
College of Creative Arts
Dean: Keith Morrison

Department of Dance
CA 101
Chair: Jerry Duke

Undergraduate Advisers: Cayou, Duke, Rose, Sandri, Whipp


Professors--Cayou, Duke, Rose, Whipp

Associate Professor--Sandri

Lecturers--Casquelourd, Das, Jones, Montoya, Oliveira, Pierce


B.A. in Dance: Concentration in Dance Ethnology

B.A. in Dance: Concentration in Performance/

B.A. in Dance: Concentration in Dance Education

Minor in Dance

Program Scope

The curriculum for the B.A. program is designed to provide an in-depth study of dance on both a practical and theoretical level, preparing students for performance and choreographic opportunities, teaching and research, and graduate programs in dance.

The dance ethnology concentration is designed to provide students with a strong level of proficiency in the areas of folk/ethnic/traditional dance forms, technique, and style; composition/choreography for both solo and group work; understanding dance in relation to specific cultural contexts, history, aesthetics, research methods, notation, and the science of dance movement. This concentration prepares students in the practical and theoretical aspects of folk/ethnic/traditional dance.

The performance/choreography concentration is designed to provide students with a strong level of proficiency in the areas of contemporary dance technique, composition/choreography for both solo and group work, performance creativity, history, production related media technology, and the science of movement. In addition to providing preparation for graduate study, the performance/choreography concentration will develop dancers/choreographers for dance as an art by exposing them to several techniques and contemporary styles and guide them to discover their own creativity and choreographic approach. Students of this concentration are required to produce a final choreographic project.

The dance education concentration will provide proficiency in pedagogy, a strong level of contemporary dance technique, ethnic dance composition/choreography for solo and group work, performance, production, creativity, history, aesthetics, criticism, the science of dance movement, and media technology for dance. In addition, it will provide basic preparation for entrance into a credential program for dance and provide preparation for a graduate program in dance education. This concentration will also prepare the student for teaching in a private studio, recreation center, or in the fitness industry.

Students of each concentration are required to complete a senior project which serves as a culminating experience.


Dance related facilities are presently located in three different buildings on campus. The primary studio is located in the Gymnasium. This studio is fully equipped as a dance studio and a small performance laboratory. Adjacent to this studio is a small dance rehearsal studio and two other studios used for classes. The second principal teaching studio is located in the Arts and Industry Building. Departmental concerts and productions take place in either a 350-seat proscenium theatre or a large 700-seat theatre located in the Creative Arts Building. Special projects with the Department of Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts provide access to television production studios and there is access to several smaller theatres on campus.

Career Outlook

Majors graduating from this program will seek employment in a variety of dance-related areas: performing, choreography, dance production, teaching in public or private schools, community recreation centers, or dance studios. Other graduates will continue their education and pursue advanced degrees in dance, creative arts, or related fields.

The San Francisco Bay Area has a very active dance community with more than three hundred performance ensembles, from contemporary to traditional. There are many performance opportunities for talented and trained graduates.

Teaching opportunities are available throughout the region and nationally in private and public education, K-12, community college, and university settings; departments of parks and recreation; YWCA's. The State of California requires a teaching credential for K-12. While a new Subject Matter Program credential is being developed, the current program remains available through the Department of Dance.

Choreography for the stage and film remains an option for those interested. The relatively new field of dance medicine is growing and creating opportunities for graduates who are interested and who will pursue graduate work. Other areas that offer dance-related opportunities include dance criticism, dance therapy, and dance production and company management.


All students are required to complete all courses in the core. All students seeking a major in Dance must do the placement audition through the Department of Dance. This audition is scheduled several times a year. For specific dates and times, contact the Department of Dance, Creative Arts Building, Room 101. The telephone number is 338-2062. It is imperative that students consult with their adviser each semester to assure proper scheduling. Some Dance courses are offered only every third semester. All students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in the major as specified in the grading policy of the university.

Courses for this program are listed in alphabetical sequence (consult Index for page reference).


