
College of Humanities
Dean: Paul Sherwin

Department of English Language and Literature
HUM 289
Chair: James Kohn

Program Coordinators and Undergraduate Advisers:
Composition—Sugie Goen-Salter, Deborah Swanson
ESL—Lisa Heyer
Language Studies—Rachelle Waksler, Troi Carleton
Literature—Loretta Stec

Graduate Coordinators:
Composition—Jan Gregory
Linguistics—Rachelle Waksler
Literature—William Christmas
TESOL—May Shih


Professors—Arkin, Breen, Brogan, Brown, Chan, J., Earthman, Gillotte-Tropp, Green, Gretton, Jain, Keroes, Kohn, Krasny, Langton, Lyles, McKay, Middlebrook, Peel, Porter, Renaker, Scovel, Shih, Sommers, Swanson, Tuma, Voloshin, Waksler, Weinstein, Weltner, Whalley, Zimmerman

Associate Professors—Avery, Carleton, Christmas, Goen-Salter, Klironomos, Kwok, Stec, Schoerke

Assistant Professors—Graff, Hackenburg, Olsher, Paulson, Roberge, Sanchez


B.A. in English: Concentration in Individual Major
B.A. in English: Concentration in Language Studies
B.A. in English: Concentration in Literature
Minor in English and American Literature
Minor in English Language Studies
M.A. in English: Concentration in Composition
M.A. in English: Concentration in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
M.A. in English: Concentration in Linguistics
M.A. in English: Concentration in Literature
Certificate in Teaching of Composition
Certificate in Teaching Post-Secondary Reading

Program Scope

The B.A. in English typically includes introductory course work in the study of language, the principles of critical investigation and critical writing, and the various methods of literary and/or language study. The requirements for each concentration are intended to make each student familiar with one of the principal areas of English studies, and to show how other areas of English studies can illuminate his or her area of concentration.

The M.A. in English with Concentration in Composition addresses the need for professionalization of writing instruction, drawing on recent research into the composing process and into the unique characteristics of written English. The concentration emphasizes theory, research, and practice in the teaching of writing at advanced secondary, community college, and college levels. It builds upon a pioneering program designed to train teachers of composition at San Francisco State and provides professional preparation for writing teachers and supervisors, and a rigorous scholarly foundation for students preparing for doctoral work in composition or adult literacy.

The Master of Arts in English with Concentration in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages is offered as a result of a local, national, and international demand for persons prepared to perform various services in English as a foreign or second language. This concentration includes work in literature and foreign languages, with optional electives in education and the social sciences, as well as specialized work at an advanced level in linguistics and language teaching. The concentration provides training for teachers and a suitable background for supervisors and others responsible for the preparation of materials and courses of study in English as a foreign or second language. Completion of the M.A. with a concentration in TESOL may not fulfill the requirements for teacher credentialing in the State of California; some California credentials may require additional course work and/or examinations.

The M.A. in English with Concentration in Linguistics provides students with a solid grounding in the tools of language analysis. The course offerings in contemporary linguistic theory cover a broad spectrum of the levels of linguistic structure: phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, discourse analysis, psycholinguistics, and sociolinguistics. The program provides background for teachers of English at the secondary and community college levels, for other specialists in education, and for those who wish to pursue more advanced studies. Since the program allows considerable choice in course work beyond a basic set of core requirements, the student in consultation with an adviser can plan a program to suit individual interests and career requirements.

The M.A. in English with Concentration in Literature develops professional skills, ensures breadth of knowledge, and provides opportunities for specialization. Broader relationships are studied in the survey, period, and genre courses; narrower, deeper investigations are undertaken in the seminars. The thesis explores critical possibilities well beyond the range of the seminar paper. It measures the candidate's ability to isolate and thoroughly examine a particular literary problem, theme, or idea.

The Certificate in the Teaching of Composition has been designed as a quick, economical means of attaining proficiency in the teaching of composition at senior high school, community college, college, and adult levels. It is aimed at both experienced and aspirant teachers who wish to study the practice of teaching composition without the theoretical and research background obtained in the M.A. in English: Concentration in Composition.

