Index of Academic Programs
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Accountancy: Master’s Degree
Accounting: Bachelor’s Concentration, Minor
Adapted Physical Education Curriculum
Adult Education: Master’s Concentration
African Studies: Minor
Africana Studies: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor
American Indian Studies: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor
American Studies: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor
Anthropology: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Apparel Design and Merchandising: Bachelor’s Degree
Applied Mathematics: Bachelor’s Degree
Art: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Art Education: Bachelor’s Concentration
Art History: Bachelor’s Concentration
Art History and Studio Art: Bachelor’s Concentration
Asian American Studies: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Astronomy: Bachelor’s Concentration, Minor
Astrophysics: Bachelor’s Concentration
Athletic Coaching: Minor, Certificate
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences: Bachelor’s Degree
Autism Spectrum: Certificate
Biochemistry: Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Concentration
Biology, General: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor
Biomedical Science: Master’s Degree
Biotechnology: Certificate
Botany: Bachelor’s Concentration
Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts: Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree
Business Administration: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
California Studies: Minor
Cell and Molecular Biology: Bachelor’s Concentration, Master’s Concentration
Chemistry: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Child and Adolescent Development: Bachelor’s Degree
Chinese: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Cinema: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Cinema Studies: Master’s Degree
Civil Engineering: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor
Classics: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Clinical Laboratory Science: Certificate
Clinical Psychology: Master’s Concentration
Communication Studies: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Communicative Disorders: Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree
Comparative Literature: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Composition: Master’s Concentration
Computer Engineering: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor
Computer Science: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Computing for Life Science: Master’s Concentration
Conflict Resolution: Certificate
Conservation Biology: Master’s Concentration
Consumer and Family Sciences: see Family and Consumer Sciences
Cooperative Education: Certificate
Counseling: Minor, Master’s Degree
Counseling Deaf Persons: Certificate
Counseling Deafened and Hard of Hearing Persons: Certificate
Creative Writing: Bachelor’s Concentration, Master’s Concentration, Master’s Degree
Credential Programs, Teaching and Educational Services
Criminal Justice Studies: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor
Critical Social Thought: Minor
Dance: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor
Decision Sciences: Bachelor’s Concentration, Minor
Design and Industry: see Industrial Arts, Industrial Design, and Visual Communication Design
Design/Technical Production (Theatre Arts): Master’s Concentration
Developmental Psychology: Master’s Concentration
Dietetics: Bachelor’s Degree, Certificate
Digital Media Production: Certificate
Drama: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree [also see Theatre Arts]
Early Childhood: Bachelor’s Concentration
Early Childhood Education: Master’s Concentration
Early Childhood Special Education: Certificate
Earth Sciences: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor
Earth System Science: Bachelor’s Concentration
Ecology: Bachelor’s Concentration
Ecology and Systematic Biology: Master’s Concentration
Economics: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Education: Doctoral Degree
Education: Minor
Education, Special Interest Area: Master’s Concentration
Educational Administration: Master’s Concentration
Educational Leadership: Doctoral Degree
Educational Technology: see Instructional Technologies
Electrical Engineering: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor
Electronic Commerce Systems: Bachelor’s Concentration
Elementary Education: Master’s Concentration
Engineering: Master’s Degree (for undergraduate degrees, see civil, computer, electrical, or mechanical engineering)
English and American Literature: Minor
English: English Education: Bachelor’s Concentration
English, Individual Major: Bachelor’s Concentration
Entrepreneurial/Small Business Management: Bachelor’s Concentration, Minor
Environmental Studies: Bachelor’s Degree
Environmental Sustainability and Social Justice: Bachelor’s Concentration
Equity and Social Justice in Education: Master’s Concentration
Ethnic Studies: Master’s Degree
European Studies: Minor
Executive Master of Business Administration: Master’s Degree
Exercise and Movement Sciences: Bachelor’s Concentration
Exercise Physiology: Master’s Concentration
Family and Consumer Sciences: Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree
Family Nurse Practitioner: Master’s Concentration, Certificate
Finance: Bachelor’s Concentration, Minor
Foreign Languages and Literatures: see individual languages
French: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Genetic Engineering: Certificate
Geographic Information Science: Master’s Degree
Geography & Human Environmental Studies: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Geology: Bachelor’s Degree
Geosciences: Master’s Degree
German: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Gerontology: Master’s Degree
Global Peace, Human Rights, and Justice Studies: Minor
Guide Dog Mobility: Certificate
Health Education: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor
History: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
History Honors: Bachelor’s Concentration
Holistic Health: Minor, Certificate