Program Units
DANC 231 Fundamentals of Dance Movement Theories 2
DANC 232 Dance Composition: Choreography I 3
DANC 300 Seminar in Dance 2
DANC 304 Issues in Dance Medicine I 3
DANC 306 Issues in Dance Medicine II 3
DANC 310 Dance Fitness 2
DANC 350 Dance Watching 3
DANC 430 Historical Survey of Dance in the Western World: 1300-Present 3
DANC 431 Media and Technology for Dance 3
DANC 433 Rhythm and Music for the Dancer 3
Total for core 27
Concentration in Dance Ethnology
ANTH 120 Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology 3
DANC 203 Introduction to Dance Ethnology and Field Study 2
DANC 415 Dance in Religion 3
One of the following: 3
MUS 505 Music of the World's Peoples
MUS 530 Music of the Middle East, Far East, and Sub-continental India
MUS 531 Music of the Pacific Basin
MUS 532 Music of Latin America
DANC 657 Dance Ethnology 3
DANC 691 Senior Project in Dance Ethnology 3
Technique classes selected from the following 11-13
A minimum of three to five units must be chosen from three different styles:
DANC 166 Ballroom Dance I (1)
DANC 167 Ballroom Dance II (1)
DANC 163 Ballet I (1)
DANC 164 Ballet II (1)
DANC 173 Modern Dance I (1)
DANC 174 Modern Dance II (1)
DANC 176 Modern Jazz Dance I (1)
DANC 177 Modern Jazz Dance II (1)
DANC 206 Ballet III (2)
DANC 208 Modern Dance III (2)
DANC 209 Modern Jazz Dance III (2)
DANC 234 Social and Ballroom Dances of the U.S. (2)
A minimum of two units must be chosen from two different styles:
DANC 160 African Haitian Dance I (1)
DANC 161 African Haitian Dance II (1)
DANC 168 Folk Dance I (1)
DANC 169 Folk Dance II (1)
DANC 207 Dance in Cultural Context (2)
DANC 235 Folklore of European and American Dance (2)
DANC 236 Folklore of African Haitian Dance (2)
DANC/BL S 617 Black Dance Experience
Additional course required for the major:
DANC 399 Repertory in Performance (2) [2 semesters for 2 units each]
Minimum total for concentration 28-30
Minimum total for major 55
A mid-term review is given to students in this concentration prior to enrollment in DANC 657. Each student is required to complete a senior project which includes a dance ethnology topic on which a research paper and a related performance is presented.

Program Units
Concentration in Performance/Choreography
Technique classes selected from the following 12-15
DANC 166 Ballroom Dance I (1) or
DANC 234 Social and Ballroom Dances of the U.S. (2)
DANC 164 Ballet II (1) or
DANC 206 Ballet III (2)
Choose one of the following:
DANC 207 Dance in Cultural Context (2)
DANC 235 Folklore of European and American Dance (2)
DANC 236 Folklore of African Haitian Dance (2)
DANC/BL S 617 Black Dance Experience
DANC 208 Modern Dance III (2) or
DANC 308 Modern Dance IV (2)
DANC 209 Modern Jazz Dance III (2) or
DANC 309 Modern Jazz Dance IV (2)
DANC 399 Repertory in Performance (2)
[2 semesters for 2 units each]
Additional courses required for the major:
TH A 312 Costuming and Make-Up 2
THA 315 Theatre Production: Technical Crew 1
TH A 313 Stage Lighting and Sound 2
THA 315 Theatre Production: Technical Crew 1
DANC 434 Dance Composition: Choreography II 3
DANC 461 Principles of Dance Production and Management 3
DANC 690 Senior Project in Performance/Choreography 3
Minimum total for concentration 27-30
Minimum total for major 54
A mid-term review is given to students in this concentration prior to enrollment in DANC 434. Each student is required to complete a senior project which includes performance and choreography in a concert setting. Students pursuing this concentration are expected to take a technique class each semester, and to the extent possible, take advantage of outside studio classes.

