Follow Our Touch Tone Tips!

The GatorAiders offer these tips when
Registering for Fall 2006 Classes:

  • Each call lasts a maximum of 12 minutes. That's why we want you to use the Organizer - it will help you use your time wisely. A prepared student will take less than 12 minutes.
  • For best results, call during the first 10 minutes of your 24-Hour Appointment Time. You cannot call earlier - touch tone won't let you in.
  • Be careful to schedule only one class per time block. Touch Tone will let you sign up for 2 different classes which meet at the same time.
  • Even though you might be a speed dialer, dial slowly and carefully when using Touch Tone.
  • Don't forget to remember your PAC code! You'll be using it from now on!
  • We recommend in your first semester to take 12-13 units. Touch tone will let you add more than that, but we recommend a first semester load which is reasonable to be 12-13 units.
  • You will be mailed a Schedule of your touch tone classes in August, a few days before you start school. Be sure to check this schedule to see if it is accurate. Also your schedule might reflect a change in class time - so read it carefully.
  • Make sure the University has your correct address!
  • You may change your schedule during the first few weeks of classes. You can add by Gator Reg for about 2 weeks once the semester begins, and you can drop courses by Gator Reg during the first 3 weeks.
  • There are many more tips and points of interest about the touch tone system. When you arrive at SFSU, be sure to read your New Student Handbook to learn more!

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Modified 2006

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