Bulletin--Biology Program


College of Science and Engineering
Dean: James C. Kelley

Department of Biology
HH 534
Chair: John Hafernik

Graduate Coordinators: A. Catena—Cell and Molecular Biology/Microbiology; D. Desjardin—Conservation Biology/ Ecology and Systematic Biology; T. Niesen—Marine Biology; A. Arp—Physiology and Behavioral Biology

Professors—Antipa, Araki, Auleb, Barnes, Bayliss, Bernstein, Bradbury, Catena, Goldstein, Hafernik, Josselyn, Kenyon, Kuby, Larson, Mackey, Markowitz, Morelli, Niesen, Parker, Patterson, Pauling, Randall, Rothman, Stubbs, Williams, Williston

Associate Professors—Arp, Breckler, Carnal, Davis, Desjardin, Fiedler, Goldman

Assistant Professors—Carrick, Perara, Ramirez, Smith


Adjunct Faculty—Bailey, Berka, Drewes, Baptista, Ferrari, Greenleaf, Jameson, Kline, Kushner, Lee, Lenarz, Leviton, Lowenstein, McCosker, Orrego, Pamatmat, Parenti, Ralston, Schmidt, Smith, Ward

B.A. in Biology, General

B.S. in Biology: Concentration in Botany

B.S. in Biology: Concentration in Cell and Molecular Biology

B.S. in Biology: Concentration in Ecology

B.S. in Biology: Concentration in Marine Biology and Limnology

B.S. in Biology: Concentration in Microbiology

B.S. in Biology: Concentration in Physiology

B.S. in Biology: Concentration in Zoology

B.S. in Clinical Science

Minor in Biology

Certificate in Biotechnology

M.A. in Biology, General

M.A. in Biology: Concentration in Cell and Molecular Biology

M.A. in Biology: Concentration in Conservation Biology

M.A. in Biology: Concentration in Ecology and Systematic Biology

M.A. in Biology: Concentration in Marine Biology

M.A. in Biology: Concentration in Microbiology

M.A. in Biology: Concentration in Physiology and Behavioral Biology

Certificate in Genetic Engineering

Program Scope
The Department of Biology provides a broad range of quality programs to meet student needs. Course work ranges from introductory biology, botany, zoology, and microbiology to specialized courses in molecular genetics, microbial metabolism, plant ecology, ornithology, limnology, and neurosciences. To aid the student with directed interests, the department has grouped the courses into areas of concentrations.

The B.S. in Clinical Science provides a strong background for students interested in medical technology. The program cooperates with the Center for Advanced Medical Technology which sponsors the Master of Science in Clinical Science and advanced post-baccalaureate course work and training for allied health science professionals.

The department also sponsors the Master of Arts in Biology. This graduate degree program builds upon the baccalaureate degree programs through one of two alternatives. Alternative 1 requires research and thesis and is required when completing a concentration; i.e., cell and molecular biology; ecology and systematic biology; marine biology; microbiology; or physiology and behavioral biology. Alternative 2 includes research and examinations as a part of the general biology program. Both require a minimum of 30 units and a minimum of one year of full-time study. This degree provides educational depth and training, giving the student a sound foundation for employment or for added study in doctoral programs.

A cooperative doctoral program with the University of California, Davis and the University of California, San Francisco allows for provisional admission to one of nineteen Ph.D. programs at the University of California, Davis or one of thirteen Ph.D. programs at the University of California, San Francisco. The program is designed to increase the numbers of underrepresented minorities and women in a range of areas in biology and chemistry. Contact the graduate adviser for the M.A. degree program of interest.

Career Outlook
The Bachelor of Science in Biology leads to professional careers in biology including (1) laboratory and field work in applied biology such as that conducted at many civil service agencies and research organizations; (2) teaching at secondary and college levels; and (3) research positions or management positions in government agencies, academic institutions, and industry. Some graduate work nearly always is required for professional work in biology and the Bachelor of Science in Biology is designed to prepare students for graduate work in biology. Students may elect a curriculum in general biology designed to give breadth of background or they may choose one of the curricular concentrations offered.

