Bulletin--Special Education Discipline-2
Special Education (continued)
750 Survey of Education of the Visually Handicapped (2)
Evolution of education and rehabilitation of the visually handicapped. Psychological and sociological aspects. Issues in transition, from education to rehabilitation. Practical experiences in education or rehabilitation required.
751 Curriculum for the Visually Handicapped (3)
Selection, adaptation, and preparation of instructional materials: print, braille, and auditory. Development of software for visually handicapped. Curriculum for unique needs. Collaborative efforts with parents, teachers, administrators.
752 Social and Psychological Implications of Visual Impairment (3)
Seminar in the implications of visual impairment and the changing cultural patterns affecting them.
753 Advanced Curriculum: Visually Impaired (3)
Techniques for instruction of visually impaired students in living skills, social skills, career education, leisure and recreation. Potential psychological impact of visual impairment on child and family needs of visually impaired preschool children.
754 Communication Skills for Visually Impaired: Research and Methodology (3)
Introduction to the literary and mathematical Braille codes. Relevant research and methodology for teaching Braille. Braille reading and slate. Introduction to computer generated Braille systems, and methods for teaching signature writing.
755 Basic Orientation and Mobility for the Visually Impaired (3)
Understanding the aural, tactual, visual, and kinesthetic senses in mobility skills for visually handicapped persons. Acquisition of basic orientation and mobility skills—a shared responsibility of teacher and mobility instructor. Perceptual factors in mobility. Observation of mobility instructors required.
756 Seminar: Intermediate Orientation and Mobility for Visually Impaired (3)
Prerequisite: SPED 755, or concurrent enrollment. Corequisite: SPED 792. Seminar to accompany intermediate and advanced orientation and mobility. Students relate personal mobility experiences to the instruction of blind persons. Identification and assessment of, and instruction in, various specific travel situations.
757 Strategies for Teaching the Multi–Handicapped/Visually Handicapped Student (3)
An overview of training strategies that can be effectively applied to the multi-handicapped/visually handicapped learner. Areas for consideration include: assessment and evaluation of needs, behavioral management, functional skills models, and adaptations and devices that enhance independence.
758 Advanced Communication Skills for Visually Impaired: Research and Methodology (2)
Prerequisite: SPED 754, or equivalent. Advanced formats of Braille codes: literary, mathematical, computer, foreign language, and music. Methods for applying research based curriculum.
759 Methods of Teaching Children with Low Vision (3)
Prerequisite: SPED 611 or equivalent. Functional assessment, program planning, techniques for increasing visual efficiency and vision utilization; evaluation of prescriptive and nonprescriptive aids for low vision children. Adaptation of materials and environment for optimum learning.
760 Orientation and Mobility for Visually Impaired with Multiple Disabilities (3)
Prerequisite: admission to program or consent of instructor. Corequisite: SPED 792. The impact of multiple disabilities on independent travel by persons with visual impairments. Adaptation of orientation and mobility techniques for special populations. Serving preschool and geriatric populations. Current research, trends, and issues.
761 Career Education for Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities (3)
Prerequisites: consent of instructor. Teaching career programs for students with mild/moderate disabilities in the public schools. Competency-based curriculum focusing on daily living, personal/social and occupational skills as they relate to employment and adult independence. SPED 777 may be taken as alternate requirement in specialist program.
770 Mild/Moderate Disabilities (3)
Corequisite: SPED 774. Introductory course for credential and master's degree students specializing in mild/moderate disabilities. Definition and diagnosis of learning disabilities, emotional/behavior disorders, and mental retardation. Summary of historical factors and current issues pertaining to public policy and service delivery.
772 Methods 1: Assessment, Curriculum, and Instruction for Mild/Moderate Disabilities (3)
Prerequisites: SPED 770 and 774. Seminar in assessment, curriculum adaptation, and educational planning related to reading and language arts. Formal/informal assessment and program evaluation. Design and evaluation of instruction for mild/moderate disabilities.
773 Methods of Assessment and Instruction for Students with Severe Disabilities (3)
Prerequisite: completion of generic specialist requirements and consent of instructor. Corequisite: SPED 745. Analysis and development of assessment and curriculum strategies for individualized instruction in integrated contexts and environments. Specific instructional methods and evaluation strategies.
