Bulletin--Special Education Discipline
College of Education
(See Special Education in the Academic Programs section for information on degrees)
Undergraduate Courses
330 Introduction to Disability (3) [GE]
Examines the ways in which society defines, fosters, and attempts to remediate disabilities. Particular attention is paid to the disabled as a minority group and to relationships between ethnicity and societal definitions of disability. Designed for general education students desiring an understanding of disabled individuals and their experiences in our society.
370 Introduction to Atypical Infant Development (3) [GE]
Introduction to issues related to the development of handicapped and at-risk infants and toddlers. Includes prenatal risk factors, family concerns and a description of cognitive, social, motor and language development differences.
601 Observation and Participation in Special Education (1-3)
Prerequisite: admission to special education credential program. Supervised clinical practice with exceptional children. Observation and practice under supervision in schools, hospitals or clinics as required by field of specialization. CR/NC grading only.
616 Utilizing Microcomputers with Special Learners (3)
This entry-level course is designed to introduce the microcomputer and its utilization with special learners to educators. Hands-on experience is built with course curriculum. No basic programming required. No previous experience with computers necessary.
622 Education of Hearing Impaired Children and Youth (3)
Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Psychological, educational, and vocational implications of hearing impairment. Historical and current issues and trends. Utilization of research findings. Purposes and services of organizations, educational programs, and agencies.
630 Education of Exceptional Children (3)
Survey of disabilities that are present in pre-school, elementary, secondary, and adult learners. Implications of the various disabilities on learning is discussed by various lecturers with expertise in the field. Course designed to fulfill credential requirement. May not be applied as an elective towards the master's degree.
643 Physical Disabilities—Implications and Management (3)
Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Medical information; implications for instruction, physical management of crippled/other health impaired; deviations in developmental patterns; approaches used by rehabilitation therapists, speech therapists, educators to accommodate mild, moderate, severe developmental deviations; management of special equipment, emergency procedures.
662 Elementary School Mainstreaming (2)
Corequisite: E ED 662. Identifying characteristics of various handicapping conditions. Expanding concepts of learning styles and criteria for selecting materials for individualized instruction to implement the mainstream component with reference to the elementary classroom.
663 Methods of Instruction in Secondary Programs with Severely Disabled Students (3)
Prerequisites: SPED 745 and 773, or consent of instructor. Planning for instruction in integrated school and community environments. Prioritizing curricular content, securing and maintaining instructional sites, staff training, and transition to adult services. Logistical issues in implementing a community intensive model.
680 Practicum: Language Development/Assessment of Hearing Impaired (1)
Establishing communication skills with hearing impaired children through planned language experiences using consistent and systematic teaching strategies. CR/NC grading only.
681 Practicum: Listening Skills of Hearing Impaired (1)
Practicum in developing language-based listening skills and auditory processing in hearing impaired children including planning lessons, using equipment to evaluate functional hearing levels, and caring for hearing aids. CR/NC grading only.
682 Signing Exact English I (3)
Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Develops beginning level receptive and expressive skills, including basic fingerspelling, in Signing Exact English.
683 Practicum in Speech Development and Remediation with Hearing Impaired Children (1)
Evaluation speech: intelligibility of oral language and articulation of specific sounds. Remediating errors in rhythm, rate, pitch, phrasing, and articulation. CR/NC grading only.
684 Practicum in Cognitive-Based Curriculum with Hearing Impaired Children (1)
Individual tutoring with hearing impaired children. Emphasis is on adapting language and developing thinking skills through content areas of curriculum. CR/NC grading only.
685 Signing Exact English II (3)
Prerequisite: SPED 682 or consent of instructor. Develops advanced level receptive and expressive skills, including fingerspelling, Signing Exact English. Receptive skills emphasized.
688 American Sign Language I (3) [GE]
Introduction to American Sign Language (ASL); examination of ASL as a language system; development of expressive/receptive skills and finger spelling. Covers basic vocabulary, grammatical principles, aspects of the deaf culture.
689 American Sign Language II (3)
Prerequisite: SPED 688. Additional vocabulary, grammatical information and exposure to deaf culture as well as an increased emphasis on practice, in both expressive and receptive skills.