The Certificate in the Teaching of Post-Secondary Reading enables prospective and already practicing post-secondary teachers to attain proficiency in the teaching of reading at community college, college, and adult levels. Requirements for teaching reading in the community colleges (Assembly Bill 1725) specify that new instructors must possess a master's degree in education with a specialization in reading, or a master's in English or TESOL with additional certification in the teaching of reading.

Career Outlook

The English major can lead to a career in teaching as well as in professional fields such as law, publishing, information science, and business.

Students completing the M.A. in Composition typically either go on to doctoral work with a view to teaching at a four-year institution or enter the community-college job market. At the university level, specialists in composition and rhetoric are in increasing demand as researchers and directors of undergraduate writing programs. Two-year colleges are increasingly recognizing the need for professional training in the teaching of composition and are hiring accordingly.

The Master of Arts with Concentration in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages prepares students specifically to teach English to non-native speakers of the language. Most graduates of the program become TESOL classroom teachers in adult education classes, public schools, intensive language programs, and colleges either in the United States or foreign countries. Others choose jobs in related areas such as program administration, curriculum design, materials writing, and teacher training.

The Master of Arts in Linguistics prepares students for a variety of teaching and research positions in which the emphasis is on the structure of language. Graduates of the program may teach English language or writing, work in the fields of speech production or speech recognition, or go on to further study in linguistics or related disciplines.

While the M.A. in Literature is specifically designed to prepare a student for a career in teaching literature in community colleges or high schools in the U.S. or overseas, it has a far broader application. Any career requiring communication, research or analytic skills, literacy, a careful scholarly approach and a broad understanding of human values may use this program as a base. Those include publishing, editing, media, journalism, technical writing, government service, law, and administrative or research work in business or industry.

The Certificate in the Teaching of Composition prepares students for teaching composition at the advanced secondary, community college, and college levels. Many students in M.A. programs other than composition take the certificate as a means of preparing themselves for teaching positions in two-year colleges, recognizing that other degree concentrations in English may not make them sufficiently marketable. In addition a number of two-year college and high school English teachers take the courses to develop their expertise in composition.

The Certificate in Teaching Post-Secondary Reading enables prospective and already practicing post-secondary teachers to develop their ability to meet specific individual professional needs in the area of basic literacy and reading instruction. This certificate prepares students for teaching positions in the community colleges and community agencies where specialized background and techniques are necessary.


General Information

Students who are considering teaching in the secondary schools should see a departmental credential adviser before planning their program. Specific courses and an assessment of competencies are required for admission to the Secondary Education Credential program. Students should also contact the Student Services Office in HSS 244, (415) 338-7038, regarding teaching credential information.

English majors are required to complete a 39-unit program consisting of fifteen units of core requirements and additional requirements in an area of concentration.

English courses normally earn three units of credit. However, some courses which fulfill requirements for the major are variable unit courses and may earn four or five units. For further information on how to apply these additional units to completion of the major, see the elective unit section under each concentration, pick up a Literature Course Classification Guide (available in the English Department), and consult with your adviser.

The basic requirements for the B.A. in English can be met by completing any one of the following areas of concentration. Guidelines for the patterns of additional requirements for each concentration, including the Individual Major, are available in the department office. In addition students must take one critical writing course which includes an introduction to literature; typically this requirement will be met by students taking English 214 to fulfill university requirements. But for students not taking English 214, one of the following must be included on their program: English 418 or English 411 (foreign students only). English 50, 114, 214, 410/414 cannot be counted for credit in the major.

Nine units of work in lower division courses may be accepted for credit in the major upon consent of an adviser.

Nine units of literature classes from other departments (such as Comparative and World Literature) may be accepted for credit in the major upon consent of an adviser.

On-line course descriptions are available.

Core Requirements
One upper division course in Shakespeare
ENG 480 Junior Seminar
One of the following courses in English literature before 1800:
ENG 501 Age of Chaucer
ENG 509 Age of Humanism
ENG 510 Age of Wit
One of the following courses in English/American literature of the 19th century:
ENG 514 Age of Romantics
ENG 516 Age of Victorians
ENG 526 Age of American Renaissance
One course in an individual author
Concentration (see listings below)
Total for major
Concentration I: Literature
One course in language with approval of adviser
One course in theory or criticism
One course in English literature before 1800 (apart from core Shakespeare requirement)
Courses selected with approval of adviser
Concentration II: Language Studies
Four courses in language
ENG 421 Structure of English
ENG 422 History of English Language
ENG 424 Phonology and Morphology
ENG 425 Language in Context
Courses selected with approval of adviser
Concentration III: Individual Major
Students enrolling in the Individual Major Program will follow a 24-unit course of study worked out in continuous close consultation with an individual program adviser. Each course of study is adapted to the background and interests of the student. The Individual Major is available to students who can define a course of study in a serious and coherent way. Interested students apply with the English Department advising coordinator.


