Finally, You will be asked to Enter an Action Code. These are your actions on Touch Tone.

You want to add, so press 2.

(Later, you might want to drop a class (3), search for a class (5), or add your name to a Waiting List (9).

Now consult your registration organizer: The first class was in the box at the top right, so now enter on the phone the 5-digit schedule number.

This is a sample! Use your Own!
 Time Block SPCH 150 MATH 70
 MWF 9:10-10 12334 34456

So now you'll hear the voice of touch tone say " You have added Speech 150, section 1, which meets at 9:10 to 10 am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Enter an action code."

That means you have the class. What else do you want? First thing you do is circle on your Touch Tone Organizer the class you added, Speech 150, and cross out all other classes in the row MWF 9:10-10. Do not add any more classes which meet at this time.

Now consult your registration organizer again: The second class was in the box in the second row, so enter on the phone the 5 digit schedule number.

This is a sample. Use your own!
 Time Block (2nd row) MATH 70 ENG 114
MWF 10:10-11  56667 49999

Now try for your next class. In my example, it's MATH 70, Intermediate Algebra. I enter the Action Code 2 to add, then enter the 5 digit number for Math 70 on my organizer.

Uh, Oh! The voice of Touch Tone says. "That class is closed. Press 1 to search for an open class or 2 to enter an Action Code." What do you do?


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