Last update: 10/24/96
Through the functions of the Consortium a variety of increased and enhanced educational opportunities may be made available to full-time students of the member institutions. In addition, numerous cooperative projects directed toward various aspects of urban development and special programs in higher education may involve faculty of two or more member institutions. San Francisco State University students who have special needs or interests which may be served through connections with one of the other Consortium institutions should contact the San Francisco Consortium Office at the University of California, San Francisco, 513 Parnassus Avenue, S224, San Francisco, CA 94143.
International Programs participants earn resident academic credit at their CSU campuses while they pursue full-time study at a host university or special study center abroad. International Programs serves the needs of students in over 100 designated academic majors. Affiliated with 37 recognized universities and institutions of higher education in seventeen countries, International Programs also offers a wide selection of study locales and learning environments.
International Programs pays all tuition and administrative costs for participating California resident students to the same extent that such funds would be expended to support similar costs in California. Participants are responsible for all personal costs, such as transportation, room and board, living expenses, and home campus fees. Participants remain eligible to receive any form of financial aid (except work study) for which they can individually qualify. For a student not living at home, the possibility exists that a year abroad, except for transportation and sightseeing, will not cost any more than living in the Bay Area. This is an excellent opportunity for a student to continue his/her studies and become familiar with another culture and its peoples.
To qualify for admission to the International Programs, students must have upper division or graduate standing at a CSU campus by the time of departure. Students at the sophomore level may, however, participate in the intensive language acquisition programs in France, Germany, and Mexico. California Community Colleges transfer students are eligible to apply directly from their community college if they can meet this requirement. Students must also possess a current cumulative grade point average of 2.75 or 3.0, depending on the program for which they apply. Some programs also have language study and/or other course work prerequisites.
Additional information and application materials may be obtained on campus from the Office of International Programs, ICTR, 338-1293, e-mail: studyabr@sfsu. edu, or by writing to the California State University International Programs, 400 Golden Shore, Suite 122, Long Beach, CA 90802-4275.
As with the CSU International Programs, the student pays fees at San Francisco State but takes classes at the host university. Again, if the student qualifies for financial aid, aside from work study, these awards can be used to fund the study abroad for one year or even one semester in certain instances.
Additional information and application materials may be obtained from the Office of International Programs, San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132; (415) 338-1293; e-mail: