Music (continued)
501 Music, The Listener's Art (3) [GE]
Understanding and enjoyment of representative examples of music literature in their historical/cultural contexts. Special practice in the skills and techniques of analytical listening and the reading of simple scores. No prerequisite.
502 The Opera (3) [GE]
A historical survey of the synthesis of drama, music, scenery, costume, and dance in opera. Emphasis on the development of the genre in Italy, France, England, and Germany showing how it differed from one country to the next due to linguistic and theatrical traditions.
504 Survey of Electronic Music (3)
Prerequisite: upper division standing. The materials and methodology of electronic music as a contemporary art form. An historical survey of the literature of electronic music and related theoretical issues drawn from the fields of physics, acoustics, psychoacoustics, and digital audio, including the MIDI communication protocol.
505 Music of the World's Peoples (3) [GE]
Introduction to non-Western music and arts, studied within their sociocultural context. Focus on autochthonous, folk and classical music in their societal context as art forms. Lecture, discussion and guided listening, enhanced by selected audio visual presentations and readings. Complementary concert attendance, museum visits, and field trips in the Bay Area. No prerequisite.
506 Survey of Jazz (3) [GE]
A multi-media general survey of jazz from early ragtime to the present, using slides, tapes, records, live performances, and interviews to explore the musical-social-economic history of jazz and its interaction with classical and rock musics. No prerequisite.
508 Modern Music: American Iconoclasts (3) [GE]
Prerequisite: upper division standing. Overview of selected iconoclastic twentieth century American composers including Charles Ives, Harry Partch, John Cage, and Philip Glass. Discussion of innovations, social and artistic context, uniquely American qualities. Stylistic analysis of representative works. Music reading skills not required.
509 Contemporary Music (3)
Evolution of the major trends of musical thought from the late nineteenth century to the present. An aural and factual approach with a minimum of technical description. No prerequisite.
510 Keyboard Literature (3)
Music from sixteenth to twentieth centuries viewed through a survey of piano, harpsichord, and organ literature of this period. Required for majors in piano but open to other qualified students.
511 The Roots of Rock (3) [GE]
Prerequisite: upper division standing. The study of popular music as a reflection of American culture; folk and ethnic roots, regionalism, commercialism; the influence of technology; country, rhythm and blues, rock. Lectures, readings, and recordings are used to introduce the multi-faceted nature of today's music.
512 Rock Since the Mid–1960s (3) [GE]
An examination of developments in Rock from the mid-1960s to the early 1980s: significant styles and trends, social impact of styles, and the influence of electronic technology. Lectures, readings, and recordings are used to familiarize the students with the history and stylistic development of rock music.
520 Seminar in Music Literature (3)
Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. Seminar in concentrated study of the works of a single composer, or a style, or a special repertoire. May be repeated for credit with varying content.
530 Music of the Middle East, Far East, and Sub-continental India (3)
Prerequisite: upper division standing or consent of instructor. A survey of Jewish, Pan-Islamic music, and the Far East. Concentrations may include music of Iran, China, Japan, and differences between northern and southern Indian music. Students may petition to substitute this course for MUS 520 as preparation for MUS 598.
531 Music of the Pacific Basin (3)
Prerequisite: upper division standing or consent of instructor. The music of the Pacific Basin: China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Southeast Asia, the Malayan world, Micronesia, Melanesia, Australia, and Polynesia. Includes instruments and their function, the origin of music and performance. Students may petition to substitute this course for MUS 520 as preparation for MUS 598.
532 Music of Latin America (3) [GE]
Prerequisite: upper division standing or consent of instructor. Music of Latin America: Mexico, Venezuela, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, etc. Includes colonial/classical music, folk, popular, Indian, rural, and urban styles. Includes instruments and their function, live performances. Students may petition to substitute this course for MUS 520 as preparation for MUS 598.
550 Music from the Middle Ages to 1750 (3)
Prerequisite: MUS 233. From Gregorian Chant through the death of Bach. Historical study of music of the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque eras, involving stylistic and formal analysis. Representative examples from the literature are related to the performance practices of each period. Primarily intended for music majors and minors.
551 Classic and Romantic Music (3)
Prerequisite: MUS 233. Classic and Romantic periods through the beginning of the twentieth century. Historical study of music of these periods involving stylistic and formal analysis of representative musical literature. Historical performance techniques are examined. Primarily intended for music majors and minors.
552 Twentieth Century Music (3)
Prerequisites: MUS 233 and 551. Evolution of the major trends of musical thought from the late nineteenth century to the present. Stylistic and formal analysis of representative music literature. Primarily intended for music majors and minors.