690 American Sign Language III (3)
Prerequisites: SPED 688 and 689 or consent of instructor. An advanced study of American Sign Language focusing upon the increasingly complex aspects of cultural awareness, grammatical features, vocabulary (lexicon) and conversational skills.
691 Deaf Community Culture (2)
Examination of sociocultural, linguistic, audiological, and political elements that determine the character of the deaf community and its relationship to/with the majority group, and the distinction between community and culture.
699 Special Study (1-3)
An intensive study of a particular problem in education under direction of a member of the department. Enrollment by petition approved by the instructor, adviser, and department chair. Open to regularly enrolled students only.
Graduate Courses
707 Developing Microcomputer Courseware for Special Learners (3)
An intermediate-level course designed to equip educators with the knowledge and skill necessary to utilize authoring tools to design and produce microcomputer courseware appropriate for special learners. Hands-on computer experience is part of the course content. Previous experience necessary.
708 Microcomputers with the Physically Limited (3)
An intermediate level course designed to teach procedures for assessing physically limited individuals for computer use, selecting hardware and assistive/adaptive devices for classroom use, individualizing the use of the devices, and selecting educational and communication software for the curriculum.
709 Advanced Differential Diagnosis and Assessment (3)
Prerequisite: admission to Resource Specialist, Education Therapist, or Seriously Emotionally Disturbed (SED) Program. Individualized competency-based diagnostic course for clinicians, teachers, and resource specialists involved with formal and informal assessment and educational interventions. Roles and responsibilities of resource specialists, educational therapists, and teachers of the seriously emotionally disturbed (SED). Prerequisite to field work placements.
710 Management of Clinical Practice (3)
Study of process of private professional clinical practice. Investigate principles of employee administration, client recruiting, screening and management, facility acquisition and utilization, and problems of maintenance of private clinical practices. Analysis of private settings, office practice, community clinics, group private practice, and hospital and other institutional settings.
711 Student Support Seminar (2)
Prerequisites: admission to department program and by advisement. Issues and problems seminar to include discussion and group process. Designed for pre-practica and pre-internship coordination for future site placements and review students' programmatic needs.
716 Technology in Special Education (3)
Prerequisite: EDT 627 or EED 683 or prior computer experience. Use of adaptive devices for computer access to special learners. Use of software and hardware for students with disabilities. Technology to facilitate integration of students into the regular classroom. Effective teaching strategies using technological tools.
721 Student Teaching Workshop: Education of the Visually Handicapped (1)
Prerequisite: permission of adviser. Corequisite: SPED 730, student teaching. Education workshop for student teachers. Reviews planning, guiding, and evaluating experiences of visually handicapped students.
722 Student Teaching Workshop: Education of the Deaf/Hearing Impaired (2)
Prerequisite: permission of adviser. Corequisite: SPED 730, student teaching. Education workshop for student teachers. Reviews planning, guiding, and evaluating experiences of deaf or hearing impaired students.
724 Student Teaching Workshop: Education of the Physically Handicapped (1)
Prerequisite: permission of adviser. Corequisite: SPED 730, student teaching. Education workshop for student teachers. Reviews planning, guiding, and evaluating experiences of physically disabled students.
727 Student Teaching Workshop: Education of Learning Handicapped (1)
Prerequisite: permission of adviser. Corequisite: SPED 730, student teaching. Education workshop for student teachers. Reviews planning, guiding, and evaluating experiences of learning handicapped students.
728 Student Teaching Workshop: Education of the Severely Disabled (1)
Prerequisite: permission of adviser. Corequisite: SPED 730, student teaching. Education workshop for student teachers. Reviews planning, guiding, and evaluating experiences of severely disabled students.
730 Student Teaching: Special Education (4-12)
Prerequisite: consent of adviser. Must be taken concurrently with special education workshop in area of emphasis (SPED 721, 722, 724, 727, or 728). Student teaching practicum/field experience, placement in special education setting or classroom. Units upon advisement.