Program Units
Concentration in Dance Education
Technique classes selected from the following 12-15
DANC 166 Ballroom Dance I (1) or
DANC 234 Social and Ballroom Dances of the U.S. (2)
DANC 164 Ballet II (1) or
DANC 206 Ballet III (2)
DANC 207 Dance in Cultural Context (2) or
DANC/BL S 617 Black Dance Experience
DANC 208 Modern Dance III (2) or
DANC 308 Modern Dance IV (2)
DANC 235 Folklore of European and American Dance (2) or
DANC 236 Folklore of African Haitian Dance (2)
DANC 209 Modern Jazz Dance III (2) or
DANC 309 Modern Jazz Dance IV (2)
DANC 399 Repertory in Performance (2)
[2 semesters for 2 units each]
Additional courses required for the major:
TH A 312 Costuming and Makeup 2
THA 315 Theatre Production: Technical Crew 1
TH A 313 Stage Lighting and Sound 2
THA 315 Theatre Production: Technical Crew 1
DANC 340 Creative Dance in Basic Subject Development 3
DANC 434 Dance Composition: Choreography II 3
DANC 461 Principles of Dance Production and Management 3
DANC 560 Theory and Practice of Dance 3
DANC 699 Special Study [must be taken concurrently with DANC 560] 1
Minimum total for concentration 31-34
Minimum total for major 58
A mid-term review is given to students in this concentration prior to enrollment in DANC 434. Each student is required to complete a senior project which involves a dance education project in a school, community center, social service center, or other appropriate setting.


The Dance Minor consists of a core curriculum of four courses (11 units) plus thirteen (13) units taken from a list of electives on advisement. A total of twelve (12) units in the minor must be upper division. Students seeking the minor must do the placement audition through the Department of Dance. This audition is scheduled several times each academic year. For specific dates and times, contact Department of Dance, CA 101, 338-2062.

Program Units
DANC 231 Fundamentals of Dance Movement Theories 2
DANC 233 Orientation to Dance History and Philosophy or
DANC 232 Dance Composition: Choreography I 3
DANC 430 Historical Survey of Dance in the Western World: 1300 to Present 3
DANC 433 Rhythm and Music for the Dancer 3
Total for core 11
Courses selected from the following on advisement 13
DANC 161 African Haitian Dance II (1)
DANC 164 Ballet II (1)
DANC 167 Ballroom II (1)
DANC 174 Modern Dance II (1)
DANC 177 Modern Jazz Dance II (1)
DANC 203 Introduction to Dance Ethnology and Field Study (2)
DANC 206 Ballet III (2)
DANC 207 Dance in Cultural Context (2)
DANC 208 Modern Dance III (2)
DANC 209 Modern Jazz Dance III (2)
DANC 235 Folklore of European and American Dance (2)
DANC 236 Folklore of African Haitian Dance (2)
DANC 302 Humphrey/Weidman Technique and Repertory (2)
DANC 304 Issues in Dance Medicine I
DANC 306 Issues in Dance Medicine II
DANC 308 Modern Dance IV (2)
DANC 309 Modern Jazz Dance IV (2)
DANC 310 Dance Fitness (2)
DANC 340 Creative Dance in Basic Subject Development
DANC 350 Dance Watching
DANC 399 Repertory in Performance (2)
DANC 400 Technique Workshop in Contemporary Dance (1)
DANC 402 Technique Workshop in Modern Jazz Dance (1)
DANC 415 Dance in Religion
DANC 416 Advanced Contemporary Dance Repertory and Skills (1)
DANC 431 Movement Notation Technology
DANC 434 Dance Composition: Choreography II
DANC 461 Principles of Dance Production
DANC 463 Performance in Dance (1)
DANC 560 Theory and Practice Dance (2)
DANC/BLS 617 Black Dance Experience
DANC 640 Movement, Intermedia, and Virtual Response
DANC 657 Dance Ethnology
DANC 699 Special Study (1-3)
Total for electives 13
Total for minor 24