
Chemistry and Biochemistry

College of Science and Engineering
Dean: James C. Kelley

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
TH 806
Chair: Daniel Buttlaire

Undergraduate Adviser: J. Krevor
Graduate Coordinator: J. R. Keeffe

Professors—Aragon, Buttlaire, Eden, Erden, Keeffe, Krevor, Linde, Lindquist, Luckey, Macher, Orenberg, Plachy

Associate Professor—Trautman

Assistant Professors—Gronert, Simonis

Adjunct Professors—Banin, Dreyer, Roitman

B.A. in Chemistry

B.S. in Biochemistry

B.S. in Chemistry

Minor in Chemistry

M.S. in Chemistry

M.S. in Chemistry: Concentration in Biochemistry

Program Scope and Career Outlook
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry offers an outstanding educational environment for undergraduate and graduate students. The department's degree programs are designed to prepare students for graduate study, health professions programs, and professional careers, including teaching. An important objective is to educate versatile chemists and biochemists who understand the theoretical basis and practical applications of their discipline and are well prepared to succeed in graduate school and professional positions.

The Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry is particularly well-suited for those students whose career goals involve the integration of chemistry with other fields. This program provides excellent preparation for pre-medical students and high college science teachers, as well as those who will pursue further studies in the pharmaceutical sciences, veterinary medicine, and dentistry. Additionally, the B.A. in Chemistry may be combined with a minor in engineering, business, social sciences, the humanities, or the arts to provide the student with a unique synthesis of experience applicable to careers in patent law, management, sales, marketing, chemical engineering, regulatory affairs, technical writing, scientific journalism, library science, environmental protection, and art restoration.

The Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry is designed for those students who wish to be particularly well qualified in the rapidly expanding fields between biology and chemistry. This strong laboratory training program provides exceptional preparation for careers in biotechnology and enjoys a favorable reputation among biotechnology companies in the Bay Area. This degree provides a strong foundation for a graduate degree in biochemistry, and it is an excellent degree choice for entry into medical or dental college.

The Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, which is approved by the American Chemical Society, prepares the student to pursue a career in chemically-oriented industry or to begin graduate study in chemistry and other molecular sciences. The degree provides a solid foundation in mathematics and physics, breadth in traditional chemical subdisciplines (analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry), and depth in one or more areas of chemistry. This program provides excellent training in instrumental analysis and emphasizes quantitative and analytical aspects of the discipline.

The Master of Science in Chemistry, which has been approved by the American Chemical Society, is designed as a balanced program in analytical, inorganic, organic, physical, and biochemistry. The department also offers the Master of Science in Chemistry with a Concentration in Biochemistry for students who want to specialize in the biochemical aspects of chemistry. The American Chemical Society placement examinations, while not greatly influencing the graduate status of the student, will determine where individual weaknesses exist so that corrective emphasis may be applied. The department also offers a cooperative M.S./Ph.D. program with the University of California, Davis and the University of California, San Francisco for defined minority students and women from all ethnic groups (contact the department chair for further information). Work leading to the master's degree should provide for the best possible balance between theoretical course work and research. A student completing the program should be prepared to pursue a career in the field of chemical research and development at the technical level, teaching, or have the necessary foundation to continue studies toward the doctorate.

The department provides high-quality teaching, close personal advising, and exciting opportunities for students to participate in faculty-supervised research. The department has been commended by the Committee on Professional Training of the American Chemical Society for the excellence of its undergraduate program. Chemistry and Biochemistry faculty members are actively involved in research, and many undergraduate students work on research projects during their senior year, working closely with their faculty research adviser. Examples of research projects currently under investigation by our faculty members and their research students include: physical studies of dynamic properties of macromolecules (natural and synthetic) in solution, including nucleic acids and proteins; synthesis of enzyme inhibitors that are potential drugs and investigation of enzyme-inhibitor interactions by kinetic and spectroscopic techniques; studies of the chemistry of singlet oxygen; molecular mechanism of muscular contraction; small ring chemistry; biochemical studies of bacterial heat shock proteins; synthesis and solution structure analysis of organic di-lithium salts; biochemical mechanisms of nutrient transport across cellular membranes; computation studies of transition state and electron density distributions using ab initio techniques; role of complex carbohydrate molecules on the surface of human cells in cancer and normal development of specialized cells; study of the active sites on heterogeneous catalysts and in biological molecules that assist in oxidation of alkanes; diffusion and solubility of molecular oxygen in biomembranes and in other tissue; spin label studies of skin; and composition and structure of Martian soil with implications regarding possible primitive exobiological processes.