732 Adaptive Skills for Blind and Visually Impaired Persons (3)
Basic techniques of performing daily living, job-readiness, and recreational skills by adults with visual impairments. Use of adaptive equipment. Emphasis on teaching methodologies.
733 Seminar: Rehabilitation Teaching for Visually Impaired (3)
Prerequisite: SPED 732 or consent of instructor. Advanced techniques of performing daily living skills. Teaching clients with multiple and visual impairments. Advocacy and the system of rehabilitation.
734 Practicum in Rehabilitation Teaching for the Visually Impaired (3)
Prerequisite: SPED 732. Corequisite: SPED 733. Students participate in three five-week teaching experiences in blind rehabilitation agencies and programs. Each model varies according to population and setting. 180 hours of hands-on experience required.
735 Computer Technology for Visually Impaired (3)
Survey and assessment of computer hardware and software suitable for use with visually impaired students. Includes synthesized voice, computer generated braille, enlarged print output for word processing, games, and educational software. Utilization of adaptive hardware and software.
736 Biomedical and Developmental Aspects of Neonatal/Infant Care (3)
Prerequisite: SPED 777. Describes coordination between medical and educational specialists in treatment and care of high risk and disabled infants. Intervention in the intensive care nursery, transitioning out of the hospital setting, and the relationship of neonatal problems to later development.
737 Infant Intervention (3)
Prerequisite: SPED 777. Methods course in instruction for at-risk and disabled infants. Describes curriculum and instructional models for disabled infants and families, interagency coordination, program administration, and transdisciplinary team approach. Practicum experience with an atypical infant as part of seminar requirement. Part one of a two-part sequence curriculum series with SPED 738.
738 Preschool Intervention (3)
Prerequisites: SPED 777; SPED 737 (preferred for M.A. candidates). Describes curriculum and instructional models for preschool special education, interagency coordination, program administration, and collaboration with families of preschoolers. Provides practical experience working with disabled preschoolers.
741 Cerebral Palsy and Its Implications (3)
Seminar in the causes of cerebral palsy; problems of physical, mental, social and emotional development; multiple handicaps; parent counseling, integration of services necessary to meet the child's individual needs.
743 Issues in Augmentative/Alternative Communication (1-2)
Augmentative/alternative communication applicable to children and adults whose speech is nonfunctional for all communication situations. Topics include: physical implications for speech/language development and disorders, aided/unaided communication strategies, assessment, and intervention using interdisciplinary approaches and research issues.
744 Integrating Students with Special Needs into the Regular Secondary Classroom (3)
Teachers learn to recognize and effectively respond to the physical, social, emotional, and academic characteristics and needs of adolescents with disabilities. Attention also given to students with learning disabilities. Emphasis placed on practical applications of current educational theory and research.
745 Environmental Design for Students with Severe Disabilities (3)
Prerequisites: generic specialist requirements and consent of instructor. Corequisite: SPED 773. Emphasis on integrated service delivery, including historical and philosophical bases, advocacy roles, and collaborative teaming skills necessary to development and delivery of curriculum.
746 Teaching Physically Handicapped Individuals (3)
Prerequisites: SPED 601, 643, or consent of instructor. Advanced methods for teaching persons with physical disabilities. Assessment of orthopedically handicapped individuals; instructional methods and organization; immediate and long-term curriculum design; working with parents, aides, and paraprofessionals.
748 Preparation of Physically Handicapped Pupils for Optimal Independent Living (3)
Prerequisite: consent of adviser. Assessment of needs of physically disabled individuals for optimal independent functioning in home, school, and community; development and evaluation of instructional programs for teaching independent living skills and use of leisure time; exploration of rehabilitation and employment opportunities.
749 Educational and Medical Implications of Visual Disability (3)
Causes, symptoms, treatment, educational implications of visual impairment. Current research on eye diseases and on low vision utilization. Functional assessment of low vision, use of prescriptions and non-prescriptive low vision aids. Practicum at a low vision clinic.
More Special Education courses
Course Disciplines Listing, Bulletin 1994-96 Table of Contents, SFSU Home Page
last modified July 18, 1995