Last update: 10/23/96
Official Graduation Clearance: There are three graduation cycles and official graduation dates--one in the fall, one in the spring, and one in the summer. To qualify for graduation, the student must complete all requirements for the bachelor's degree by the official graduation date listed in the University Calendar published in this Bulletin and in the Class Schedule.
Graduating with Multiple Majors and Minors. Graduation applications must be submitted for each major and minor that students declare for graduation. If they are applying to graduate with two majors, the following apply: (1) if the two majors are under the same degree (e.g., both under the B.A. or both under the B.S.), they can graduate with both majors in the same semester; (2) if each major is under a different degree (e.g., one under a B.A. and one under a B.S.), only one degree can be awarded at one graduation, and the second degree will have to be awarded at a subsequent graduation.
If such a request is filed, the total unit load taken, in all institutions and for all purposes, by the student during that final semester must not exceed the maximum unit load in effect for graduate level students as outlined in the section Maximum Unit Load. Any exceptions must have the approval of the Dean of the Graduate Division in advance of registration for the final term. If the baccalaureate degree is not completed at the end of the term in question, all the work taken is subject to being counted as undergraduate work and the provisional post-baccalaureate status for specified courses voided.