Students obtain extensive hands-on experience with a wide-spectrum of laboratory techniques and modern instruments. These include, for example, excellent nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers, which are used to study molecular structure and dynamics, as well as numerous modern biochemical instruments used to study biological molecules, including proteins and nucleic acids. Computers are used extensively in chemistry classes, and the department's modern facilities include a computational chemistry and visualization laboratory. This laboratory houses state-of-the-art computer workstations with 3D graphics capabilities and enables us to teach molecular modeling applications and computational chemistry in inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistry undergraduate lecture and laboratory courses. The advanced capabilities of this computer laboratory places the department at the forefront in the use of innovative methods to teach chemistry to undergraduate students.


General Information

High college preparation for these programs should include two years of algebra, one year of geometry, one-half year of trigonometry, one year of chemistry, and one year of physics.

It is suggested that students plan the program of courses in the major with the help of the adviser in order that the correct sequence of courses be taken. Otherwise, unnecessary delays may occur in the completion of the program. It is also suggested that students in these programs consult with the adviser before selecting courses to meet General Education requirements. Students who are considering teaching chemistry should see a credential adviser in the Chemistry Department before planning the major. Specific courses and a competency assessment are required for admission to the credential program.

All courses used in the major program except CHEM 694 must be completed with letter grades. CR/NC may be used only for CHEM 694.


See above for general information for undergraduate programs in Chemistry.

Courses for this program are listed in alphabetical sequence (see Chemistry discipline in the "Announcement of Courses" section).

Lower Division Requirements
CHEM 111	General Chemistry I				    5
CHEM 113/114	General Chemistry II and Laboratory (3-2)	    5
One of the following sets:					 8-12
PHYS 111/112	General Physics I (3-1) and
	PHYS 121/122 General Physics II (3-1) or
PHYS 220/222	General Physics with Calculus I and 
		Laboratory (3-1) and
	PHYS 230/232 General Physics with Calculus II and 
		Laboratory (3-1) and
	PHYS 240/242 General Physics with Calculus III and 
		Laboratory (3-1)
MATH 220/221	Calculus and Analytic Geometry I/II (3 each)	    6
		Total lower division requirements		24-28
Upper Division Requirements
CHEM 300	General Physical Chemistry I			    2
CHEM 301	General Physical Chemistry II			    2
CHEM 320	Modern Methods of Quantitative Chemical 
		Analysis					    4
CHEM 333	Organic Chemistry I				    3
CHEM 334	Organic Chemistry I Laboratory			    2
CHEM 335	Organic Chemistry II				    3
CHEM 336	Organic Chemistry II Laboratory 		    3
		[CHEM 338 may be substituted for CHEM 336]
CHEM 452	Integrated Laboratory I				    4
Upper division chemistry electives, including one of the 
following:							    4
	CHEM 343	Biochemistry I Laboratory
	CHEM 348	Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory (2)
	CHEM 432	Advanced Organic Laboratory (4)
	CHEM 453	Integrated Laboratory II
	CHEM 470	Research
		Total upper division requirements		   27
		Total for major					51-55


See above for general information for undergraduate programs in Chemistry.

Students are required to complete 130 units to meet the requirements for the B.S. in Chemistry.

Courses for this program are listed in alphabetical sequence (see Chemistry discipline in the "Announcement of Courses" section).