One of the following courses in lower division literature:
ENG 150 The Study of Literature
ENG 152 The Novel in English
ENG 154 Masterworks of Literature
ENG 155 Contemporary Literature
ENG 158 American Literature
ENG 159 Beginning Shakespeare
One of the following courses in Language:
ENG 420 Introduction to the Study of Language
ENG 421 The Structure of English
ENG 422 History of the English Language
ENG 424 Phonology and Morphology
ENG 425 Language in Context
ENG 429 Stylistics
One upper division course in Shakespeare
One upper division course in pre-1800 literature
Three upper division literature courses (electives)
Total for minor


ENG 421 The Structure of English
ENG 424 Phonology and Morphology
ENG 425 Language in Context
Three units selected from the following: ENG 420, 422, 426, 429, 651
Six units in Literature, three of which must be from the following:
ENG 150 The Study of Literature
ENG 152 The Novel in English
ENG 154 Masterworks of Literature
ENG 155 Contemporary Literature
ENG 158 American Literature
ENG 159 Beginning Shakespeare
One upper division course in Shakespeare


Advising is central to the program. Students must see their advisers to shape their programs initially, to gain approval for course choices, and to prepare for the oral examination. Please contact the graduate secretary, English, for more detailed advising information.

All M.A. candidates who wish to receive the Single Subject Teaching Credential concurrently with the M.A. should confer with an appropriate adviser in the College of Education.

On-line course descriptions are available.


General Information

Applicants should have an undergraduate major in English. Applicants without an undergraduate major in English may be admitted conditionally but must complete twelve units (upper division or graduate) of literature on advisement before being advanced to classified standing and filing the Graduate Approved Program. All applicants, regardless of their undergraduate major, must also complete 3 units, on advisement, in the area of language studies. Courses taken to meet admission requirements for non-English major applicants will not be accepted as part of the GAP.

Completion of ENG 657 and 700 with grades of B or higher is a prerequisite to all courses in this program (except ENG 706 and 800) and a condition of classified standing for students seeking the M.A. in composition. All applicants for either the M.A. or a certificate in composition must demonstrate currency in their knowledge of the syntactic and rhetorical principles taught in ENG 657. Students can demonstrate this currency in the following ways:

Any student who wishes to challenge this policy may formally appeal by writing the program coordinators and explaining his or her justification for waiving it. The coordinators will then form an appeals committee of three program faculty members who will make a recommendation to the coordinators.

The master's program permits students to include on their GAP only courses in which they have received grades of A, A-, B+, B, or B-.
It is expected that a student completing this program is able to write prose publishable in academic journals.

Written English Proficiency Requirement

Level One: Passing score on the GET (score of 6 or higher); completion of ENG 657 and ENG 700 with grades of B or higher. Level Two: satisfactory completion of the ENG 898: Master's Thesis.

ENG 700 Introduction to Composition Theory
ENG 704 Introduction to the Teaching of Writing
ENG 706 Seminar in Sociolinguistics of Composition
ENG 716 Projects in the Teaching of Writing
ENG 890 Seminar in Research in Composition
ENG 898 Master's Thesis and Oral Defense
Units to be taken with the approval of an adviser from the following:
ENG 429 Stylistics
ENG 555 Short Story
ENG 635 Coming of Age in America
ENG 701 Theoretical Backgrounds in Community College and College Reading Instruction
ENG 702 Reading-Writing Connections
ENG 705 Seminar in Basic/Remedial Writing
ENG 707 Current Issues in Composition
ENG 708 Computers and the Teaching of Writing
ENG 715 Projects in the Teaching of Reading
ENG 717 Projects in Teaching Literature
ENG 718 Supervision of Teaching Experience
ENG 651 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
ENG 730 Introduction to Graduate Study: TESOL
ENG 800 Special Topics in the Study of Composition and Reading
ENG 815 Research Topics in Post-Secondary Reading
ENG 896 Projects in Composition Research
  or other approved courses within or outside the English Department
Minimum total

Culminating Experience. A master's thesis must be successfully completed by all candidates for the degree. The thesis, which investigates an appropriate subfield of inquiry, must have the recommendation and approval of two faculty thesis advisers. All SFSU specifications for completion of a master's thesis must be met. Before completion of the thesis, a student must pass an oral defense.

