Business Building

The College of Business enrolls over 5,000 undergraduates, making it the largest College on campus. In spite of this, none of the majors in the College is impacted. In fact, Business is one of the very few programs which offer degree courses in morning, afternoon, and evening, as well as Saturdays. The College of Business is comprised of 8departments, offering 11 differrent fields of concentration. For any questions, information or to get an advisor, see the Business Advising Center located in BUS 137.



Most Business majors spend most of their time in this building, as most of the Business classes are held here. But a few of the core Business classes can be found in very large theatres on campus.

Class size

The ratio of students to teachers at SFSU is 18:1. In many of the general education courses and in some of the more popular majors, like Business, the ratio may be higher, but most classes have between 30 and 40 students. When San Francisco State was built most of the classes were designed smaller, and this works out well for students. They have a much better opportunity to get to know their professors in the smaller classes.

More Business

Also here are the department offices for Finance, Business Analysis and Computing Systems, Management and Marketing. An extensive computer center is available to all students. Incidentally, the College of Business has an excellent reputatuion in the Bay Area, and many businesses and firms come to SFSU during job fairs to hire our graduates.


Maria says:

Look out for swinging doors in the narrow 1st and 2nd floor corridors of the Business building. Doors do not open inwards, so unwary students have been known to get a door in the face! Business majors are very familiar with this building beacause many students spend time waiting outside a professor's office. The only access to the third floor is through the two side stairwells. A good day here is when the waiting line in the Business Computer Lab is short. I guess there is a price to pay for free laser printing.


Joe says:

The "helpers" in the Business Computer Lab are very busy and will be too busy taking care of technical problems and making sure everyone gets their maximum of two hours on the workstations when students are waiting. If you are not familiar with the more common computer applications such as Microsoft's word or Excel, you should look at taking one of our free classes in the Computung Services Training Center.