The rapid maturation of recombinant biology has resulted in the need for highly skilled and specially trained individuals to produce and recover the products of genetic engineering. The San Francisco Bay Area is the major center in the world for this technology. Many employment opportunities exist for individuals who have earned the Certificate in Biotechnology.


General Information
All major course work must be completed with letter grades (CR/NC is not acceptable). A student shall have a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in all upper division course work applicable to the major. Students who are pursuing the Bachelor of Science program must earn a grade of "C" or better in all prerequisite courses and be prepared to provide copies of transcripts demonstrating completion of prerequisites. Candidates entering the Bachelor of Science programs should have completed three years of high school mathematics and a year of high school chemistry to allow completion of the curriculum in normal time. At least twelve upper division units in biology must be completed at this university. Early in the beginning semester, and at regular intervals thereafter, students must consult with an adviser to effectively plan a program of study. A list of biology advisers is available in the Biology Department, HH 534.

The department does not permit multiple concentrations within the Biology degree program. All of the curricula require preliminary work in physics and chemistry because many important biological concepts are based squarely upon principles in the physical sciences. Also, each curriculum includes upper division work in the most fundamental and well-developed segments of biological knowledge so that students who select a concentration also are assured of receiving background of reasonable breadth. Because of the sequential arrangement of courses that is intrinsic to any science curriculum, students are urged to consult descriptions for the prerequisites of courses in which they expect to enroll. Students planning professional careers in biology should become proficient in mathematics through calculus and in English; those planning to study for a doctoral degree must expect to be proficient in one or more foreign languages.

The Department of Biology is formally affiliated with the California Academy of Sciences. Several members of the academy staff hold joint appointments at the university and offer courses within the department. The facilities and collections of the academy are available for selected students pursuing research in the biological sciences. The Sierra Nevada Field Campus near Sierra City and the Romberg Tiburon Centers in Marin County, components of the university, and the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories operated by a consortium of the California State University are also accessible for class and research use.

Courses for these programs are listed in alphabetical sequence (see Biology discipline in the "Announcement of Courses" section).


The curriculum in general biology allows for breadth of exposure to fundamental areas of biology. Since basic principles of physical science are central to many biological concepts, course work in physics and chemistry is included in the lower division requirements. This curriculum will satisfy the requirements for a major program in Life Sciences leading to a Single Subjects Credential. Students who are considering teaching life sciences should see a credential adviser in the Biology Department before planning the major. Specific courses and a competency assessment are required for admission to the credential program.

Lower Division Requirements (29 units)
BIOL 230	Introductory Biology I						  5
BIOL 240	Introductory Biology II						  5
CHEM 111	General Chemistry I						  5
CHEM 113	General Chemistry II (CHEM 114 is recommended)			  3
CHEM 130	General Organic Chemistry					  3
PHYS 111/112	General Physics I and Laboratory (3-1)				  4
PHYS 121/122	General Physics II and Laboratory (3-1)				  4
		Total lower division requirements				 29
Upper Division Requirements (28 units)
Students must see an adviser in order to work out a suitable program from choices given below.

BIOL 355	Genetics							  3
BIOL 337	Evolution							  3
One laboratory course from the following:					  5
	BIOL 525/526	 Plant Physiology and Laboratory (3-2)
	BIOL 612/613	 Human Physiology and Laboratory (3-2)
	BIOL 630/631	 Animal Physiology and Laboratory (3-2)
One course from the following:							3-5
	BIOL 343	Principles of Immunology
	BIOL 350	Cell Biology
	BIOL 401/402	General Microbiology and Laboratory (3-2)
	BIOL 450	Biology of the Protozoa
	CHEM 349	General Biochemistry
One field course from the following:						3-4
	BIOL 313	Principles of Ecology
	BIOL 482	Animal Ecology (4)
	BIOL 529	Plant Ecology (4)
	BIOL 580	Limnology
	BIOL 585	Marine Ecology (4)
One laboratory course from the following:					3-5
	BIOL 328	Human Anatomy (4)
	BIOL 380	Embryology (4)
	BIOL 453/454	General Parasitology and Laboratory (3-1)
	BIOL 460	General Entomology (4)
	BIOL 461	Insect Taxonomy
	BIOL 470	Natural History of the Vertebrates (4)
	BIOL 475	Herpetology
	BIOL 478	Ornithology
	BIOL 480	Mammalogy (4)
	BIOL 492	Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates (4)
	BIOL 500	Comparative Morphology of Non-Vascular Plants (4)
	BIOL 502	Biology of the Algae (4)
	BIOL 504	Biology of the Fungi (4)
	BIOL 505	Comparative Anatomy of Vascular Plants (4)
	BIOL 514	Plant Taxonomy (5)
	BIOL 555	Marine Invertebrate Zoology (4)
	BIOL 570	Biology of Fishes (4)
Upper division electives selected in consultation with an adviser:		3-8
		Total upper division requirements				 28
		Total for major							 57