774 Classroom Management in Special Education (3)
Prerequisite: admission to program. Corequisite: SPED 770. Applied behavior analysis and positive programming stressed to promote academic and social/behavior skills development. Practical and observation experiences.
775 Methods 2: Assessment, Curriculum, and Instruction for Mild/Moderate Disabilities (3)
Prerequisite: SPED 770 and 774. Seminar in assessment, curriculum adaptation, and educational planning. Assessment and instructional procedures related to mathematics, content areas, and study and social skills. Formal/informal assessment and program evaluation. Design and evaluation of instruction for mild/moderate disabilities.
777 Atypical Infant Development (3)
Prerequisites: generic special education sequence and consent of instructor. Seminar focusing on atypical infant developmental patterns with comparisons to normal development. Implications for early intervention and future educational programming. Practicum experience with an atypical infant as part of seminar requirement.
778 Methods 3: Assessment, Curriculum, and Instruction for Mild/Moderate Disabilities (3)
Prerequisites: SPED 772 and 775, or concurrent enrollment. In-depth seminar in teaching reading to meet individual needs of students with mild/moderate disabilities. Theoretical foundations for instructional practices and curriculum development with an emphasis on reading.
779 Family Systems and Services for Young Disabled Children (3)
Prerequisite: SPED 777. Provides information and experiences for understanding and assessing family systems and caregiver-child interactions, and developing intervention programs. Family situations that generate unique needs are emphasized. Learn how to effectively communicate with families of disabled children and to link families with community support networks.
780 Assessment and Program Evaluation in Early Childhood Special Education Setting (3)
Seminar focusing on assessment of children from birth to five years, and program evaluation design. Analysis of both formal standardized assessments and informal (e.g., criterion-referenced checklists). Translation of child and family assessments into educational plans. Overall program evaluation designs. (Also offered as E ED 780.)
781 Education of Students with Serious Emotional/Behavior Disorders (3)
Prerequisites: completion of specialist generic sequence requirements or consent of instructor. Education of children with serious emotional and/or behavior disorders including the autistic individual. Etiology, assessment, program evaluation, and community and policy issues.
782 Language Assessment for Deaf and Hearing Impaired Children (3)
Corequisite: SPED 601. Acquisition of receptive and expressive language. Basic sentence patterns and transformations. Standardized language tests, language sampling, and determining language priorities. Includes practicum assignment to provide opportunity for language assessment in a practical setting.
783 Speech for Hearing Impaired Children (3)
Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Structure, function, and pathology of the speech mechanism. Motor and acoustic phonetics. Multisensory approach to the initiation, development, and improvement of speech-breath, voice, articulation, intonation, rhythm. Current and recent research.
784 Curriculum for Hearing Impaired Children: Reading (2)
Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Curriculum theory, content, instructional procedures and materials for teaching reading to hearing impaired children. Practical experience in implementing theory into classroom with hearing impaired children. Competency-based practicum.
785 Curriculum for Hearing Impaired Children: Subject Areas (3)
Corequisite: SPED 601 (1 unit). Curriculum theory, instructional procedures, and materials for teaching subject areas content to hearing impaired students. Emphasis on developing thinking skills throughout curriculum. Includes a practicum assignment for opportunity to implement various strategies in a practical experience.
786 Auditory Training and Amplification Systems for the Hearing Impaired (3)
The auditory mechanism, physical and psychological aspects of sound, maintenance and use of amplification systems and hearing aids in the classroom. Auditory training techniques to optimize use of residual hearing. Interpretation of audiometric testing.
787 Advanced Assessment and Instructional Design for Students with Severe Disabilities (3)
Prerequisite: SPED 745 and 773, or consent of instructor. Corequisite: SPED 789. Advanced methods of instruction and curriculum development, including components on assessment and instruction of sensory and motor skills for students with severe multiple disabilities, and adaptive equipment.
788 Public Policy and Legal Rights of Persons with Disability (3)
Designed to examine legal protections of persons with disability in education and in society in general. Current issues and policy development at national and state levels discussed. Specific topics include integration, comprehensive services, parent rights, and advocacy programs.
789 Advanced Environmental Design for Students with Severe Disabilities (3)
Prerequisite: SPED 745 and 773, or consent of instructor. Corequisite: SPED 787. Advanced method of instruction and curriculum development, including components on functional behavior analysis, communication skills, social integration of students with severe disabilities, and augmentative communication equipment.
