San Francisco State University Bulletin 2011 - 2012

Errata philoso.htm

January 13, 2012

Altered material appears on line 854,
change the second and third sentences in the footnote.


PHIL 896 is a mandatory CR/NC course. It may be repeated once if NC is earned the first time. in PHIL 896. A failed examination may be repeated once. Upon admission to the graduate program, students must consult with the Graduate Coordinator in regard to this course. It must be completed with a CR before the student may officially begin work on the master's thesis.


PHIL 896 is a mandatory CR/NC course. Students who fail the exam may attempt it only once more, after enrolling again. Upon admission to the graduate program, students must consult with the Graduate Coordinator in regard to this course. It must be completed with a CR before the student may officially begin work on the master's thesis.