Graduate Coordinator: R. Busby
Associate Professor—Imahori
Assistant Professor—Chung, Johnson, Tuman
B.A. in Speech Communication: Concentration in Intercultural Communication
B.A. in Speech Communication: Organizational Communication
M.A. in Speech Communication
In conjunction with the Communicative Disorders Program (Special Education), the Speech and Communication Studies Department offers specialist training in Speech Science required for California state licensing and ASHA certification.
The second major theme in the department is the context in which this communication occurs. People talk in a variety of settings and for a variety of purposes: interpersonally between friends, within decision-making groups, in the framework of larger organizations, before large audiences, between cultures and nations. Although the same symbolic codes operate in all of these settings, there are distinctive factors that affect success or failure in each of them. The courses which focus on the contexts in which people communicate include interpersonal communication, group discussion, debate, women and words, organizational communication, persuasion and social control, public speaking and oral interpretation, and inter/intracultural communication.
The Master of Arts in Speech Communication is offered with courses in the following areas: rhetoric and communication theory, communication and social criticism, interpersonal communication, group and organizational communication, gender communication, inter/intracultural communication, public communication skills.
More detailed information about the program may be found in the Graduate Handbook, which is available from the Department of Speech and Communication Studies upon request.
The major is also pursued by many students who plan careers as communication consultants with government or social agencies resolving interpersonal conflicts or doing crisis intervention work; communication analysts; communication arbitrators and negotiators; public communication specialists with careers in speech writing, sales, personnel, and public relations; inter/intracultural communication experts serving as communication liaisons between cultures for private or governmental organizations, including overseas assignments.
The graduate program prepares students who seek teaching credentials which require the master's degree or who plan to pursue further study.
No more than eight units outside of Speech and Communication Studies may be counted toward the major and these units must be approved by a major adviser.
No more than eight units of 685, 695, or 699 may be counted toward the major.
Courses used to fulfill Segment I, General Education requirements, cannot be used to fulfill major requirements. With consent of an adviser, up to twelve units of other lower division units may be counted toward the major.
Courses for this discipline are listed in alphabetical sequence (see Speech and Communication Studies discipline in the Announcement of Courses section).
For general information, see "Undergraduate Programs in Speech Communication."
Upon the recommendation of a major adviser and approval of the department chair, students may substitute a course in a core area to satisfy the respective core requirements.
Core Area Requirements Units Communication Theory and Human Interaction Area 4 SPCH 321 Communication Theory Symbol Systems Area 4 SPCH 400 Verbal and Nonverbal Symbols Rhetorical Theory and Criticism Area 4 SPCH 341 Rhetorical Theory Public Communication Skills Area 4 SPCH 351 Public Speaking Total for core 16 Concentration (see below) 24 Electives (related to Speech and Communication Studies) 4 Total for major 44Individual Major Concentration
Courses in Speech and Communication Studies selected with the approval of an adviser. The courses should have a coherent focus and one of them must concentrate on methodological skills. Sample individual majors with special emphases are available from the department office or advisers. Courses for the individual major concentration may not be used to fulfill the core area. 24 Total for concentration 24Concentration in Organizational Communication
SPCH 522 Communication Analysis of Organizations 4 SPCH 661 Communication Research Strategies 4 SPCH 695 Speech Communication/Humanities Internship 4 Units related to Organizational Communication selected with consent of a major adviser (may include up to eight units from allied departments) 12 Total for concentration 24Concentration in Intercultural Communication
SPCH 541 Intercultural Communication 4 SPCH 542 Intracultural Communication 4 SPCH 661 Communication Research Strategies 4 Additional units related to Intercultural Communication with consent of a major adviser (may include up to eight units from allied departments) 12 Total for concentration 24
Units One course selected from three of the following core areas 12 Communication Theory and Human Interaction Area SPCH 321 Communication Theory (4) Symbol Systems Area SPCH 400 Verbal and Nonverbal Symbols (4) Rhetorical Theory and Criticism Area SPCH 341 Rhetorical Theory (4) Public Communication Skills Area SPCH 351 Public Speaking Additional units on advisement in speech communication 8 Total for minor 20
Courses for this discipline are listed in alphabetical sequence (see Speech and Communication Studies discipline in the Announcement of Courses section). Upper division courses offered by the department may be considered, upon approval of the graduate adviser, except public performance courses.
Core Requirements Units SPCH 700 Introduction to Graduate Study 4 SPCH 771 Communication Research Strategies or SPCH 772 Field Research Methods 4 SPCH 890 Integrative Seminar in Speech and Communication Studies 4 Three additional graduate seminars in Speech and Communication Studies upon advisement 12 Electives on advisement 8 One of the following: 3-4 SPCH 894 Creative Work Project SPCH 898 Master's Thesis One additional upper division or graduate course in Speech and Communication Studies (4) and Master's Written Comprehensive Examination Minimum total 35-36NOTE: A maximum of eight units of upper division course work may be counted toward the M.A. degree.
last modified July 26, 1995