The program provides opportunities for study in the ecological, systematic and taxonomic, physiological, morphological, and anatomical aspects of botany. Course work in an array of plant groups is offered, including vascular plants, algae, fungi, mosses, and lichens. Where applicable, field work in courses is emphasized, including instruction at the Sierra Nevada Field Campus and at the Romberg Tiburon Centers.

Lower Division Requirements (34 units)
BIOL 230	Introductory Biology I						   5
BIOL 240	Introductory Biology II						   5
CHEM 111	General Chemistry I						   5
CHEM 113/114	General Chemistry II and Laboratory (3-2)			   5
CHEM 130	General Organic Chemistry					   3
MATH 220	Calculus and Analytic Geometry I or
	CSC 210		Introduction to Computer Programming			   3
PHYS 111/112	General Physics I and Laboratory (3-1)				   4
PHYS 121/122	General Physics II and Laboratory (3-1)				   4
		Total lower division requirements				  34
Upper Division Requirements (33 units)
BIOL 355	Genetics							   3
BIOL 458	Biometry							   4
BIOL 525-526	Plant Physiology and Laboratory (3-2)				   5
BIOL 529	Plant Ecology							   4
One course from each of the following categories (students should select 
courses to include coverage of both vascular and non-vascular plants):
Taxonomy									 4-5
	BIOL 502	Biology of the Algae (4)
	BIOL 504	Biology of the Fungi (4)
	BIOL 514	Plant Taxonomy (5)
Evolution									   4
	BIOL 500	Comparative Morphology of the Non-Vascular Plants (4)
	BIOL 505	Comparative Anatomy of Vascular Plants (4)
Upper division electives selected in consultation with a botany adviser		8-10
		Total upper division requirements				  33
		Total for major							  67


Fundamental course work in allied sciences and mathematics prepares the student for advanced studies in cell and molecular biology. The program is recommended for pre-medical students because it includes many of the courses required for admission to medical school. (See Pre-Health Professions).

Lower Division Requirements (34 units)
BIOL 230	Introductory Biology I						  5
BIOL 240	Introductory Biology II						  5
CHEM 111	General Chemistry I						  5
CHEM 113/114	General Chemistry II and Laboratory (3-2)			  5
MATH 220	Calculus and Analytic Geometry I				  3
One course selected from the following:						3-4
	MATH 124	Elementary Statistics
	MATH 221	Calculus and Analytic Geometry II*
	MATH 222	Calculus and Analytic Geometry III
	CSC 210		Introduction to Computer Programming
	BIOL 458	Biometry (4)
PHYS 111/112	General Physics I and Laboratory (3-1)				  4
PHYS 121/122	General Physics II and Laboratory (3-1)				  4
		Total lower division requirements				 34
*Students who plan to study for a Ph.D. should complete at least two semesters of calculus and one semester of physical chemistry.

Upper Division Requirements (36 units)
BIOL 350	Cell Biology							  3
BIOL 351	Experiments in Cell Biology and Genetics			  4
BIOL 355	Genetics							  3
BIOL 357	Molecular Genetics						  3
BIOL 382	Developmental Biology						  3
CHEM 333/335	Organic Chemistry I and Organic Chemistry II (3-3)		  6
CHEM 340/341	Biochemistry I and II (3-3)					  6
Electives to include one course from each group below. Include one laboratory 
course.										  8

Group A:
BIOL 380	Embryology (4)
BIOL 401/402	General Microbiology and Laboratory (3-2)
BIOL 450	Biology of the Protozoa
BIOL 525/526	Plant Physiology and Laboratory (3-2)
BIOL 612/613	Human Physiology and Laboratory (3-2)
BIOL 614	Vertebrate Histology (4)
BIOL 630/631	Animal Physiology and Laboratory (3-2)

