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Hot off the press! Check out SFSU Magazine

August 12, 2004

Image of the cover of SFSU MagazineThe fearless staff of SFSU Magazine will do just about anything to deliver the latest University features and news. This past spring, they even braved gunfire (blanks) to take readers behind the scenes of "Assassins," one of the biggest and boldest musical performances to ever take place at SFSU.

Read all about it and much more in the spring/summer issue, now on its way to alumni mailboxes and to residence halls and offices across campus. The twice-a-year University magazine is also available online.

After a look at the truly killer cover story, check out "Science 101" and learn what drew SFSU professors to the subjects they research and teach. Arek Goetz, for one, has been passionate about math for as long as he can remember. He knew his multiplication tables -- all the way up to 99 -- when he was only 3.

Get a lift reading "No Longer a Dream," a story about a special group of residents at the Delancey Street self-help center. They've worked hard to leave their tangles with drugs and crime in the past and now, thanks to the help of volunteer faculty and staff from SFSU, have earned college degrees.

And learn about plans to renovate and expand the J. Paul Leonard University Library, detailed in "Extreme Makeover."

Just how will the University's budget cuts affect the campus in the coming year? Executive Editor Janet Wade sat down with John Gemello and Leroy Morishita, vice presidents for academic affairs and administration and finance, to ask the questions that have been on everyone's minds. Look for answers in "Budget Q and A."

The latest SFSU Magazine also has a little celebrity dish.

Now that the final episode of "Frasier" has aired, the show's co-creator, alumnus Peter Casey, felt free to reveal who had the biggest ego on the set. And speaking of stars, did you know we had one in this year's graduating class?

When you're finished reading, there's an easy way to opine. The online survey takes just a few minutes and every response will be taken into consideration as the staff plans future issues.

The SFSU Magazine Web site also includes an easy way to request a back issue, update your address, and send a class note or a letter to the editor.

-- Adrianne Bee


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Last modified August 12, 2004 by University Communications