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Feb. 28 is deadline for fall transfer applicants

January 26, 2005

SFSU has set Feb. 28 as the deadline for prospective transfer and second baccalaureate students to submit applications for fall 2005.

Undergraduate students who hope to transfer to SFSU from another college or university for fall 2005 must have at least 60 units of transferable college credit.

The University is no longer accepting fall 2005 applications for first-time freshmen.

The deadline for graduate applications for fall 2005 is Monday, May 2. However, certain graduate programs have earlier deadlines and require an additional application. For details, visit the Division of Graduate Studies Web site or call (415) 338-2234.

SFSU established the early deadlines because of a significant increase in applications submitted by prospective students. The deadlines ensure that SFSU does not admit more students than it can adequately serve, said Jo Volkert, associate vice president for enrollment planning and management.

To receive a quick admissions decision, prospective students are encouraged to apply online at CSU Mentor. Online applications must be completed and submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. Monday, Feb. 28.

For details on SFSU admissions, majors and degree programs, costs, financial aid, on-campus housing and student life, visit the Prospective Students Web site or call (415) 338-2355.

Prospective students interested in on-campus housing are encouraged to submit a housing application before being admitted to SFSU, as space is limited and applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Upper division and graduate students can live in on-campus apartments in the Village at Centennial Square. For details, call (415) 405-8000 or visit the Village Web site.

-- Matt Itelson





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Last modified January 26, 2005 by University Communications