

The College of Education offers an undergraduate degree in the following: (The numbers following the degrees are used by this university to identify the programs indicated. These numbers must be used on the application for admission, registration forms, application for graduation, etc.

Bachelor of Arts
Communicative Disorders 12201

The College of Education offers the following graduate degrees: (The numbers following the degrees are used by this university to identify the programs indicated. These numbers must be used on the application for admission, registration forms, application for graduation, etc.)

Master of Arts
Concentrations in:
Adult Education 08071
Early Childhood Education 08231
Educational Administration 08271
Educational Technology 08992
Elementary Education 08021
Secondary Education 08031
Special Interest Area (Interdepartmental) 08993

Special Education 08081

Master of Science
Communicative Disorders 12201

Doctor of Education (Special Education) 08081
Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Special Education) 08081
Graduate Certificate Programs
Early Childhood Special Education (Special Education Department)

Educational Therapy (Special Education Department)

Integrated Services Specialist (Special Education Department)

Middle/Junior High School Studies (Elementary Education and Secondary Education Departments)

Rehabilitation Teaching for the Blind (Special Education Department)

Serious Emotional Disturbance (Special Education Department)

Training Systems Development (Instructional Technologies Department)

Vocational Special Education (Special Education Department)

Mission Statement

The College of Education is organized into five departments: Administration and Interdisciplinary Studies; Elementary Education; Instructional Technologies; Secondary Education; and Special Education.

The primary mission of the College of Education is to develop and maintain rigororus professional preparation in pedagogical and clinical skills required for effective services to individuals of all ages and their families, especially those residing in ethnically and racially diverse communities. All programs are based on excellence in teaching and clinical services, and a commitment to research and scholarship focused on the integration of services to schools and comunity agencies. There are six themes reflected in the programs and activities of the College of Education. They are:

Financial assistance from the Crumpton, Baxter, Bonham Memorial Scholarship Endowment is available to students enrolled in programs in the College of Education which lead to teaching, specialist, or service credentials.

Joint Doctoral Program

This program is designed to prepare persons for positions of leadership in Special Education. By combining the complementary resources of San Francisco State University and the University of California, Berkeley, this program is designed to provide a greater breadth and depth of preparation in the education of exceptional children. Students completing this degree program are prepared to serve in a variety of roles, including college and university teaching, research, and administration.

Master's Programs

Graduate programs are designed to develop specialized teaching competence beyond the basic teaching credential requirements:

Programs designed to develop competence in non-teaching roles:

Graduate degree programs serve students of maturity, professional commitment, and some professional experience. Advising and instruction are planned to take account of the job requirements of a chosen major and, at the same time, to deal with each student as an individual. Programs vary in degree of specialization, some being concentrated almost entirely in a single department and others drawing on several areas of study.

Course Work

Courses vary widely. The most common class is the lecture-discussion type; there also are many seminars, workshops, clinical courses with individual attention, supervised internship and field experiences, and individually planned field studies and theses. For those students in teacher education, courses emphasize the relationship between school practice and findings from educational research and the psychological and social foundations of education. For those students with human service and/or professional development goals, courses emphasize the interrelationship between the concepts and research underlying the discipline or field of endeavor and the acquisition of professional roles through directed practice experiences. Some majors include a large number of required courses. Requirements of most programs, except for internships, can be met through late afternoon, evening, and summer session study.


The student should inquire at the Education Graduate Office, BH 217, for referral to the proper adviser in the major department and for information about procedures. Students applying for admission to the Special Interest Program must consult the Chair of the Department of Administration and Interdisciplinary Studies. The student should confer with the adviser frequently to develop and maintain a working relationship based on direct acquaintance. These conferences along with formal records help to provide a basis for individual planning and assessment of student programs.

Bulletin 1994-96 Table of Contents, SFSU Home Page

last modified January 10, 1995