Step 3 Calling

First: Dial the Touch Tone System at 415-338-7000

The voice of Touch Tone will welcome you and ask you select 1 (Financial Aid) or 2 (Class Registration). Press 2.

Next: You will be guided to enter the following:

  • your student ID number. Note: If you do not know this, visit this site and put in your social security and PAC number.
  • your birth date (2 digits for each) - month - day - year
  • your Personal Access Code (PAC). This is your personal Identification number. Make it a 4 digit number which you will always remember, you should not have to write it down, and treat this as a PIN number to a credit card. You'll use it over and over at SFSU. Do NOT use any part of your Social Security # or your birth date.


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Modified 2006

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