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SFSU creates Center for U.S.-China Policy Studies

August 16, 2006

Picture of Associate Professor Sujian Guo, director of the Center for U.S.-China Policy StudiesSF State has created the Center for U.S.-China Policy Studies (CUSCPS), an academic think tank that will promote and coordinate joint research, training, scholarship, outreach and collaboration with China on a diverse range of topics.

Driven by China's increasing prominence in the world economy and regional and global affairs over the last two decades, CUSCPS will explore the country's dramatic economic growth, profound integration into the global trade and production system, economic and political transition, and foreign policy -- particularly U.S.-China relations and domestic and international policy issues.

Associate Professor of Political Science Sujian Guo, a noted scholar of Chinese politics and editor of the new book "China's 'Peaceful Rise' in the 21st Century" (Ashgate Press), serves as director of the center. Assistant Professor of International Relations Jean-Marc F. Blanchard serves as associate director.

Guo said these issues have not only had an unprecedented global and regional impact, but also significant effects on relations between China and other world powers such as the United States.

"Intense concern and even alarm about these developments exist in the Bush administration, U.S. Congress, and even the general public, and have provoked strong reactions to efforts by China to purchase American companies, buy European arms, and build relations in Africa," said Guo, who also serves as president of the Association of Chinese Political Studies and editor of the Journal of Chinese Political Science.

"The United States' reactions to these developments attest to the pressing need to enhance our understanding of what has happened and what is likely to happen in the years to come as well as to foster mutual understanding and goodwill between our nations."

Guo said that SF State is well-poised for such a center because of its international focus and its geographic proximity to China. SF State's student body is 15 percent Chinese American and its faculty is 16 percent Asian American. In addition, 7 percent of the University's international students come from China.

The new center has begun to explore opportunities for research collaboration and academic exchange between faculty and students at SF State and leading universities in China. In June, CUSCPS research associates, led by Guo and joined by SF State College of Behavioral and Social Sciences Dean Joel Kassiola, made a visit to China and met with administrators and faculty at a number of universities. They gave presentations and speeches on issues related to Chinese politics, environmental issues and foreign relations.

CUSCPS, based in the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, has an interdisciplinary network of faculty associates across the campus. The center will hold an inaugural seminar in October on campus.

For more information, visit the CUSCPS Web site or contact Guo at

-- Matt Itelson


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Last modified August 16, 2006 by University Communications