NOTE: Prerequisite to ENG 704 is ENG 657, passed with a grade of B or better; prerequisite to ENG 716 is ENG 704, passed with a grade of B or better; prerequisite to ENG 890 is ENG 700, passed with a grade of B or better.


Admission to Program

Prerequisites: In order to be fully classified, students must meet the conditions below:

English 421 and 424 may be taken concurrently with English 730. English 425 and 426 must be completed prior to English 730. All linguistics/language studies courses must be taken for a letter grade, and students must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA in these courses and no grade lower than a B- to continue in the program. Literature courses may be taken for a letter grade or credit if the courses selected permit the grading option desired.

Students whose native language is not English and whose B.A. was completed outside the U.S. must present evidence of a computer-based TOEFL score of at least 240 (Internet-based TOEFL: 95, paper-based TOEFL: 590) with a writing subscore of at least 4.5 (Internet-based writing score of at least 24). Applicants who do not meet this minimum TOEFL requirement will not be admitted; there is no conditional admission. A TOEFL score of 240 is considered to be very minimal; applicants who demonstrate stronger English proficiency with a higher TOEFL score (and higher writing subscore) will have a better chance of being recommended for admission to the M.A. TESOL program.

In addition, non-native speakers of English who are required to take the TOEFL, who are admitted, and who enroll, must take the ESL Placement Test (ESLPT) for assessment of their English writing proficiency upon entry to the university. They may be required to take ENG 670 and/or other writing course(s).

Written English Proficiency Requirement

Level One: Satisfactory performance on the final research paper for ENG 426, Second Language Acquisition, or, if the course is waived, an equivalent paper. Students whose writing ability is not satisfactory will be required to take a graduate-level composition course, such as ENG 670 or CHS 514. This course may not be used to fulfill other requirements for the M.A. Level Two: Satisfactory performance in ENG 891.

Teaching Experience

Students who have fewer than two years of ESL/EFL teaching experience are required to get teaching experience before enrolling in ENG 733, Student Teaching. This requirement may be fulfilled by (a) enrolling in ENG 726, (b) an internship at the American Language Institute, or (c) approval by an adviser of sufficient prior teaching experience.

Core Courses (18 units)
The core courses listed below are required of all students graduating from this program.
ENG 653 TESOL: Pedagogical Grammar
ENG 730 Introduction to Graduate Study of TESOL
ENG 731 Seminar: TESOL Listening and Speaking Skills
ENG 732 Seminar: TESOL Reading and Writing Skills
ENG 733 Student Teaching in TESOL
ENG 891 Integrative Seminar in TESOL
Group Courses (12 units)
Upper division/graduate courses selected with adviser's approval from subjects in each of Groups I, II, and III (listed below)
Minimum total
and Master's Comprehensive Examinations or Master's Thesis and Oral Defense (see below)
Group I: Advanced Seminar in TESOL (3 units)
ENG 720 Seminar in Language, Literature, and Culture: TESOL
ENG 722 Seminar in Language Assessment
ENG 724 Special Topics in TESOL
Group II: Advanced Seminar in Linguistics (3 units)
ENG 719 Seminar: Contemporary Semantic Theory
ENG 723 Seminar in the Structure of English
ENG 725 Special Topics in Linguistics
ENG 727 Research Methods in Language Studies
ENG 728 Seminar in Sociolinguistics
ENG 729 Seminar in Psycholinguistics
Other graduate-level course in Linguistics approved by an advisor
Group III: Related Courses (6 units)
Related courses selected with the approval of an adviser.