Group B:
BIOL 343	Cellular and Molecular Immunology
BIOL 358	Microbial Genetics Laboratory
BIOL 361	Human Genetics
BIOL 391	Microscopy and Photomicrography (2)
BIOL 420/421	General Virology and Laboratory (2-2)
BIOL 442/443	Microbial Physiology and Laboratory (3-2)
BIOL 620	Endocrinology
CHEM 300	General Physical Chemistry I (2) or
	CHEM 351	Physical Chemistry I
CHEM 343	Biochemistry Laboratory
Three to four units of credit in graduate courses numbered BIOL 715-745, which 
accept qualified seniors, may be substituted with the adviser's approval.
		Total upper division requirements				 36
		Total for major							 70
*Students who plan to study for a Ph.D. should complete at least two semesters of calculus and one semester of physical chemistry.


This program offers a flexible but rigorous plan of study in the plant and animal sciences for students interested in ecology, natural history, conservation, and population biology; students interested in entomology, botany, or zoology may also find this concentration appropriate. The program stresses firm foundations in ecological theory, ecological technique, and natural history.

Lower Division Requirements (34 units)
BIOL 230	Introductory Biology I						 5
BIOL 240	Introductory Biology II						 5
CHEM 111	General Chemistry I						 5
CHEM 113/114	General Chemistry II and Laboratory (3-2)			 5
CHEM 130	General Organic Chemistry					 3
MATH 220	Calculus and Analytic Geometry I or
	CSC 210		Introduction to Computer Programming			 3
PHYS 111/112	General Physics I and Laboratory (3-1)				 4
PHYS 121/122	General Physics II and Laboratory (3-1)				 4
		Total lower division requirements				34
Upper Division Requirements (33 units)
BIOL 355	Genetics							 3
BIOL 458	Biometry							 4
Physiology course with laboratory on advisement:				 5
	BIOL 525/526	Plant Physiology and Laboratory (3-2)
	BIOL 630/631	Animal Physiology and Laboratory (3-2)
Any two of the following ecology courses					 8
	BIOL 482	Animal Ecology (4)
	BIOL 529	Plant Ecology (4)
	BIOL 585	Marine Ecology (4)
Upon advisement, electives from the alternates not used in fulfilling the 
requirements listed above or from the following:				13

Evolutionary Biology
BIOL 337	Evolution

Systematic Biology
BIOL 450	Biology of the Protozoa
BIOL 460	General Entomology (4)
BIOL 461	Insect Taxonomy
BIOL 470	Vertebrate Natural History (4)
BIOL 475	Herpetology
BIOL 478	Ornithology
BIOL 480	Mammalogy (4)
BIOL 502	Biology of the Algae
BIOL 504	Biology of the Fungi (4)
BIOL 514	Plant Taxonomy (5)
BIOL 555	Marine Invertebrate Zoology (4)
BIOL 570	Biology of Fishes (4)

Applied Biology
BIOL 411	Environmental and Industrial Microbiology (4)
BIOL 453/454	General Parasitology and Laboratory (3-1)
BIOL 464	Medical Entomology
BIOL 575	Fisheries Biology

General Biology
BIOL 315	Field Studies in Biology (1-3)
BIOL 350	Cell Biology
BIOL 401	General Microbiology
BIOL 466	Preparation for Field Studies in Entomology (1)
BIOL 467	Field Studies in Entomology (1-3)
BIOL 470	Natural History of the Vertebrates (4)
BIOL 492	Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates (4)
BIOL 525	Plant Physiology
BIOL 530	Conservation Biology
BIOL 556	Natural History of Marine Invertebrates (4)
BIOL 580	Limnology
BIOL 582	Biological Oceanography
BIOL 600	General Animal Behavior (4)
BIOL 630	Animal Physiology
BIOL 699	Special Study in Biology (1-3)