Lower Division Requirements
CHEM 111	General Chemistry I				 5
CHEM 113/114	General Chemistry II and Laboratory (3-2)	 5
MATH 220/223	Calculus and Analytic Geometry I-IV (3 each)	12
PHYS 220/222	General Physics with Calculus I and 
		Laboratory (3-1)				 4
PHYS 230/232	General Physics with Calculus II and 
		Laboratory (3-1)				 4
PHYS 240/242	General Physics with Calculus III and 
		Laboratory (3-1)				 4
		Total lower division requirements		34
Upper Division Requirements
CHEM 320	Modern Methods of Quantitative Chemical 
		Analysis					 4
CHEM 333	Organic Chemistry I				 3
CHEM 334	Organic Chemistry I Laboratory			 2
CHEM 335	Organic Chemistry II				 3
CHEM 336	Organic Chemistry II Laboratory 		 3
		[CHEM 338 may be substituted for CHEM 336]
CHEM 351	Physical Chemistry I				 3
CHEM 353	Physical Chemistry II				 3
CHEM 425	Inorganic Chemistry				 3
CHEM 452	Integrated Laboratory I				 4
CHEM 453	Integrated Laboratory II			 3
Electives, including at least two units of laboratory, on 
advisement from the following list (other upper division 
and graduate courses that have a physical chemistry 
prerequisite can also be elected, with consent of an adviser):	 8
	CHEM 340	Biochemistry I
	CHEM 341	Biochemistry II
	CHEM 343	Biochemistry I Laboratory
	CHEM 347	Clinical Biochemistry (2)
	CHEM 348	Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory (2)
	CHEM 423	Chemical Instrumentation
	CHEM 432	Advanced Organic Laboratory (4)
	CHEM 433	Advanced Organic Chemistry
	CHEM 470	Research (May be repeated once for a 
			maximum of six units--Strongly 
			recommended for students preparing 
			for graduate college and professional 
	CHEM 694	Cooperative Education in Chemistry (1) 
			[maximum of two units with approval]
	CHEM 825	Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry
	CHEM 831	Theoretical Organic Chemistry
	CHEM 834	Organic Spectroscopic Methods
	CHEM 841	Enzymology
	CHEM 850	Valency and Spectroscopy
	PHYS 320	Modern Physics I
	PHYS 321	Modern Physics Laboratory (1)
		Total upper division requirements		39
		Total for major					73


See above for general information for undergraduate programs in Chemistry.

Department advisers should be consulted about strengthening professional aspects of this degree. Research (CHEM 470) is strongly recommended for students preparing for graduate college and professional positions.

PHYS 220, 222, 230, 232, 240, and 242 may be substituted for PHYS 111 and 121. CHEM 351 and 353 may be substituted for CHEM 300 and 301.

Courses for this program are listed in alphabetical sequence (see Chemistry discipline in the "Announcement of Courses" section).

Lower Division Requirements
CHEM 111	General Chemistry I				    5
CHEM 113/114	General Chemistry II and Laboratory (3-2)	    5
PHYS 111/112	General Physics I (3-1)				    4
PHYS 121/122	General Physics II (3-1)			    4
MATH 220/222	Calculus and Analytic Geometry I-III (3 each)	    9
BIOL 230	Introductory Biology I				    5
		Total lower division requirements		   32
Upper Division Requirements
CHEM 300	General Physical Chemistry I			    2
CHEM 301	General Physical Chemistry II			    2
CHEM 320	Modern Methods of Quantitative Chemical 
		Analysis					    4
CHEM 333	Organic Chemistry I				    3
CHEM 334	Organic Chemistry I Laboratory			    2
CHEM 335	Organic Chemistry II				    3
CHEM 336	Organic Chemistry II Laboratory 		    3
		[CHEM 338 may be substituted for CHEM 336]
CHEM 340	Biochemistry I					    3
CHEM 341	Biochemistry II					    3
CHEM 343	Biochemistry I Laboratory			    3
CHEM 452	Integrated Laboratory I				    4
		Total upper division requirements		   32
Biochemistry or Biology Option (see below)			 8-10
		Total for major					72-74
Biochemistry Option (8 units)
Electives from the following (must include at least two units of 
laboratory course work):					    8
	CHEM 347	Clinical Biochemistry (2)
	CHEM 470	Research (Biochemistry related research 
			with prior consent of Biochemistry 
	CHEM 640	Advanced Topics in Biochemistry (1-3)
			[may be repeated for a maximum of four 
			units for different topics]
	CHEM 694	Cooperative Education in Chemistry (1)
			[maximum of two units with approval; 
			biochemistry related research with prior 
			consent of Biochemistry adviser]
	CHEM 699	Special Study in Chemistry (1) [maximum 
			of one unit with approval; biochemistry 
			related research with prior consent of 
			Biochemistry adviser]
Biology Option (8-10 units)
BIOL 240	Introductory Biology II				    5
Electives from the following:					  3-5
	BIOL 350	Cell Biology
	BIOL 351	Experiments in Cell Biology and 
			Genetics (4)
	BIOL 355	Genetics
	BIOL 401	General Microbiology
	BIOL 402	General Microbiology Laboratory (2)
	BIOL 525	Plant Physiology
	BIOL 526	Plant Physiology Laboratory (2)
	BIOL 612	Human Physiology
	BIOL 613	Human Physiology Laboratory (2)