790 Speech and Language Intervention for Deaf and Hearing Impaired Children (3)
Corequisite: SPED 601. Curriculum theory, content, and materials for teaching speech and language to deaf and hearing impaired children. Integration of speech and language instructional procedures. Practicum assignment provides opportunity to implement various strategies in a practical setting.
791 Special Problems/Services for Students with Disability (1-6)
Prerequisites: consent of program adviser. Independent study concerning a particular problem in the education of persons with disabilities under direction of a member of the department faculty. Open only to regularly enrolled students.
792 Intermediate Orientation and Mobility for the Visually Impaired (3)
Prerequisite: SPED 755. Corequisites: SPED 756 and 760. The mastery of the use of the "long cane" in indoor travel, campus and environs, and introduction to residential orientation and mobility.
793 Atypical Cognitive Development (1-3)
Designed to give special education students a background in developmental theory as it applies to the education of atypical youth. Emphasis on cognitive development in its interrelation with linguistic, communicative, social and affective development.
801 Diversity in Special Education: Family Systems, Resources, and Culture (3)
Prerequisite: SPED 630 or consent of instructor. Analysis of social interaction of persons with disabilities within changing state and local demographics. Topics in special education discuss culturally diverse populations, counseling techniques, instructional strategies, evaluation, and socialization within the context of family systems and the community.
802 Administration and Supervision for Resource Specialists (3)
Prerequisite: consent of instructor. The role of the resource teacher in mainstreaming mildly to moderately handicapped children; assessment; placement; instructional strategies.
805 Internship: Vocational Education for Special Needs (3)
The student completes a 180-hour internship in educational setting where career/vocational education is being delivered to special needs persons. The student is supervised by university staff. S/he must complete a project at the site demonstrating the implementation of career/vocational principles.
806 Seminar in Field Practices (3)
Prerequisites: SPED 802 and SPED 709, or educational therapy requirements, and consent of instructor. Individual and group discussions pertaining to field work assignments for resource specialists, educational therapists, and teachers of the seriously emotionally disturbed (SED). Field work in public or private, clinical or school settings for appropriate role. Discussions of issues and solutions, as well as methodology, assessment, and evaluation. May be repeated three times for credit.
807 Communication Assessment: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Adults (2)
Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Acquisition of receptive and expressive language. Language assessment procedures, materials, and reporting formats for deaf/hearing impaired adults. Determining language priorities. Practical experiences for implementation.
821 Advanced Problems in Special Education (1-7)
Prerequisites: departmental/adviser approval required prior to enrollment. Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. Advanced study in one of the fields of concentration in special education. To be taken by graduate students in place of one or more courses in the special field. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
822 Advanced Orientation and Mobility for the Visually Impaired (3)
Prerequisite: SPED 755, 756, and 792. Corequisite: SPED 823. Mastery of the techniques used by a blind person in negotiating a more congested area of environment. The use of private and public transportation including car, cab, trolley, and BART.
823 Orientation and Mobility Techniques for Complex Travel Needs (3)
Prerequisites: SPED 756, 760, and 792. Corequisite: SPED 822. Orientation and mobility in rural and complex travel environments; environmental analysis; and accessibility. Current research and its application to orientation and mobility instruction in complex environments.
824 Advanced Behavioral and Instructional Techniques (3)
Prerequisites: SPED 601, 781, and 711. Assessment strategies and communication and social skills for useful instruction with seriously emotionally disturbed students. Functional and motivational analysis of behavior, ecological inventories, mediator analysis, and curriculum-based assessment. Methods for instruction in integrated school and community environments.
831 Internship in Special Education (3-6)
Prerequisite: ISED 797 and consent of graduate adviser. Practicum in special education or rehabilitation in clinics, rehabilitation centers, and schools under supervision of specialists in specific fields of special education or rehabilitation.
850 Issues in Vocational Special Education (3)
Describes secondary vocational training programs for disabled youth. It also addresses transition and supported employment programs for this population.
880 Field Research Seminar (3)
Prerequisites: ISED 797 and consent of instructor. Designed to assist students with field research data collection for completion of field study, thesis, or other research studies. Provides students with advising in their independent research and demonstration projects; suggestions for proposal and implementation; and strengthening of overall research skills.