The following graduate courses are available to Biology majors with 
concentration in Ecology and senior standing
	BIOL 820	Ecology of Estuaries and Lagoons
	BIOL 821	Fire Ecology
	BIOL 823	Island Life
	BIOL 825	Analytical Biogeography
	BIOL 840	Community Ecology
	BIOL 843	Population Biology
	BIOL 845	Ecological Methods
	BIOL 862	Advances in Ecology and Systematic Biology (2)
	BIOL 882	Seminar: Ecology and Systematic Biology (1)
		Total upper division requirements				   33
		Total for major							   67


Undergraduates may elect a general emphasis in marine invertebrate zoology, marine vertebrate zoology, marine botany, marine microbiology, or limnology. Graduate work may also be general or follow specific strengths such as ecology, systematics, functional morphology, physiology, ethology, estuarine, or freshwater biology. The curriculum and facilities of San Francisco State University are strongly supported by the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories and the Romberg Tiburon Centers. (For course descriptions, see Course Disciplines listing in the Announcement of Courses section.)

Lower Division Requirements (37 units)
BIOL 230	Introductory Biology I						    5
BIOL 240	Introductory Biology II						    5
CHEM 111	General Chemistry I						    5
CHEM 113/114	General Chemistry II and Laboratory (3-2)			    5
CHEM 130	General Organic Chemistry					    3
Two courses from the following:							  6-7
	MATH 124	Elementary Statistics
	MATH 220	Calculus and Analytic Geometry I
	MATH 221	Calculus and Analytic Geometry II
	MATH 222	Calculus and Analytic Geometry III
	CSC 210		Introduction to Computer Programming
	BIOL 458	Biometry (4)
PHYS 111/112	General Physics I and Laboratory (3-1)				    4
PHYS 121/122	General Physics II and Laboratory				    4
		Total lower division requirements				   37
Upper Division Requirements (30 units)
BIOL 355	Genetics							    3
One course from the following:							    3
	BIOL 350	Cell Biology
	BIOL 401	General Microbiology
	BIOL 450	Biology of the Protozoa
One course from the following:							  3-4
	BIOL 580	Limnology
	BIOL 582	Biological Oceanography
	BIOL 585	Marine Ecology (4)
One course from the following:							    5
	BIOL 525/526	Plant Physiology and Laboratory (3-2)
	BIOL 630/631	Animal Physiology and Laboratory (3-2)

Upper Division Electives
NOTE: Upper division electives should be selected from the recommended 
courses listed below upon consultation with an adviser. With the 
adviser's consent students may also use as electives: marine science 
courses taught at Moss Landing; other upper division biology courses; 
or appropriate graduate courses with the instructor's permission.

Electives									15-16
	BIOL 502	Biology of the Algae
	BIOL 555	Marine Invertebrate Zoology (4)
	BIOL 556	Natural History of Marine Invertebrates (4)
	BIOL 570	Biology of Fishes (4)
	BIOL 575	Fisheries Biology
	BIOL 580	Limnology
	BIOL 590	San Francisco Bay Ecology
	BIOL 582	Biological Oceanography
	BIOL 585	Marine Ecology (4)
	BIOL 606	Behavior and Physiology of Marine Mammals
		Total upper division requirements				   30
		Total for major							   67


The student may select courses emphasizing general microbiology or medical microbiology. Students are strongly urged to complete a minor in chemistry. The selection of an appropriate program not only prepares the student for careers in research, industry, public health, clinical laboratory, or state or federal service but also provides the basis for post-graduate study which may lead to the Master of Arts in Biology: Concentration in Microbiology.

Lower Division Requirements (34 units)
BIOL 230	Introductory Biology I						  5
BIOL 240	Introductory Biology II						  5
CHEM 111	General Chemistry I						  5
CHEM 113-114	General Chemistry II and Laboratory (3-2)			  5
MATH 220	Calculus and Analytic Geometry I				  3
One course selected from the following:						3-4
	MATH 124	Elementary Statistics
	MATH 221	Calculus and Analytic Geometry II
	MATH 222	Calculus and Analytic Geometry III
	CSC 210		Introduction to Computer Programming
	BIOL 458	Biometry (4)
PHYS 111/112	General Physics I and Laboratory (3-1)				  4
PHYS 121/122	General Physic II and Laboratory (3-1)				  4
		Total lower division requirements				 34
Upper Division Requirements (33 units)
BIOL 355	Genetics							  3
BIOL 401/402	General Microbiology and Laboratory (3-2)			  5
BIOL 442/443	Microbial Physiology and Laboratory (3-2)			  5
CHEM 333/335	Organic Chemistry I and Organic Chemistry II (3-3)		  6
CHEM 340	Biochemistry I or
	CHEM 349	General Biochemistry					  3
Electives (i.e., BIOL 411-453) including at least two laboratory courses with 
approval of an adviser								 11
		Total upper division requirements				 33
		Total for major							 67