Foreign Language Requirement. For native speakers of English, one semester's work (3-5 units), or its equivalent, in a non-Indo-European language is required in order to complete the M.A. with a Concentration in TESOL. With the approval of an adviser, an Indo-European language which differs considerably from English (e.g., Farsi, Hindi) may be substituted. American Sign Language (ASL) may also be used to fulfill this requirement. For non-native speakers of English, the foreign language requirement is waived. (However, note that the Foreign Language Prerequisite Requirement applies to all.)

Culminating Experience. Either the Master's Examinations or a Master's Thesis must be successfully completed by all candidates for the degree. The oral and written comprehensive examinations assess the ability of students to integrate the knowledge and experience they have acquired in this field. The examinations are on the content areas covered in the program with an emphasis on methodological facets of TESOL. The candidate may take the examinations twice and, if failing both times, will be disqualified from the graduate program.

A thesis, which investigates a subfield of inquiry within TESOL, must have the recommendation and approval of two faculty thesis advisers. All SFSU specifications for completion of a master's thesis must be met. Upon completion of the thesis, the student must pass an oral defense.


Admission to Program

Prerequisites: In order to be fully classified, students must have already taken the equivalents or take at SFSU the following:

All linguistics/language studies courses must be taken for a letter grade, and students must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA in these courses with no grade lower than a B- to continue in the program.

Students whose native language is not English and whose B.A. was completed outside the U. S. must present evidence of a computer-based TOEFL score of at least 230 (paper-based TOEFL, 570) with a writing subscore of at least 4.0.

In addition, non-native speakers of English must take the ESL Placement Test (ESLPT) for assessment of their English writing proficiency upon entry to the university. They may be required to take ENG 670 and/or other writing course(s).

Written English Proficiency Requirement

Level One: Satisfactory performance on the final research paper for ENG 426, Second Language Acquisition, or, if the course is waived, an equivalent paper. Students whose writing ability is not satisfactory will be required to take a graduate-level composition course, such as ENG 670 or CHS 514. This course may not be used to fulfill other requirements for the M.A.  Level Two: Satisfactory performance in ENG 895 or 898.

Required Core Courses
ENG 719 Seminar: Contemporary Semantic Theory
ENG 723 Seminar in the Structure of English
ENG 725 Special Topics in Linguistics
ENG 727 Research Methods in Language Studies
ENG 728 Seminar in Sociolinguistics
ENG 729 Seminar in Psycholinguistics
Total for core
Related Courses (9 units)
Units to be taken from one or more of the following groups of related courses or other courses approved by an adviser.
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
ENG 651 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages: Basic Principles
ENG 653 TESOL: Pedagogical Grammar
ENG 720 Seminar in Language, Literature, and Culture: TESOL
ENG 726 Practicum in TESOL
ENG 730 Introduction to Graduate Study: TESOL
ENG 731 Seminar: TESOL Listening and Speaking Skills
ENG 732 Seminar: TESOL Reading and Writing Skills
ENG 422 History of the English Language
ENG 724 Special Topics in TESOL (1-3)
ENG 725 Special Topics in Linguistics
PHIL 830 Seminar in the Philosophy of Language
Special Topics in Linguistics
ENG 722 Seminar in Language Assessment
ENG 724 Special Topics in TESOL (1-3)
ENG 725 Special Topics in Linguistics
Speech and Communication Studies
SPCH 503 Sex Roles and Communication (4)
SPCH 541 Intercultural Communication (4)
SPCH 750 Seminar in Communication and Culture (4)
Reading and Writing
ENG 654 Tutoring in Reading
ENG 656 Topics in Reading in the Secondary School (1-3)
ENG 657 Grammar and Rhetoric of the Sentence
ENG 658 Projects in Study and Reading Techniques
ENG 704 Introduction to Teaching of Writing
ENG 715 Projects in the Teaching of Reading
ENG 716 Projects in the Teaching of Writing
ENG 429 Stylistics
ENG 720 Seminar in Language, Literature, and Culture: TESOL
ENG 782 Seminar in Chaucer
One of the following:
ENG 898 Master's Thesis or
ENG 895 Field Study or Applied Research Project
and Master's Comprehensive Written and Oral Examinations
Minimum total
and Foreign Language Requirement (see below)

Master's Examinations. Failure in these examinations does not disqualify the candidate unless the examining committee so directs. The candidate may take the examinations twice, and, if failure occurs both times, will be disqualified from the graduate program.

