Bulletin--College of Humanities Directory


College Administrative Offices   Office Extension*
Dean of the College Nancy G. McDermid HUM 484 1541
Associate Dean and College Graduate Coordinator Jane Gurko HUM 484 1109
College Directory
Department/Program Chair Office Extension*
American Studies Rodger Birt HUM 410 1220
Classics Barbara McLauchlin HUM 377 2068
Creative Writing Frances Mayes HUM 380 1891
English Language and Literature Stephen E. Arkin HUM 289 2265
Ethical Issues in Science and Technology Michael Gregory HUM 415 1302
  James Syfers HUM 388 1596
Foreign Languages and Literatures Julian Randolph HUM 475 1421
Global Peace Studies Myron Lunine LIB 304B 3047
  James Syfers HUM 571 1596
Humanities Ruth Knier HUM 410 1830
Intercultural Skills James Kohn HUM 521 2827
Journalism Betty Medsger HUM 305 1689
Museum Studies Linda Ellis HUM 530 1612
NEXA Michael Gregory HUM 415 1302
Philosophy James Syfers HUM 388 1596
Religious Studies James Syfers HUM 388 1596
Speech and Communication Studies Carol Wilder HUM 282 1597
Technical and Professional Writing   HUM 414 7025
Women Studies Susan Shimanoff (Acting) HUM 315 1388
World and Comparative Literature Barbara McLauchlin HUM 377 2068
Center/Institute Coordinator Office Extension*
American Language Institute H. Douglas Brown HUM 101 1438
Center for Humanistic Studies Jane Gurko HUM 484 1109
Center for Integration and Improvement of Journalism Jon Funabiki HUM 307 2083
Center for Modern Greek Studies Thanasis Maskaleris HUM 577 1892
Community Involvement Center Steven Cochrane T-A 1486
English Tutoring Center Elizabeth Sommers HUM 291 1821
Poetry Center and American Poetry Archives Rosemary Catacalos HUM 511 7434

*For calls from off-campus, dial the prefix 338, then the four-digit extension number.

Bulletin 1994-96 Table of Contents, SFSU Home Page

last modified August 10, 1995