Associate Professor--Cancino
Assistant Professor--Aninao, Blomberg, Bloom
Certificate in Middle/Junior High School Studies
Relevancy is an important element of the master's program. The Secondary Education Department offers several course options for teachers to select from in order to meet individual interests. A thorough grounding in responsive education that is sensitive to the needs of the working professional is offered for each candidate. For those teaching, evening and summer classes are offered.
Graduate study for this degree may be combined with programs leading to the Reading Specialist or Bilingual Specialist Credentials.
Students are urged to observe the general requirements in this Bulletinas well as the specific departmental requirements stated here and in the special bulletins available from the department upon request.
Certificate in Middle/Junior High School Studies.The certificate identifies the holder as a specialist in middle level education and as a desirable candidate for teaching positions over a broad age range. Earning the certificate improves the qualifications of holders of other teaching credentials for teaching positions in middle level schools. (The completion of this certificate does not fulfill the requirements for teacher credentialing in the State of California.) The certificate program forms an acceptable area of emphasis within the M.A. in Elementary Education or Secondary Education and may be acceptable as a related field in other degree programs.
Career possibilities for middle/junior high school teachers are excellent particularly for those with specialized middle level training.
Courses for this discipline are listed in alphabetical sequence (consult Index for page reference). The following upper division courses are acceptable on the Graduate Approved Program: S ED 621, 631, 644, 699.
ISED 797 Seminar in Educational Research 3
S ED 850 Advanced Seminar in Curriculum
and Instruction in the Secondary
School 3
S ED 895 Field Study or
S ED 898 Master's Thesis 3
Electives in secondary education approved by
graduate major adviser 9
Related or distributed field (selected upon
approval of graduate major adviser) 12
Minimum total 30
E ED/S ED 865 Seminar in Middle Level
Education 3
E ED/S ED 866 The Early Adolescent in
School 3
E ED/S ED 867 Curriculum of the Middle
Level School 3
S ED 760 Advanced Field Practicum 3
Total for certificate 12