881 Advanced Research Seminar in Special Education (3)
Prerequisite: advanced standing in master's degree program; and ISED 797. Overview of research designs. Development of research problems and hypotheses. Matching research questions to designs. Critique of research studies. Includes lecture and in-class problem solving. Major assignments include written critique and a research proposal.
885 Sensory Seminar (1-3)
Prerequisite: doctoral students and advanced master's degree candidates or consent of instructor. Topic to be specified in the Class Schedule. Advanced seminar developed around special topics in special education as related to student interests and needs, and current topical interests in the field of special education. May be repeated when topics vary.
895 Field Study: Special Education (3)
Culminating study for the Master of Arts in Special Education upon advisement of graduate major advisor. Graduate Approved Program and Proposal for Culminating Experience Requirement forms must be approved by the Graduate Division before registration.
897 Research in Special Education (3)
Prerequisite: departmental approval. In-depth study, discussion, research, and evaluation of topics germane to special education. May not be used to satisfy the 30-unit M.A. or M.S. minimum for graduate degree. May be repeated with departmental approval. Limited to students who will apply for degree during semester of enrollment. Graduate Approved Program (GAP) form must be on file in the Graduate Division before registration. CR/NC grading only.
898 Master's Thesis (3)
Prerequisites: advancement to candidacy and approval of graduate major adviser. Submission of a thesis when required for the master's degree. Credit granted when thesis is approved. Graduate Approved Program and Proposal for Culminating Experience Requirement forms must be approved by the Graduate Division before registration.
899 Special Study (1-3)
An intensive study of a particular problem in education under direction of a member of the department. Enrollment by petition approved by the instructor, adviser, and department chair. Open only to regularly enrolled students.
Joint Doctoral Courses
901 Professional Seminar in Special Education (3)
To be taken first semester. Review of current issues in special education and development of critical analytic ability. Presentations by faculty, invited consultants, and students. One or more papers demonstrating critical analysis of current issues required. Includes class discussion and short critiques.
902 Seminar in Public Policy (3)
Prerequisite: admission to doctoral program. Discussion on significant public policy issues and analysis related to education that affect special education research, programming, and service delivery. Seminar includes student presentations of a public policy topic and policy analyses of selected court decisions related to special education.
903 Research Seminar in Special Education: Program Design and Analysis (3)
Prerequisite: admission to doctoral program. Making of inferences between independent and dependent variables in research with disabled persons. Students analyze and design experimental research, with particular attention to internal and external validity. Exposure to an array of different designs with purpose of selection of appropriate design to match specific research questions.
904 Small Sample and Observational Research Methods (3)
Prerequisite: SPED 903. Research skills for study of low-incidence populations with attention to qualitative methods in scientific research. Use of participant-observation (ethnography) and interrupted time series experimental designs. Specialized methods for extending inference to conditions of low incidence disability in the population at-large.
905 Internship in Special Education (3)
Prerequisite: approval of adviser. Supervised internship for doctoral candidates. Experiences related to the following areas: teacher education, research, administration, and public policy. May be repeated with emphasis in a different area.
906 Educational Issues Related to the Adult Disabled Population (3)
Analysis of the research and program issues related to the adolescent and adult disabled population. Problems are addressed related to transitional secondary programs, vocational education, employment and public policy related to adult disabled persons.
907 Learning and Development: The Influence of Disabilities (3)
Provides a knowledge of development and learning theory applied to individuals with disabilities. Emphasis placed on cognitive, language, and social-affective development throughout the lifespan. Topics include interaction styles, learning styles, sequences, rate, modality, and continuity/discontinuity of development and learning.
908 Directed Studies: Special Topics (1-3)
Prerequisite: admission to joint doctoral program in special education. Provides opportunity for student to explore a special topic or problem either as an individual or with a group with special interests. May be repeated.
909 Joint Doctoral Colloquium (2)
Prerequisite: admission to joint doctoral program. Presentations and discussion of research work of peers and special guest lecturers. Opportunity for students to meet with doctoral faculty from both campuses to facilitate communication and develop program priorities. Meetings and presentations to be scheduled each semester. May be repeated for a total of twelve units of credit.
998 Doctoral Dissertation in Special Education (3)
Prerequisite: admission to candidacy. Independent research leading to the completion of the doctoral dissertation. Open only to students in the joint doctoral program in Special Education. May be repeated.
Course Disciplines Listing, Bulletin 1994-96 Table of Contents, SFSU Home Page
last modified July 18, 1995