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November 11, 2002

San Francisco State University's new interactive online calendar makes it easy to learn about and announce campus events.

Launched last week, the University Events Calendar allows members of the campus community to post, view and search for events at San Francisco State. The public may view the calendar to find out special lectures, music performances, art exhibits, sports events and more.

Academic departments and other official university units as well as authorized student organizations may submit campus events to the calendar by clicking "Submit an Event" at the top of the screen and filling out the form. Be sure to follow the examples provided.

Many calendar-viewing options are available, depending on the user's interests and population group. The General Interest Calendar includes dates in the academic calendar, arts and cultural events, athletics, lectures and other events of interest to the SFSU community and the public.

Viewers may also view events planned for specific groups, such as prospective students/parents, faculty and staff, and current students. The University Events Calendar is a collaborative effort of the Division of Information Technology, Public Affairs, and Publications. For information, contact William Morris, calendar editor, or Janet Wade, director of publications.

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Last modified November 11, 2002, by the Office of Public Affairs