Foreign Language Requirement. Ten semester units, or the equivalent, of a modern European language, plus a minimum of one semester or the equivalent of a non-Indo-European language, concurrent with ENG 426, is required of all candidates for the Master of Arts in English with Concentration in Linguistics. The student has the alternative of satisfying the foreign language requirement by examination. Units earned in foreign language study are not to be included in the student's Graduate Approved Program.


Admission to Program

Applicants must meet general university requirements as stated in this Bulletin. Admission to the literature concentration is competitive.

In addition to the materials sent to the graduate admissions office, the applicant must submit the following items to the English Department in order to be considered for admission: (1) English Department application; (2) at least two letters of recommendation; (3) one official set of transcripts; (4) writing sample (five page critical essay). Contact the graduate program assistant for the department application and department deadlines.

Applicants who meet the following requirements are eligible for admission to classified status: completion of an undergraduate English literature major, comparable to the major program at this university, and achievement of a GPA of at least 3.0 in the major.

Applicants who do not meet the above requirements may be accepted conditionally and can achieve classified status as follows:

Denial. Applications that do not permit admission under the above rules must be denied unless the Graduate Literature Curriculum Committee makes an exception.

Written English Proficiency Requirement

Level One: satisfactory performance on papers in ENG 741. Level Two: satisfactory completion of the M.A. thesis.


The program consists of ten courses (minimum 30 units) of which seven courses (minimum 21 units) must be graduate level courses. Of these graduate courses, six (18 units) must be English Department courses, of which three (9 units) must be seminars from the 742-790 range. Students may choose either an emphasis in General Studies or Special Studies. See guidelines for each emphasis after the Program Requirements.

NOTE: English courses usually earn three units of credit; however, some upper division courses which fulfill requirements for the M.A. in Literature may be offered for three to five units.

Program Requirements
ENG 741 Theory of Literature
ENG 742-790 Graduate Seminars
Graduate level courses
Electives on advisement
ENG 898 Master's Thesis
Minimum total
and Master's Oral Examination

NOTE: ENG 704, 705, 715, and 716 may not be included among the electives. Related courses from other departments (up to six units with approval of adviser) may be included.

All students follow the General Studies Emphasis unless the Special Studies Emphasis is chosen before completing four of the required ten course (see below).

General Studies Emphasis

Students are required to take one course minimum of 3 units) from those listed below under the category Literary History, and one course (minimum 3 units) from those listed under the category Literary Theories and Methods. The department recommends that students take two from each category, and that at least one from each category be a graduate seminar (711, 712, 742-800).

Literary History

Undergraduate courses: 501, 503*, 504, 508*, 509, 510, 512*, 514, 516, 520, 521*, 522, 525*, 526, 527, 528, 529, 531, 532, 533, 535, 546, 550, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 570, 571, 573, 574, 580, 583, 584, 589;

Graduate seminars: 711, 712, 750-789;

Or classes approved by an adviser.

Note: the asterisked courses might be conceivable as Literary Theory and Methods depending on what approach is being taken by the instructor. These are the "Studies in ..." format courses, and can count under Literary Theory and Methods only with the permission of an adviser.

Literary Theories and Methods

Undergraduate courses: 429, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 618, 630, 631, 633, 634, 635;

Graduate seminars: 742, 744, 745, 746, 747, 748, 790, 800;

Or classes approved by an adviser.

Early Period Requirement. Three of the 30 units in the General Studies Emphasis must be chosen from courses in literature before 1800. The early period requirement may be met by courses that also fulfill the above listed program requirements (for example, the early period course might also count as the Literary History or Literary Theories and Methods required course, or it might count as an elective). Thus, the early period requirement is a distribution requirement, not a course requirement.

Special Studies Emphasis

The special studies emphasis is available to students whose proposed fields of study (for example, cultural criticism or reader response approaches to literature) do not fall readily within the Literary History and Literary Theories and Methods rubrics of the general studies emphasis. Students who wish to focus on special studies must define their course of study in a written proposal submitted early in their graduate career and before completing four of the required ten courses. The proposal must be approved and signed by a graduate adviser and by the English Department's graduate literature program coordinator.

The number of courses and seminars, graduate level courses, and electives selected individually by the student and proposed for the special studies emphasis must conform to the program requirements (see above).