Home Economics: see Family and Consumer Sciences
Hospitality and Tourism Management: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Certificate
Human Sexuality Studies: Minor, Master’s degree
Humanities: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Humanities and the Environment: Bachelor’s Concentration
Immigrant Literacies: Certificate
Industrial Arts: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Industrial Design: Bachelor’s Degree
Industrial/Organizational Psychology: Master’s Concentration
Industrial Technology: Bachelor’s Concentration
Information Systems: Bachelor’s Concentration, Minor
Information Technology Auditing: Certificate
Instructional Technologies: Master’s Concentration
Interdisciplinary Studies (Graduate) Master’s Degree
Interior Design: Bachelor’s Degree
International Business: Bachelor’s Concentration, Minor, Certificate
International Relations: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Italian: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Japanese: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Jewish Studies: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor
Journalism: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor (see Print and On-line Journalism, and Photojournalism)
Kinesiology: Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree
Labor and Employment Studies: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor
Language and Literacy Education: Master’s Concentration
Latin American Studies: Minor
Latina/Latino Studies: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies: Minor
Liberal Studies: Bachelor’s Degree
Linguistics: Bachelor’s Concentration, Minor, Master’s Concentration
Literature: Bachelor’s Concentration, Master’s Concentration
Management: Bachelor’s Concentration, Minor
Marine Biology: Master’s Concentration
Marine Biology and Limnology: Bachelor’s Concentration
Marine Science: Master’s Degree
Marketing: Bachelor’s Concentration, Minor
Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling: Master’s Concentration
Mathematics: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Mathematics Education (elementary): Master’s Concentration
Mathematics Education (secondary): Master’s Concentration
Mathematics for Advanced Study: Bachelor’s Concentration
Mathematics for Liberal Arts: Bachelor’s Concentration
Mathematics for Teaching: Bachelor’s Concentration
Mechanical Engineering: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor
Medical Technology: see Clinical Laboratory Science or Biomedical Science
Meteorology: Bachelor’s Concentration
Microbiology: Bachelor’s Concentration, Master’s Concentration
Middle East and Islamic Studies: Minor
Modern Greek Studies: Minor
Movement Science: Master’s Concentration
Museum Studies: Master’s Degree
Music: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Music/Recording Industry: Certificate
Natural Resource Management and Conservation: Bachelor’s Concentration
Nursing: Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree
Oceanography: Bachelor’s Concentration
Pacific Asian Studies: Minor
Paralegal Studies: Certificate
Philosophy: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Philosophy and Religion: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor
Photojournalism: Bachelor’s Concentration
Physical Activity: Social Scientific Perspectives: Master’s Concentration
Physical Education: Bachelor’s Concentration
Physical Therapy: Doctoral Degree
Physics: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Physiology: Bachelor’s Concentration
Physiology and Behavioral Biology: Master’s Concentration
Policy Advocacy and Systems: Bachelor’s Concentration
Political Science: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Pre-health Professions: Certificate
Pre-physical Therapy Curriculum
Print and On-line Journalism: Bachelor’s Concentration
Product Design and Development: Bachelor’s Concentration
Professional Practice of Internal Auditing: Certificate
Psychological Research: Master’s Concentration
Psychology: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Public Accountancy, Study of: Certificate
Public Administration: Master’s Degree
Public Health: Master’s Degree
Race and Resistance Studies: Minor
Reading: Certificate
Recreation: Minor, Master’s Degree
Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Administration: Bachelor’s Degree
Rehabilitation Counseling: Certificate, Master’s Concentration
Religious Studies: Minor
Resource Management and Environmental Planning: Master’s Concentration
Russian: Minor
School Age Child and Family: Bachelor’s Concentration
School Psychology: Master’s Concentration
Secondary Education: Master’s Concentration
Sexuality Studies: Minor, Master’s Degree
Social Psychology: Master’s Concentration
Social Science, Interdisciplinary Studies: Minor
Social Work: Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree
Sociology: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor
Software Engineering: Master’s Concentration
South Asian Studies: Minor
Spanish: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Spanish-English Interpretation: Certificate
Special Education: Minor, Master’s Degree, Doctoral Concentration
Special Major: Bachelor’s Degree
Statistics: Bachelor’s Degree
Studio Art: Bachelor’s Concentration
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages: Master’s Concentration
Teaching of Composition: Certificate
Teaching Post-secondary Reading: Certificate
Technical and Professional Writing: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Certificate
Theatre Arts: Master’s Degree [also see Drama]
Training Systems Development: Certificate
Urban Environment: Bachelor’s Concentration
Urban Studies and Planning: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor
Visual Communication Design: Bachelor’s Degree
Weather Study: Certificate
Women and Gender Studies: Bachelor’s Degree, Minor, Master’s Degree
Women’s Health Issues: Minor
World Development Studies: Minor
World Music and Dance: Minor
Youth Work and Out of School Time: Bachelor’s Concentration
Youth and Human Services Non-profit Agency Administration: Certificate
Zoology: Bachelor’s Concentration