Bulletin--Russian Discipline


College of Humanities
(See Foreign Languages and Literatures—Russian in the Academic Programs section for information on degrees)

Upper division courses, except RUSS 600, 610, and 611, are conducted in Russian.

Undergraduate Courses

101 First Semester Russian (5) [GE]

Beginning course. Instruction in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Russian. Emphasis on the spoken language. Laboratory attendance required. (See the Department of Foreign Languages statement in the Academic Programs section.)

102 Second Semester Russian (5) [GE]

Prerequisite: RUSS 101 or equivalent. Continuation of First Semester Russian. Laboratory attendance required.

103 Third Semester Russian (5) [GE]

Prerequisite: RUSS 102 or equivalent. Continuation of instruction to understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Russian at the intermediate level and to Russian culture; emphasis on language as a communicative medium and carrier of culture.

104 Fourth Semester Russian (5)

Prerequisite: RUSS 103 or equivalent. Continuation of Third Semester Russian. Selected reading material as preparation for upper division courses in Russian literature.

206 Russian Conversation (3)

Prerequisites: RUSS 104 or equivalent. The development of oral and written skills in Russian through intensive reading, discussions, and compositions based on a variety of topics dealing with contemporary life in the Soviet Union.

305 Advanced Grammar and Composition (3)

Prerequisite: RUSS 104 or equivalent. Analysis of grammatical constructions. Study and exercises in style. Practical exercises in composition.

306 Advanced Conversation and Composition (3)

Prerequisite: RUSS 305 or equivalent. An intensive reading-conversation course. Covers a variety of subjects including literary and linguistic topics. Recommended for non-native majors and minors.

307 Advanced Reading and Composition (3)

Prerequisite: RUSS 305 or equivalent. Reading and composition designed to develop writing for advanced work. Study of various styles and their effect in literary compositions. Required for majors. Recommended for minors.

325 Practical Linguistics of Russian (3)

Prerequisite: RUSS 104 or equivalent. Application of linguistics to the study of Russian sound patterns and structures.

340 Contemporary Russian Press (3)

Prerequisite: RUSS 104 or equivalent. Extensive readings in Russian press stressing the contemporary terminology and phraseology in political, cultural, and scientific writings. May be repeated for credit.

390 Business Russian (3)

Prerequisite: RUSS 104 or equivalent. Learning Russian business communication skills (written and oral). Readings in current Russian economics, politics, and social issues. Instruction in how to orient oneself in Russia and other CIS nations.

401 Russian Culture and Civilization (3)

Prerequisite: RUSS 104 or equivalent. Background for courses in literature. Lectures, readings, and controlled oral and written composition in Russian.

510 Russian Literature I (3)

Russian literature from its origins through the end of the eighteenth century. Discussion of representative works and movements.

511 Russian Literature II (3)

Representative works and movements in Russian literature from the beginning of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century.

550 Russian Drama (3)

Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. Representative works of Russian drama from its inception to the present. May be repeated when different works or periods are offered.

560 The Russian Novel (3)

Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. Selected novelists or novelistic movements. Trends and interpretation of various developments. May be repeated when different topics of this genre are offered.

561 Russian Short Story (3)

Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. The short story as a distinctive prosaic genre. Reading and interpretation of various developments. May be repeated when different works or periods are offered.

590 Topics in Russian Literature and Linguistics (3)

Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. An intensive study of outstanding authors or works or selected topics in Russian linguistics. Controlled oral and written composition. Course may be repeated for credit when different topics are treated in succeeding semesters.

600 Contemporary Russian Literature in English (3)

Prerequisite: ENG 114 or consent of instructor. Survey of contemporary Russian literature in English in/outside the Soviet Union—1917 to Glasnost. Works by Gorky, Solzhenitsyn, Pasternak. Open to all students. Paired with RUSS 800. Students who have completed RUSS 600 may not take RUSS 800 later for credit.

610 Dostoevsky in English Translation (3)

Prerequisite: ENG 114 or consent of instructor. Analysis and discussion of Dostoevsky's seven important works with special emphasis on recurrent motifs. In English. Paired with RUSS 810. Students who have completed RUSS 610 may not take RUSS 810 later for credit.

611 Chekhov's Plays in English Translation (3)

Prerequisite: ENG 114 or consent of instructor. Analysis and discussion of Chekhov's six major plays with reference to this other dramatic pieces. In English. Paired with RUSS 811. Students who have completed RUSS 611 may not take RUSS 811 later for credit.

699 Special Study (1-3)

Prerequisite: consent of department chair and instructor. Special topics in Russian. Written projects requiring critical analysis and interpretation of linguistic or literary problems. Material adapted to individual needs and interests. May be repeated for credit.

Graduate Courses

Prerequisite for each graduate course in Russian: admission to Russian program or consent of instructor.

700 Seminar in Research Methods (1)

Problems and methods in research, bibliography, and criticism.

745 History of the Russian Language (3)

Historic development of the language. Phonetics, morphology, and syntax of Old Russian as compared to its modern structure.

800 Contemporary Russian Literature in English (3)

Survey of contemporary Russian literature in English in/outside the Soviet Union—1917 to Glasnost. Works by Gorky, Solzhenitsyn, Pasternak. Open to all students. Paired with RUSS 600. Students who have completed RUSS 600 may not take RUSS 800 for credit.

810 Dostoevsky in English Translation (3)

For course description, see RUSS 610. Paired with RUSS 610. Students who have completed RUSS 610 may not take RUSS 810 later for credit. RUSS 810 covers more advanced material and written assignments.

811 Chekhov's Plays in English Translation (3)

Prerequisite: ENG 114 or consent of instructor. For course description, see RUSS 611. Paired with RUSS 611. Students who have completed RUSS 611 may not take RUSS 811 later for credit. RUSS 811 covers more advanced material and written assignments.

820 Seminar: Nineteenth Century (3)

Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. Trends in nineteenth century Russian literature known as the "Golden Age." May be repeated when topics vary.

830 Seminar: Russian Modernism (3)

Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. The prevailing trends in Russian literature between 1890-1917. May be repeated when topics vary.

880 Seminar: Special Topics (3)

Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. May be repeated when topics vary.

899 Special Study (1-3)

Study is planned, developed, and completed under the direction of a member of the departmental faculty. Open only to graduate students who have demonstrated ability to do independent work. Enrollment by petition.

Course Disciplines Listing, Bulletin 1994-96 Table of Contents, SFSU Home Page

last modified June 30, 1995