Culminating Experience

Master's Thesis, Prospectus, and Oral Examination required for the General Studies and Special Studies Emphases. The prospectus and the oral are scheduled before a student begins writing the thesis. The prospectus is a written statement, usually including the controlling purpose of the thesis; the selection of literary materials; the relevant scholarship and criticism; and the value and interest of the study. The oral is a one-hour examination on the prospectus conducted by the two thesis readers.

A candidate who has failed the oral examination may not take it again before the next regular semester. A candidate who failed the examination twice will not be permitted to continue in the program for the M.A. in Literature. Consult The Prospectus and the Thesis handout available in the English Office for more information.


The Certificate in Teaching of Composition and the Certificate in Teaching Post-secondary Reading are designed to provide theoretical and pedagogical preparation for students who plan to teach writing and/or reading in post-secondary classrooms.

Admission to Program

For matriculated students, admission to either or both of the certificate programs requires completion of a formal application and consent of program faculty following review of the application. Those seeking the composition certificate must submit this application prior to taking ENG 716. Those seeking the reading certificate should consult the reading coordinator prior to submitting their applications.

This internal application is available in the Composition Office, HUM 209. Anyone who wishes a certificate but is not currently matriculated will need to apply to the university, using the published admissions process, before being considered for admission to the composition or reading certificate programs. For information about how to complete this application, students should consult the appropriate graduate coordinator of the Division of Graduate Studies.

Students interested in admission to the certificate programs need not have completed undergraduate degree programs in English literature or language studies, nor need they be enrolled in master's programs offered in the Department of English. Graduate students from master's programs offered in this department should contact their advisers to find out how many of the courses taken for composition or reading certificates they may use to meet degree requirements in the MA program. Unclassified graduate students and candidates for degrees in other departments may be accepted into the program with the approval of the composition or reading faculty.

All certificate candidates should familiarize themselves with the general guidelines for earning a certificate on this campus. A student planning to earn an undergraduate or graduate certificate must meet the requirements listed in the Certificate Programs section of this Bulletin. Any student who decides he/she wishes to enter the MA program in composition must consult his/her adviser immediately to find out how best to proceed.

Certificate in the Teaching of Composition

Written English Proficiency Requirement

Students can demonstrate writing proficiency by earning grades of B or better on written work in ENG 657 or by receiving a score of 6 or higher on GET (the Graduate Essay Test). Students who do not get a clear passing score on GET will be expected to enroll in CHS 514 or an equivalent course on this campus.

ENG 657 Grammar and Rhetoric of the Sentence
ENG 704 Introduction to the Teaching of Writing
ENG 716 Projects in the Teaching of Writing
Select one of the following:
ENG 429 Stylistics
ENG 656 Topics in Reading in the Secondary School
ENG 658 Projects in Study and Reading Techniques
ENG 700 Introduction to Graduate Study in Composition
ENG 701 Theoretical Backgrounds in Community College and College Reading Instruction
ENG 706 Seminar in Sociolinguistics of Composition
ENG 707 Current Issues in Composition
ENG 708 Computers and the Teaching of Writing
ENG 709 Seminar in Teaching Integrated Reading and Writing I
ENG 710 Seminar in Teaching Integrated Reading and Writing II
ENG 715 Projects in the Teaching of Reading
ENG 717 Projects in the Teaching of Literature
ENG 718 Supervision of Teaching Experience
ENG 732 Seminar: TESOL Reading and Writing Skills
ENG 800 Special Topics in the Study of Composition and Reading
Total for program

Certificate in Teaching Post-secondary Reading

Written English Proficiency Requirement

Level One: students can demonstrate writing proficiency earning grades of B or better on written work in ENG 657 or by receiving a score of 6 or higher on GET (the Graduate Essay Test). Students who do not get a clear passing score on GET will be expected to enroll in CHS 514 or an equivalent course on this campus. Level Two: students must earn a minimum grade of B in all of the reading certificate's required courses.

ENG 701 Theoretical Backgrounds in Community College and College Reading Instruction
ENG 709 Seminar in Teaching Integrated Reading and Writing I
ENG 710 Seminar in Teaching Integrated Reading and Writing II
ENG 715 Projects in the Teaching of Reading
Total for certificate