How to Use This Bulletin
I hope you find this Bulletin a valuable source of vital information about San Francisco State University. It is designed to provide you with the most up-to-date information about university programs, policies, and procedures. It is divided into the following eleven sections:
Admissions contains vital information about general admission requirements and procedures as well as specific information and guidelines for undergraduate, graduate, and international students.
Student Fees and Financial Aid outlines the cost and types of financial assistance available to different classifications of students. Included in this section are application procedures, eligibility criteria, refund policies, information about grants, loans, and scholarships.
University Policies and Procedures contains information about university policies, registration, grading policy and systems, scholastic distinction, and academic standards.
Undergraduate Education provides an overview of graduation requirements including a baccalaureate degree checklist, General Education requirements, and other entry and exit level requirements.
Graduate Education contains information about important graduate policies and procedures, English proficiency requirements, Advancement to Candidacy requirements, culminating experience procedures, and graduation procedures.
University Resources and Support Services describes specific learning resources, services, and facilities that provide meaningful educational and extra-curricular experiences for students while attending the university. Included in this section are Advising Services, Athletics, Career Services, Health and Psychological Services, Disability Resources, Housing and Food Services, Alternative Learning Opportunities, International Student Services, Learning Assistance, Educational Outreach Programs, Information Services, Arts Experience, Research and Special Learning Facilities, and Retention Services.
Academic Programs provides an overview of the university's curriculum in alphabetical order. Use this section to locate a specific academic major, minor, certificate, option, or concentration that interests you. Details about program faculty, course requirements, and program policies can be found in this section. College deans, department chairs, advisers, or faculty members listed in the various program descriptions will be pleased to answer any additional questions you may have about their programs.
Credential Programs included within the College of Education programs section, describes in detail the requirements and policies for completing the various credential programs offered by the university including the teaching credentials, the different school services credentials, and the specialist instruction credentials.
The Certificate Programs section outlines the types of certificate programs offered and the procedures for admission and completion of program requirements.
Course Descriptions contains information about each permanent course offered by the university. The information includes: number, title, units, prerequisites if any, method of instruction (lecture, activity, laboratory), and whether the course is repeatable. A course may not be repeated for credit unless it is specified in the course description. When a specific option of grading is mandated, the grading method will be identified.
The university Bulletin is intended to be as helpful as possible to those who use it. If you found any aspect of this publication difficult or confusing, I would appreciate your comments and welcome your suggestions. Please send written comments to the University Provost, Academic Affairs, ADM 455 , or via e-mail at
Dr. Sue V. Rosser
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
San Francisco State University