Bulletin--Physical Therapy Discipline


College of Health and Human Services
(See Physical Therapy in the Academic Program section for information on the degree)

Undergraduate Course

300 Introduction to Physical Rehabilitation (3)

Prerequisite: BIOL 100. The nature of disciplines/professions whose focus is physical rehabilitation. Topics include: history, current status, future directions; goals and methods of physical rehabilitation; professional opportunities; humanistic and scientific bases and their applications in practice; ethical and legal considerations; literature sources.

Graduate Courses

Prerequisite to all graduate courses in Physical Therapy: admission to classified graduate status in Physical Therapy or consent of instructor. Some courses described below have prerequisites with numbers in the 100 or 200 series. These are upper division and graduate level courses to be taken at the University of California, San Francisco.

700 Comprehensive Physical Therapy Management (3)

Prerequisites: PT 201, 202, PATH 135.01. Principles of physical therapy management in acute care, emergencies, dermatological conditions, wound care, adaptive procedures and equipment, communication disorders, basic fitness testing and promotion, and rehabilitation of medical problems resulting in physical disabilities. Classwork, one unit; laboratory, two units.

701 Musculoskeletal Pathokinesiology I (4)

Prerequisites: PT 200, 201; ANAT 103. Normal/abnormal musculoskeletal function; therapeutic approaches to prevention, assessment, remediation of pathokinesiological conditions. Topics: overuse syndromes, traumatic conditions, fractures, arthritis patient management, therapeutic exercise, mobilization, techniques for soft tissue injuries, specialized equipment. Classwork, two units; laboratory, two units.

702 Musculoskeletal Pathokinesiology II (3)

Prerequisite: PT 701. Advanced methods of assessment and therapeutic techniques in management of patients with musculoskeletal problems. Evaluation and application of current research. Emphasis on problem solving. Patient presentation; evaluation of new techniques. Individual and group projects. Classwork, two units; laboratory, one unit.

704 Education, Learning, and Memory in Physical Therapy (2)

Principles of communication, attention, learning, and memory affecting physical therapist's role as an educator in individualized patient and caregiver instruction, staff development programs, community health promotion and education. Emphasis on setting objectives, instructional strategies, documentation, measurement of progress and evaluation.

705 Administration and Organization in Physical Therapy (2)

Specific administrative and planning skills required for physical therapy practice in various settings. Topics include: quality assurance, documentation, personnel and fiscal management, planning, contracting, health services administration, health care team, various professional and medical-legal issues affecting physical therapy.

710 Neurological Pathokinesiology I (4)

Pathokinesiological and neuromotor principles applied to assessment and treatment of neurological dysfunction across the life span. Includes physical rehabilitation of patients with neurological impairments from trauma, infection, congenital defects, vascular and degenerative diseases. Classwork, two units; laboratory, two units.

711 Neurological Pathokinesiology II: Assessment, Prevention, and Remediation (3)

Prerequisite: PT 710. Neuromotor and pathokinesiological principles applied to advanced techniques in management of patients with neurological disorders. Evaluation and application of research. Laboratory practice and patient demonstrations. Specialists invited to teach new techniques. Classwork, two units; laboratory, one unit.

720 Cardiopulmonary Pathokinesiology I (2)

Principles of physical therapy in assessment and treatment of kinesiological/physiological dysfunction of cardiac and pulmonary systems. Physical rehabilitation or training for cardiac and/or pulmonary limitations arising from trauma, disease, congenital defect, or life style. Classwork, one unit; laboratory, one unit.

721 Cardiopulmonary Pathokinesiology II (3)

Prerequisites: PT 720; valid CPR certification credentials. Principles of cardiopulmonary physical therapy applied to the identification, assessment, and significance of normal and abnormal responses to exercise. Emphasis on use of specific testing protocols, test result interpretation, and equipment maintenance. Classwork, two units; laboratory, one unit.

730 Scientific Inquiry and Research (3)

Logic of inquiry, principles of research design, and methodologies appropriate to scholarly activity in physical therapy. Includes review and critical appraisal of current literature, problem solving in conception, design, and execution of research.

735 Psychosocial Aspects of Physical Disability (3)

Psychosocial factors which may interact with physical therapy and affect independent functioning of disabled persons. Topics include: sexuality, loss, dependency, secondary gain, motivation, anger, providing constructive support to disabled persons, and coordination of services.

736 Ecological and Organizational Issues in Rehabilitation (3)

Cultural, environmental, and legislative issues affecting accessibility of physical therapy and related services. Sociocultural issues relative to quality of health as a right; influences of political and fiscal climates on trends in models of health care delivery.

737 New Dimensions in Physical Therapy (2)

Prerequisites: PT 200 and 201. Topic to be specified in the Class Schedule. Selected topics reflecting developing directions in physical therapy (e.g., pain control, rehabilitaiton engineering, analysis of pathological movement, mobilization, neuroplasticity, premature high risk infants, TMJ problems, craniosacral therapy. May be repeated for a total of four credits when topics vary. CR/NC grading.

890 Research Seminar in Physical Therapy (3)

Prerequisite: PT 253. Research designs, problem solving, methodologies, and data analysis for specific topics in basic and clinical physical therapy research. Implementation of one facet of an ongoing project, under guidance of the principal investigator. CR/NC grading only.

899 Special Study (1-3)

Prerequisite: consent of major adviser and supervising faculty member. Independent study or research planned, developed, and completed under the direction of a faculty member. Open only to graduate students who have demonstrated ability to do independent work. May be repeated twice for a total of six units.

Course Disciplines Listing, Bulletin 1994-96 Table of Contents, SFSU Home Page

last modified June 27, 1995