Twenty-four units of chemistry are required, including CHEM 111, 113, and 114, or their equivalents. Twelve of these units, including four upper-division units, must be taken at San Francisco State University. Twelve of the twenty-four units must be upper division. Eight of the twenty-four units must correspond to upper-division courses at San Francisco State University. Clinical Science majors who elect CHEM 334 usually meet all these requirements; they should consult a chemistry adviser regarding the Chemistry Minor.The following courses, or their equivalents, cannot be counted toward the minor: CHEM 100, 101, 102, 105, 106, 361, 599, and 694.


Admission to Program
Students must meet these criteria:

Written English Proficiency Requirement
Level One: newly admitted students are required to take the Graduate Essay Test (GET) (administered by the Testing Office) preferably before the first enrollment takes place, but no later than the end of the first semester of enrollment, to determine if writing deficiencies exist. If remedial work is necessary, the student shall be expected to complete prescribed course(s) in English. Level Two: later in the process of completing the master's degree, the student is expected to demonstrate an advanced level of proficiency in written and spoken English by successfully completing both CHEM 880 and a thesis.

Advancement to Candidacy
In order to be advanced to candidacy, students must:


See above for general information for graduate programs in Chemistry.

Courses for this program are listed in alphabetical sequence (see Chemistry discipline in the "Announcement of Courses" section).

CHEM 834	Organic Spectroscopic Methods			 3
One of the following courses selected on advisement of 
graduate major adviser:						 3
	CHEM 850	Valency and Spectroscopy
	CHEM 851	Biochemical Spectroscopy
CHEM 880	Seminar						 3

Other Requirements
CHEM 897	Research					 6
		(After initiating a research project, a graduate 
		student must enroll each semester in CHEM 897 
		while actively engaged in research for the 
		M.S. degree. A maximum of six units of CHEM 897 
		may be included on the Graduate Approved 
CHEM 898	Master's Thesis					 3

Related Study
Upper division or graduate courses in chemistry, physics, 
mathematics, or biology on advisement of graduate major adviser	12
		Minimum total					30
and Oral Defense of Thesis


See above for
general information for graduate programs in Chemistry.

Courses for this program are listed in alphabetical sequence (see Chemistry discipline in the "Announcement of Courses" section).

CHEM 834	Organic Spectroscopic Methods			 3
One of the following courses selected on advisement of graduate 
major adviser:							 3
	CHEM 850	Valency and Spectroscopy
	CHEM 851	Biochemical Spectroscopy
CHEM 880	Seminar						 3

Other Requirements
Courses in biochemistry selected from the following:		 6
	CHEM 841	Enzymology
	CHEM 843	Membrane Biochemistry
	CHEM 844	Bioinorganic Chemistry
	CHEM 845	Glycoconjugate Biochemistry
Upper division or graduate courses in chemistry, physics, 
mathematics, or biology on advisement of graduate major 
adviser. (May include courses listed above which have not 
been taken to satisfy either the core requirement or the 
six-unit biochemistry requirement.)				 6
CHEM 897	Research					 6
		(After initiating a research project, a graduate 
		student must enroll each semester in CHEM 897 
		while actively engaged in research for the M.S. 
		degree. A maximum of six units of CHEM 897 
		may be included on the Graduate Approved 
CHEM 898	Master's Thesis					 3
		Minimum total					30
and Oral Defense of Thesis

Bulletin 1994-96 Table of Contents, SFSU Home Page

last modified June 1, 1995