555 Projects in Music History (1)
A projects course in research, bibliography, early notation and analysis. Required by advisement for Bachelor of Music candidates in the Music History and Literature emphasis. May be repeated for credit.
560 Lyric Diction (3)
Pronunciation of foreign language for singers. Includes Latin, Italian, German, French, and English using international phonetics. Open to non-music majors.
565 Vocal Literature (3)
Prerequisite: MUS 550, 551, or 552. Vocal literature from the sixteenth century to the present. History, style, and performance practices. Required for majors in voice, but open to other qualified students.
598 Senior Thesis (3)
Prerequisite: MUS 520. For music majors only. Development and completion of the senior thesis and, as appropriate, public presentation of the results of that creative work. Bibliographical and stylistic techniques requisite to the organization and presentation of research projects.
601 Music for Children (3)
Musical materials, concepts, and skills appropriate for use in elementary classrooms. Music fundamentals applied through development of basic skills on an instrument: guitar, recorder, or piano.
602 World Folk Song Style and Culture (3) [GE]
Prerequisites: upper division standing and ability to read music or consent of instructor. Study and analysis of world folk song including singing style, relationship of folk song to culture, and Western musical influences. Extensive listening; active participation by performing selected non-Western folk songs.
608 Early Field Experience in Music Education (2)
Prerequisite: upper division standing. Provides 45 hours of observation and participation in school music classes at elementary, middle, and high school levels. Classwork, one unit; field work, one unit.
610 General Music (3)
Prerequisite: upper division standing. Materials for teaching music literature and theory in ensemble rehearsals, in general music classes, and in elective situations.
612 The Voice (3)
Physiological and psychological mechanics of singing. Past and present techniques of vocal instruction and comparative methods of developing vocal techniques and repertoire. Intended primarily for music majors and minors.
614 Piano Pedagogy (2)
Prerequisite: piano major or audition. Fundamental problems in teaching piano, including elements of technique, theory and sight-reading, performance and analysis of teaching materials, class procedures and methods.
616 Woodwinds (2)
Prerequisite: departmental permission. Individual and class instruction involving fundamental techniques and performance problems of flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, and saxophone. Laboratory.
618 Strings (2)
Prerequisite: departmental permission. Individual and class instruction involving fundamental techniques and performance problems of violin, viola, violoncello, and string bass. Laboratory.
620 Brass Instruments (2)
Prerequisite: departmental permission. Individual and class instruction involving fundamental techniques and performance problems of horn, trumpet, trombone, baritone, and tuba. Laboratory.
630 Instrumental Materials and Literature (2)
Prerequisite: upper division standing. Teaching materials and literature for wind, string, and percussion instruments; organization and management of materials and equipment in the public school instrumental program; e.g., budget and library.
635 Choral Literature (3)
Prerequisite: upper division standing. Choral music for children's voices, adolescent voices, men's and women's glee, and mixed chorus in public schools.
640 Instrumental Conducting (3)
Prerequisites: MUS 415 and upper division standing. Basic elements of conducting with instrumental laboratory experience; observation and discussion of the director's responsibility and rehearsal methods. Classwork, two units; laboratory, one unit.
645 Choral Conducting (3)
Prerequisite: upper division standing and ability to read, sing, and play selected vocal scores at the piano. Basic elements of conducting with choral laboratory experience; observation and discussion of the director's responsibility and rehearsal methods. Classwork, two units; laboratory, one unit.
650 Curriculum and Instruction in Music in the Secondary Schools (3)
Prerequisite: music major or minor or equivalent. Vocal and instrumental (including keyboard) literature for the music program in secondary schools. Research in course organization. Observation in elementary and secondary schools. Primarily intended for music majors of senior or graduate standing. Laboratory.
680 Trends and Traditions in Music Education (1-3)
Topic and unit value to be specified in Class Schedule. Exploration of a current topic relevant to music education. May be repeated for a total of nine units as topic varies.
699 Special Study (1-3)
Prerequisites: upper division standing, permission of the instructor, and approval of the student's adviser. Independent study, under supervision of a staff member selected by the student, of some aspect of the field not covered by regular courses. May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor, the adviser, and the department chair, but no more than three units can be taken during any one semester.
Graduate Courses
700 Introduction to Graduate Study (3)
Pre- or co-requisite to other graduate seminars. Priority given to music majors. Orientation to graduate study; use and evaluation of major bibliographic materials, including primary and secondary sources; techniques of research through development of individual projects.
