Positive Health, Fitness, and Leisure

College of Health and Human Services
Dean: Donald P. Zingale

Positive Health, Fitness, and Leisure Program
SCI 394
Director: Mary Beth Love


Professors--Kern, Love, Michaelis


Minor in Positive Health, Fitness, and Leisure

Program Scope

The Minor in Positive Health, Fitness, and Leisure provides students with the knowledge and skills which will enable them to maximize potential for high level wellness for themselves and others. Positive or "high level" wellness is not just health or the absence of disease. It is a philosophy of life which promotes awareness of all things which affect our health, in combination with a program of positive action for self-improvement. Upon completion of the minor students will be able to demonstrate an understanding and integration of important principles and practices of (1) positive health, (2) fitness, (3) leisure as vital elements of a proactive healthy lifestyle.

The minor is an interdepartmental one, within the College of Health and Human Services. It is suitable for all majors who are interested in high-level wellness. It provides the awareness, knowledge, skills, strategies and resources that will not only enhance their personal and professional lives, but also provide exposure to the wide variety of career opportunities in the wellness and helping professions.

Career Outlook

A Minor in Positive Health, Fitness, and Leisure may contribute to a career in health promotion, psychology, counseling, coaching, or a number of other professions that deal with improving human health and well being.


Courses for this program are listed in alphabetical sequence (consult Index for page reference).

Students will be expected to complete an eleven-unit core of courses and nine units of electives, totaling twenty (20) units.


Core Courses

HED 310	Health and Society		3
REC 220	Leisure Lifestyle Development		3
KIN 300	Health-Related Fitness and Wellness		3

KIN 331	Peak Performance		3
Total		12


Electives are to be selected, with the help of 
an adviser, from the following list of
courses. No more than six units may be
selected from one department. Addition-
ally, a student may elect no more than
three one-unit courses and no more than
three units of activity courses. 9

Health Education

HED 312	Consumer Health
HED 315	Drugs and Society
HED 320	Contemporary Sexuality
HED 414	Women's Health--Problems and 
HED 525	Health Promotion in Ethnic 
HH 380	Western Perspectives
HH 381	Eastern Perspectives

Kinesiology and Dance

Any one- or two-unit physical activity course 
with a KIN or DANC prefix.
KIN 476	Physiological Basis of Exercise or
KIN 482	Exercise Physiology
KIN 487	Motor Development
KIN 457	Culture, Gender, and Movement
KIN 502	Sport and Social Issues

Recreation-Leisure Studies

REC 160	Recreation and Leisure Alterna-
tive Activities (1)
REC 230	Growth through Adventure
REC 330	Arts and Crafts for Leisure
REC 340	Conference and Event Planning 
and Management
REC 380	Developmental Play Processes
REC 420	Leisure and Contemporary 
REC 430	Ecology of Outdoor Recreation
REC 445	Recreation Therapy and the 
Expressive Arts
REC 560	Current Practices in Parks, Recrea-
tion, and Leisure Services (1-3)

Consumer and Family Studies/Dietetics

CFS 252	Nutrition