot forecasts, weather briefing, satellite photo interpretation, and use of the microcomputer as a "nowcasting" and forecasting tool. Classwork, two units; laboratory, two units.
404 Air-Ocean Instruments and Techniques (2)
Prerequisites: METR 101 or GEOL/METR 103 or METR 401 (may be concurrent) or consent of instructor. Operation, design, and calibration of atmospheric and oceanic monitoring instruments. Practical experience with various instrument types, data processing, and techniques applied to problems in atmospheric pollution, global weather, and dynamical oceanography. Classwork, one unit; laboratory and field work, one unit.
406 Fortran Programming With Applications in Meteorology (3)
Prerequisites: exposure to the use of computers; METR 401 (may be concurrent); and/or consent of instructor. Comprehensive introduction to the Fortran computer programming language, illustrated with applications in meteorology.
420 Atmosphere–Ocean Interactions (4)
Prerequisite: METR 402 or consent of instructor. Atmospheric behavior in the marine environment. Feedbacks in the air-sea environment including energy exchange and physical interaction, and the instruments utilized to monitor them. Classwork, three units; laboratory and field work, one unit.
480 Weather Satellite Analysis Techniques (3)
Prequisite: METR 403 and/or consent of instructor; may be taken concurrently with METR 403. Techniques of weather satellite photo analysis. Investigations of cloud patterns associated with middle latitude cyclones, jet streams, mesoscale severe weather systems, tropical disturbances. Classwork, two units; laboratory, one unit.
502 Intermediate Atmospheric Dynamics (4)
Prerequisites: METR 402; 406, MATH 223 (may be taken concurrently), PHYS 240 (may be taken concurrently), or consent of instructor. Development of the quasi-geostrophic approximation to the dynamical equations governing the behavior of the atmosphere. Introduction to numerical methods of solving simplified versions of the governing equations with computers. Classwork, three units; laboratory, one unit.
510 Introductory Cloud Physics (3)
Prerequisite: METR 401, MATH 222 (may be taken concurrently), PHYS 230, or consent of instructor. Processes of cloud droplet growth. Morphology and evolution of clouds. Precipitation forms and their relationship to cloud structure. Electrification in clouds. Classwork, two units; laboratory/field work, one unit.
603 Weather Chart Discussion (1)
Prerequisites: METR 203 (may be taken concurrently) or 403 and consent of instructor. Student-led discussion and interpretation of current weather chart patterns. Critical evaluation of computer prognoses of pattern evolution. Paired with METR 803. Students who have completed METR 603 may not take METR 803 later for credit. Laboratory.
693 Cooperative Education Program (6 or 12)
Prerequisites: SCI 293 or consent of instructor. Intended for meteorology majors. Supervised employment in an academically relevant field of study. Objectives are career development, occupational experience, and educational subsidy. Units do not count toward major. Limited free elective credit is available. CR/NC grading only.
697 Senior Project (1-3)
Prerequisites: senior standing in meteorology, 3.0 GPA in major course work, and consent of meteorology faculty adviser. Directed advanced research in the solution of a specific meteorological problem. Product of semester's work to be an original contribution of limited scope but of publication quality.
698 Public Weather Forecasting (1-3)
Prerequisite: METR 100 or major or minor standing in meteorology and consent of instructor. Weather forecasting tailored for public use. Forecasting and nowcasting in the media. Weather briefing duties of intern forecaster.
699 Special Study (1-3)
Prerequisites: GPA of 3.0 or higher in atmospheric science course work and/or consent of meteorology faculty adviser. Special study in the laboratory, field, or research under the direction of a member of the meteorology staff. Regularly scheduled meetings to be arranged with adviser and the student must present a report of work accomplished to the meteorology staff and the chair of the Department of Geosciences.
Graduate Courses
702 Atmospheric and Oceanic Dynamics of Coastal Zones (3)
Prerequisite: METR 502. Application of basic dynamical equations that govern atmospheric and oceanic motions, to understand phenomena of coastal zones. Land/sea breezes; topographically trapped Kelvin waves; coastal and island eddies; coastal upwelling and marine layers; etc.
715 Analysis and Prediction of Severe Storms (3)
Intensive examination of the large and local-scale controls on severe storms. Morphology of severe thunderstorms. Thunderstorm spectrum. Severe storms forecasting and analysis techniques.
780 Advanced Weather Satellite Analysis Techniques (3)
Prerequisites: METR 480, graduate standing, and/or consent of instructor. Advanced skills in weather satellite analysis and interpretation applied to an operational research problem. Classwork, two units; laboratory, one unit.
798 Advanced Public Weather Forecasting (1-3)
Prerequisites: METR 698 and/or consent of instructor. Direction of a forecast office. Students assume lead forecaster responsibilities in administration of the SFSU Public Weather Forecast Center.
803 Weather Chart Discussion (1)
Prerequisites: advanced standing in meterology and consent of instructor. Student-led discussion and interpretation of current weather chart patterns. Critical evaluation of computer prognoses of pattern evolution. Graduate course stresses operational mesoanalysis. Paired with METR 603. Students who have completed METR 603 may not take METR 803 for credit. Laboratory.
896 Directed Reading in Meteorology (3)
Prerequisites: graduate standing and consent of adviser. Intensive supervised research in a specific topic, concept, or area chosen on the basis of individual student need. Readings, tutorial discussion, and research report or creative projects required.
Course Disciplines Listing, Bulletin 1994-96 Table of Contents, SFSU Home Page
last modified June 21, 1995