This program is designed to provide instruction in the physiology of vertebrates and invertebrates and is especially suited for preparation for advanced study at the postgraduate level and for those areas which require a fundamental knowledge of the field such as the health professions. In addition to major curricula in physiology, service courses are provided for nursing, clinical science, and physical education majors.

Lower Division Requirements (37 units)
BIOL 230	Introductory Biology I						    5
BIOL 240	Introductory Biology II						    5
CHEM 111	General Chemistry I						    5
CHEM 113/114	General Chemistry II and Laboratory (3-2)			    5
CHEM 130	General Organic Chemistry					    3
MATH 220	Calculus and Analytic Geometry I				    3
One course selected from the following:						  3-4
	MATH 124	Elementary Statistics
	MATH 221	Calculus and Analytic Geometry II
	MATH 222	Calculus and Analytic Geometry III
	CSC 210		Introduction to Computer Programming
	BIOL 458	Biometry (4)
One set of the following:							    8
	PHYS 111/112	General Physics I and Laboratory (3-1) and
		PHYS 121/122 General Physics II and Laboratory (3-1) or
	PHYS 220/222	General Physics with Calculus I and Laboratory (3-1) and
		PHYS 230/232 General Physics with Calculus II and Laboratory (3-1)
		Total lower division requirements				   37
Upper Division Requirements (30 units)
BIOL 355 Genetics								    3
One course from the following:							  4-5
	BIOL 328	Human Anatomy (4)
	BIOL 492	Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates (4)
	BIOL 614	Vertebrate Histology (4)
One course from the following:							    5
	BIOL 525/526	Plant Physiology and Laboratory (3-2)
	BIOL 612/613	Human Physiology and Laboratory (3-2)
	BIOL 630/631	Animal Physiology and Laboratory (3-2)
One course from the following:							  3-4
	BIOL 313	Principles of Ecology
	BIOL 337	Evolution
	BIOL 482	Animal Ecology (4)
	BIOL 529	Plant Ecology (4)
	BIOL 585	Marine Ecology (4)
	BIOL 600	General Animal Behavior (4)
	BIOL 606	The Behavior and Physiology of Marine Mammals
One course from the following:							  3-4
	CHEM 320	Modern Methods of Quantitative Chemical Analysis (4)
	CHEM 340	Biochemistry I
	CHEM 349	General Biochemistry
Electives selected in consultation with an adviser from the following:		10-12
	One course in cell biology selected from:
		BIOL 350	Cell Biology
		BIOL 401	General Microbiology
		BIOL 450	Biology of the Protozoa
	BIOL 380	Embryology (4)
	BIOL 382	Developmental Biology
	BIOL 442/443 Microbial Physiology and Laboratory (3-2)
	BIOL 525	Plant Physiology
	BIOL 526	Plant Physiology Laboratory (2)*
	BIOL 600	General Animal Behavior (4)*
	BIOL 606	The Behavior and Physiology of Marine Mammals*
	BIOL 612	Human Physiology*
	BIOL 613	Human Physiology Laboratory (2)*
	BIOL 614	Vertebrate Histology (4)*
	BIOL 620	Endocrinology
	BIOL 621	Reproductive Physiology
	BIOL 630	Animal Physiology*
	BIOL 631	Animal Physiology Laboratory (2)*
	BIOL 640	Neurosciences
	BIOL 641	Experimental Neurosciences (1)
	CHEM 343	Biochemistry Laboratory
		Total upper division requirements				   30
		Total for major							   67
*Cannot be used as both an elective and a required course.
More Biology Degree Programs
Bulletin 1994-96 Table of Contents, SFSU Home Page

last modified June 27, 1995