You are now ready to make your Gator-Reg Schedule


Here's your Registration Organizer Again.

Warning! This is an EXAMPLE! Don't Copy It!

Fill in the Courses You want to take for Fall 2008

 Time Blocks

I write down the days and times classes I want will meet.

 Comm150  Math 70  ENG 114

 MW (F)

9:10- 10

(schedule number)


 23445  11123


10:10- 11

23344 34445 11145

 MW (F)


66668 99988 34456


9:25 - 11

39445  77768  44465


13:10 - 15:25

13345 23098  90908

    So what did I do?

  • First I started with the classes I want to take in Fall.
  • I write them one in each box at the top. (COMM 150, MATH 70, English 114, etc.)
  • Then I use the Class Schedule booklet (or the ONLINE version) and for each class I write down several times/days when that class is offered. (In the above case I wrote down 3 MWF days and 2 Tues-Thurs.) Remember - I only need one of them!
  • Hint: Classes are arranged in the Class Schedule booklet in alphabetical order by name of the course. I write down several different times one of my choices is offered. As long as I have at least 3-4 choices for each class, I should be able to get my schedule. Transfers: this definitely applies to you!

Advisor's Note: We highly recommend you NOT take a Tues-Thurs only schedule in your first semester. This is a killer schedule. Best to spread your days out to 3 days a week or 5 days a week. This will spread your study and preparation time out and be easier for you to start with.

this way

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Modified 2008