701 Graduate Seminar in Music (3)
Prerequisite: graduate standing. Topics to be specified in Class Schedule. Specialized topics; for example, a single musical genre, works of a single composer or group of composers, or topics that embrace various aspects of music theory and/or history. May be repeated for credit when topic varies.
710 Advanced Analysis (3)
Prerequisite: fully classified graduate standing, or conditional classification and approval of the student's graduate adviser. A seminar focusing on analytical techniques and their application to in-depth study of selected major works from the literature of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries. May be repeated once for credit.
715 Canon and Fugue (3)
Prerequisite: fully classified graduate standing, or conditional classification and approval of the student's graduate adviser. A seminar focusing on the techniques of canon, invertible counterpoint, and fugue through written exercises and analysis of representative works from the literature.
720 Directed Projects in Theory or Composition (2)
Prerequisite: consent of composition and theory faculty committee. Music majors only. Individual studies in composition or theory under faculty supervision. May be repeated for a total of eight units.
725 Practicum in Composition (2)
Prerequisite: consent of composition and theory faculty committee. Music majors only. Directed individual projects in advanced orchestration; twentieth century styles and practices; problems in scoring and analysis. May be repeated for a total of eight units of credit.
History Series
Graduate seminars involving detailed historical and analytical study of the works of a single composer, style, or special repertoire from the period indicated.
750 The Medieval Era (3)
Prerequisite: MUS 550.
751 The Renaissance (3)
Prerequisite: MUS 550.
752 The Baroque (3)
Prerequisite: MUS 550.
753 The Classical Era (3)
Prerequisite: MUS 551.
754 The Romantic Era (3)
Prerequisite: MUS 551.
755 The Twentieth Century (3)
Prerequisite: MUS 552.
776 Directed Projects in Performance (2)
Prerequisite: departmental and supervising faculty permission. For music majors only. Graduate individual projects in performance and literature for piano, voice, organ, orchestral and band instruments. May be repeated for credit.
776 Graduate Piano Major
776 Graduate Voice Major
776 Graduate Organ Major
776 Graduate Instrumental Major Instruments
Flute, Trumpet, Viola, Oboe, Trombone, Cello, Clarinet, Tuba, Double Bass, Bassoon, Percussion, Harp, Horn, Violin, Guitar
778 Chamber Music Performance (1)
Prerequisite: audition required. Open to graduate performance majors. Preparation and performance of major works of chamber music literature. May be repeated for credit.
780 Graduate Major Repertoire (2)
Prerequisites: departmental permission. Solo literature required of master's candidates. May be repeated for credit. Sections of appropriate instrumental or vocal study are indicated in the Class Schedule.
781 Choral Conducting (2)
Prerequisite: departmental permission. Directed individual projects in choral conducting. Evaluation and selection of appropriate choral literature. Consideration of rehearsal techniques.
782 Instrumental Conducting (2)
Prerequisite: departmental permission. Directed individual projects in instrumental conducting. Evaluation and selection of appropriate band and orchestral literature. Consideration of rehearsal techniques.
821 Research in Music Education (3)
Prerequisite: permission of graduate major adviser. Seminar in past and current research in music education. Techniques and instruments appropriate for research. Problems in designing and implementing research projects.
822 Designing Curricula in Music (3)
Developing music units, courses, or curricula based on strong rationale and educational objectives, with intended learning outcomes, sequence, and evaluation; analyzing current practices and curricular materials.
852 Directed Experiences in Music (1-3)
Prerequisite: consent of graduate major adviser and supervising instructor. For music majors only. Directed research, observation or experience in a specific area of graduate concentration. May be repeated for a total of six units.
894 Creative Work Project (3)
Prerequisites: advancement to candidacy and recommendation of supervising faculty. Recital or creative project presented by the student under faculty supervision as a culmination of study for the Master of Music in Performance or Master of Arts in Music. Graduate Approved Program and Proposal for Culminating Experience Requirement forms must be approved by the Graduate Division before registration.
898 Master's Thesis (3)
Prerequisites: advancement to candidacy and recommendation of supervising faculty. Research, creative project, or recital presented by the student under faculty supervision as a culmination of study for the Master of Music or Master of Arts in Music. Graduate Approved Program and Proposal for Culminating Experience Requirement forms must be approved by the Graduate Division before registration.
899 Special Study (2)
Prerequisites: consent of graduate major adviser and supervising faculty member. Study is planned, developed, and completed under the direction of a member of the departmental faculty. Enrollment by petition. May be repeated for credit.